
"Get out of the car." Liam looked at Jake who was cooped up in the passenger .

It was still raining and because of the drop in temperature, it was no wonder he would feel cold. Good thing he had brought another jacket with him otherwise, he would have frozen in the cold.

Also, the gas in the car was enough to turn on the heat of the car.

Still, Liam was shocked at the fact that he was still feeling cold and had to cuddle up alone to feel warm.

Jake heard him call hi name and looked outside.

"Oh, we have already arrived?" he looked outside of the window and saw the familiar gate of the loan shark office.

It was the regular and normal gate made up of tin but seeing that once again brought warmth in his heart.

He took off his seat belt and opened the door of the car.

Just when he was about to walk out of the car, Liam once again called his name.