It's My Own Story

"Be honest with me girl. This story, is it yours?" Veronica leaned in towards Lucia and asked, her eyes staring straight at Lucia's eyes.

Lucia was dumbfounded when she was asked this question out of nowhere. She was even more taken aback when she was asked a question like that.

Seeing her staying silent, Veronica's doubt grew even stronger than ever. She thought that the girl was telling the story to her to get idea about things…

"Spill it, little girl. I have found out about it." Veronica approached Lucia at even closer range and asked, her face right on her face.

"Err.." Lucia was in state of inner panic as she looked at the zoomed in face and the interrogating questions. She had no idea how in the world, the girl she met for the first time ever knew that what she was telling was her own story.