Discord between them

Roy sensed that someone was looking at him and unconsciously looked around. After realizing that it was Lucia who was looking at him, his frown turned in to a flattering smile.

'Is she looking at me?' Roy who was feeling that his head was about to burst out at this point felt he was at clock nine when he saw the piercing gaze of Lucia which was directed towards him.

[Just a few minutes ago]

"Roy where have you been all this time?" Just as he had entered the resting room for the actors, Anne shouted at him at the top of her lungs as if he was a deaf man. He could hear her fine even if she just spoke to him in a small voice.

"What is it? Are you trying to blow off my ear with your shouting?" He looked t her with eyes full of pain. The pain was of course, the only reflection of the physical pain he was feeling ta this point.

He was too much stone hearted to be pained by something so simple as being scolded by his lover in middle of work.