Jealousy in air?! But Why?!

Unaware of the glance she was getting, Lucia walked right beside Ryan as she was lost in her thoughts. She had not a single idea as to what was going on in the head of the spectators around and she did not care at the moment.

After all, the suspicion regarding the incident had been solved as the people were shown the thing they were wanting to know. Believing or not believing it was simply their choice. Well, it was their loss if they did not choose to believe.

The after party banquet was held in a massive hall that had could accommodate more than thousands of people. Aroma of the food kept on wafting in the air from all side. The audience who had just enjoyed a really beautiful movie were more than happy to find such a lavish dinner waiting for them. It was a rare event for even the common audiences to be invited to the after party.