lets get you out of here

Liam was a man of big and athletic built so it did not take him a long time to reach to the central park, considering his long legs, he was almost flying on the ground.

By the moment he got there, the whole of the premises of the central park had been surrounded by polices and yellow tapes that said entry was forbidden.

A crowd also had gathered outside the park while looking confuse and terrified at the same time. Liam was a little out of breathe when he reached the place and the first thing he did was search for Lucia.

He looked around like a mad man, searching for the small figure with a small side bag, but there was no any sign of anyone  that matched his description..

'There she is..' Liam rushed out and grabbed a girl by her shoulder.

"Luc…" He called out with a relived tone when he saw her but immediately  stopped in middle of his statement.