Your elder Brother

Lucia was startled when Lima looked at her with those eyes but she knew better than anyone else to not come to conclusion this early.

"You sound like a really good big brother." Lucia cleared her throat and spoke with a smile.

Liam had not expected her to compliment him. He thought she would have either showered him with questions or she would reprimand him for not doing the job properly.

But it was neither and the thing she said made him feel a lot guiltier than  before.

Liam looked down and stared at the floor as if collecting his thoughts to speak the next phrase. He took a long breathe and raised up his face to look at Lucia.

"You know…I might have been a good big brother like you said but sadly it's a big no no." Liam shook his head in distress.

"I kind of failed her." Liam balled his fingers in to a tight fist and gnashed his teeth as he tried to control the pain and regret he was feeling at that moment.