Premiere (1)

The atmosphere inside the main office of the ST agency was filled with tension and inexplicable aura of stress as the people stood there in silence.

The expression on everyone's face was solemn as they sat cross faced with signs of depressing line hanging from their head.

The old director Chen, the two main leads, Jack and Lucia were inside the office, talking the total count of the people inside the room to exactly 5.

"This is a serious case," the old director was the first one to speak out with a tensed voice. His already old and wrinkled face had more distinct lines of worry on his forehead. A dark circle was surrounding his eyes, making him look thinner than he already was.

Despite looking so weak and frail, he tried his best to maintain his composure and confidence. As the elder among all the new saplings, it was only fair for him to man up and show them the way.