Side Story(1) Lucia In Another world

(This is just a bonus chapter on what could have happened if Lucia had transmigrated instead of being reborn.)

  "Hey, wake up." A kick landed on her stomach. It was painful as hell. Lucy opened her eyes. She felt as if she had been sleeping for ages. That kick was a wakeup call from her long slumber.

Lucy scrunched her nose when a strong smell of liquor entered her nose. It was nauseating.

Before she could be sober and realize what was happening another crisp slap landed on her face. Her head buzzed. She could feel that her cheeks were swollen.

"Hiss...." Lucy instinctively protected her face.

"This unlucky brat can only suck up and drain my money and work." A hoarse and drunk male voice sounded. Realizing it was being directed at her Lucy retorted back, "Who the hell are you calling brat you fat old geezer."