Thank you for choosing me

"What will happen when we officially start filming for the movie?" They shuddered at the thought of doing overtime shooting and filming.

"We probably won't have that right?" The girl asked with doubts as she remembered what the assistant director had said.

She hoped it was just her delusion and nothing more.

Lucia just looked at Natalia who was clutching the script with her one hand while her other hand was hanging from her neck.

Clearly she seemed to be having hard time getting up. Lucia had the urge to just leave her there and walk away but decided to go against her desire and help her anyway.

Although it had just been act, Natalia did lend her a hand before in het past life.

She snatched the script from her hand and helped her up from the chair.

".....", Natalia was surprised when the script was taken from her hand.

"I will take this for you."