Adrienne's POV

I was busy in the classroom busy on my phone texting my life away on WhatsApp as my friends or otherwise as I call them "My dolls," got busy i their conversation.Don't ask me why isn't the name self explanatory already people... Ugh and am not being a bitch its just that today since I woke up with an argument with my mom.


"But mom you just can't force me to stay here alone with stupid maids while you and dad travel the world like your never settled," I shouted at my mother as she glared at me.

The next thing that I felt was a slap on my cheek as a tear rolled down my cheek."Am your mother Adri and whether you like it or not am going to go on this trip because I didn't choose this life I was born in it,"she moved closer to me as she wiped the tear on my cheek,"I love you so much my girl and so does your father but just give us time to work this out and make it up to you."

She kissed my cheek and left the house to embark on her journey leaving me as lonely as the guest room in our mansion for it has never been used( since i remember that is but before then am clueless.)

How long I sat there like that I have no idea but the cough from our house maid pulled me back into reality."Excuse me miss Adrienne but your almost late for school and....." However she never got to finish what she wanted to say as I banged my feet against the table."Fuck away Maria I don't need you acting like your my mom get a mutt of your own bitch."I yelled at her before rushing out and getting into my can a black mustang ...actually my baby and started driving.

Suddenly i heard my phone vibrate and checked what was up only to see a text from Amina my best friend amongst my other three queen bees.

Amina :Fuck where are you baby??? :-[

Me:Am on my way bitch stop fucking yourself

Amina :No problems problem baby am all wet for you ;-)

Me:good love your kitties bye

I couldn't help but smile at her texts sometimes for one would think that am actually girl but hellllll bisexual but I think sadly I like the cat more than the cock.

End of flashback

Suddenly the door opened up to a small blonde girl with a nerdy look and I immediately smiled to myself at the sight of Mara or as I like to call her Ugnerd.Not that she's really ugly on the contrary she is just stunning even though she has no sense of fashion or I as I think her face that has no experience with make up actually adds to her spark of blue oceanic eyes that never fail to drow me.

As she made her way to the back seats where she usually sat alone without anyone near her.....I just could resist the urge to pull out my leg and trip her making her fall with her fall with a thud as her books got on the floor.

The whole class erupted with laughter as she hurriedly got up and picked her books going to sit at the back.Although she didn't look up I could tell she was crying how you may ask well I saw a tear fall onto her locker almost making me feel pity but my cold heart soon resurfaced and I shrugged it off with a rude comment"Hey ugnerd stop crying ugly peeps like you never get attention so don't even try!!!!"

By now I guess your wondering who the fuck I am,,,,,well I'm Adrienne Delarosa .A girl with brown hair that reaches my shoulder with green forest eyes that help with my bitch mask during my bullying rampage especially on Ugnerd who I can't help it because she always has a smile on her face even after all the bullying she goes through and her loneliness or maybe to her its serenity.

Am also very curvy with enough meat in all the right places in short am sexy and actually the sexiest girl in the while school. However Mara scared that for I no matter what I found her beauty innocent and pure....and that's why I hated her she was just cute...wait did I say cute hell no.....

I meant she looks good and if she tried she would easily take me down for as I said no torment removed her smile for a whole day while I wallowed in pain behind my mask ,,just the more making me torment her.