Everyone have their own secrets!

"....", This guy is way to observative. Lucia almost choked on her water that she was about to swallow.

"Are you okay?" Ash stood up from his chair and tried to walk towards Lucia.

"Cough cough...Stay there.." Lucia wiped her mouth and signaled him to stay there. She was wondering if this guy could actually see things.

"I am fine...just a little bit startled.." Lucia came up with an excuse.

"Then what about you?" Lucia decided to swiftly change the direction of conversation.

"What what about me?" Ash gave her a questioning look. He had not expected to be the one who was going to be questioned.

"You haven't told me about yourself." Lucia was curious about this blonde guy who appeared out of nowhere in her life.

"Ahh..about me?" Ash was a little hesitant to answer.

"I am just an average person." He replied nonchalantly.

"And.....what more?" Lucia was not buying only that much about him.