2 "accomplishment"

Chapter 2

Author: 1NightMc.

after a week of doing daily quest, Y/n collected 50 points, Y/n was planing on how the distribution of the Point's will go.

Y/n decided to put 20 points to intelligence, 10 to luck,5 to system, 10 to Y/n's level, and 5 to dash


system level: 2


host level: 1

exp: 0/10

remaining points: 0


luck: 10 [exp: 0/2]

intelligence: 87 IQ [exp: 0/2 ]


dash: 3


Lifting: 3


After that,Y/n goes to her house while smiling, like a kid getting a new toy.

There her parent see him smiling,looks like our son is having another beautiful Day said Henry the father

Ayla(mother): Yeah your right after that night, when I beat you he started to smile, maybe all i have to do is punch you so he will keep on smiling.

After that Y/n read some manga, there he see a martial arts genre manga, he was intrigue By it, there moves are so suzushi(cool)

after a while,Y/n finally finished reading, he was so interested in martial arts that he want to try it so he decided to search for an martial arts School where he can enrol

I now have a system if I learn martial art I can learn it quickly that anyone, I'll be a martial arts genius!!.

That day he talk to his mother that he's gonna enter a martial arts academy, since Y/n was still at young age,(21 yrs old) her parents agreed

now interested in martial arts?, you was such a free spirited man,If I was you I would just go grab some babes,you know, i still vividly remember when your mother beg for me to marry him, lol that was such a funny moment

My father laugh, he was beaten again by my mother

Well nevermind, now that Y/n has her parents approval,he can go to a martial Arts school, but there is a problem he need to find money,"if I don't have money I can already give up going to martial arts school"said Y/n with a worried expression

Y/n decided to relax a bit and sleep the night in his grumpy bed

At the morning...

Ting... Y/n was woke up by the sound inside of his head, Y/n was a bit angry being woken up in such a nice dream

In his dream he was wealthy, he was having fun there until a large system emoji suddenly

Pop out of nowhere,waking him up.

The daily quest has been ready

(Run 10 km <0/10>) +5 points

(Lift 100 km <0/100>) +5 points

(Push up 100 <0/100>) + 5 points

[New] (Do 100 sit ups <0/100>) +5 points

(Finish all the Quests <0/5) + 5 points

[New] •monthly quest's

Learn one martial art's skill

- duration: 30 days

Reward : ?

Punishment: ?

Y/n was surprised, there is a new quest

It was 100 sits up but Y/n was more curious about the newly monthly quest,it was for Y/n to learn at least one martial arts skill for a month.

there was even secret reward but if failed there will be a secret punishment.

Y/n was excited since he knew all reward that is secret from the system are OP, Y/n must really not fail this new quest since a secret punishment from the system in the novels is really brutal, like being chase by a hundred of giant centipede's,even in that chapter the main character in the novel is still in trauma,having his friends die in a dungeon boss, "life was harsh"

Y/n went up early in the morning and started running,after a while a hour of so, her unluckyness kick, he bump into a buff uncle the uncle has such strong eyes like he's ready to beat up Y/n.

uncle: hey careful next time not to bump in people especially when he was buff like me

your lucky I'm in good mood today.

o-okay sorry for that, y/n slip his tongue,

at least the uncle was friendly and not a some buff man like in a Novel killing all the people who just bumped at him,damn Y/n feels a strong Deja Vu there,

Y/n continues his training

After some time a hour or so Y/n finally finished one of her quest


(Run 10 km <10/10>) was finished

Host acquired +5 points

Y/n then proceed to the next quest which is

Lifting 100 kg,after a while he finished his second quest,Y/n then go next,,,,next,,,,,, next


After a hour or two or three or tree

all of the quest was done,Y/n collected 25 points,half of the points he collected in the past week,even the quest was harder that the past week

Ting... a sound appear out of nowhere

System: congratulations host, you where able to accomplish all the upgraded quest,here's the reward +30 points.

Y/n was dumbfounded and decided to check out her stats to put some points.

Y/n put 15 points to dash making it level 4

,10 to intelligence,5 to luck,10 to host level

And 10 to system level

"add 15 points to dash"

"add 10 points to intelligence"

"add 5 points to luck"

"add 10 points to host level"

and "add 10 points to system level"

ting.... adding points was successful


system level: 4


host level: 2

exp: 0/15

remaining points: 5


luck: 15 [exp: 0/2]

intelligence: 97 IQ [exp: 0/2 ]


dash: 4


Lifting: 3


Ting..... A sound appear again

Congratulations host for leveling up

Reward -- +10 points

Y/n was surprised by it,now that he leveled up he put 5 points to system and 10 points to her self


system level: 5


host level: 2

exp: 10/15

Ting... System has reached certain level...

New system program has been added

[New option] shop has been added

[New] "system coin"has been added

Ting.... As a gift of accomplishment here's 10,000 system coins

System coin can be acquired through new points and coins trade option,you can exchange points to coins, 1 point is equivalent to 5 system coins

Host can buy things in the system shop..

Y/n was lost of words...