Something suspicipous

(This chapter needs to be edited XD)

After Sam had his say at the audieneces, it was turn for the introduction f the other new actors and actresses. The diecyor made sure to introduce everyone in the same manner but his attitude towards the bets and the others cooudl be clray seen in his actions.

Finally, kit was time for what tey had been waiting for. The girl who was with Ryan the whole time finally stood up from her seat and wnet to where the forector was.

Upon seeing her, the direvctor smiled at her encourgainly.

"We also had another Diana,ned in rough in thie jjourney with us," he sia din the mike as loudly as he could.

"And here we have our newest rookie of the movie." He exclaimed as of eh was yalkig abput his own daughter as he ahdned then mike to Lucia.