Memories Of The Last Night!

She always knew that he was damn hot and sexy but knowing it and seeing it were two different things. And well, nothing could beat seeing something that close.

Never in her life had she even thought about being able to come face to face with that chocolaty abs that was able to drive thousands of his fan girls crazy.

Yet, here she was, ogling them free of cost!

Ryan saw the lewd expression and glint in her eyes and immediately knew what she was doing. He felt like he was being molested in daylight with just her eyes.

"Cough," he coughed out loudly to get her attention back at him and not on his abs. Lucia heard him clear his throat. She raised her head to look at him and smiled with  a

"You," he paused to speak but was short of words as to what to ay to the girl. After all, he was the one who came running naked inside the room. He could not even blame her for anything.