Anne makes her move

"This is it," the man in a cap and hoodie took a deep breath as he looked at the set of the movie. It was an unventured territory and here he was doing his best to get as many shots as he could for the sake of the netizens out there who were waiting to get even a small news regarding the movie and of course the actors.

He was dressed as a pizza delivery boy and given his youthful temperament, the disguise was perfect with not even a small place for anyone to doubt that he was a paparazzi.

He tried not to attract attention from the other people as that would mean high chance of his cover being blown away. He could not afford the luxury of being found out when he had finally gotten the chance to walk inside.

So, carrying a pizza box that contained a few pizzas on the top, he walked as silently as possible towards the set.

Everyone was on break so no one doubted him when he came walking in with the food.