Another Unexpected turn of event

He became silent as he tried to hear the small sound coming form with in the wardrobe.

With a swift motion of his hand, he placed away the clothes at the bottom of the rack and tried to catch whatever there was red handed.


There was  a small squeaking sound and before he could realize that it was a mouse, it ran away from there at full speed.

"What in the world…."

He could only let out a small groan of surprise when he realized it was a mouse that was running havoc in his ward robe.

            "....", He really needed to start taking care of his house as well. It was getting left out like an old and abandoned bride considering how he had never spent a day here properly. 

After searching through the wardrobes for who knows how long, he finally  found his long forgotten night robe.

After dusting it off for a while, he put it on and decided to retire for the day.