The room that the girls were given turned out to be a pretty decent one. Given the triple decker at the far corner of the room , the bathroom excluding the toilets which were all outside the rooms and were meant to be shared. Adrienne was the first to take the bottom bed well because what do you expect she is the girly girl type that never pressures herself.

Mara then decided to take the top bed  because she liked the freedom and feeling of being able to gaze at the same place for a long time. It was a way she used to relax her mind and forget about all the insecurities on her life. So that finally left Bianca the middle bed which was what she had wanted the whole time as it gave her the advantage to be able to make small talk with the obsessiving beautiful girls she had in the room with her.

All her life Bianca had been sure of her sexuality. Right from the diapers she knew she was into girls and never once hid it. Her parents were rich and busy people but they always made sure to be there for her whenever she needed them.

So when they realized that their daughter was homosexual they supported her. Actually her parents had wanted a son so that they could get another girl into the family to spread out the opportunity to other families to enjoy the massive wealth. So now you can understand how happy they were that their hopes weren't completely lost due to the fact that Bianca was gay.

The only problem was that Bianca was a good play girl she just didn't want to be committed to one person and that worried them greatly.

The silence in the room was becoming unbearable so Mara decided to go out for a while to look around the Camp. As she excused herself she saw that they were staring at her while looking down towards her..... As she followed their gaze she realized that her dress was raised so it showed off her brown lucious and attractive thighs.

Running out the door she shouted at them as she closed the door. "Perverts!!!!"

So the camp turned out to be quite massive and the serene was just beautiful that she looked for a place and sat under  a tree to look at the setting sun and admire it's beauty.

She was so mesmerized that she didn't hear the footsteps behind her as someone came towards her and rested their backs on a tree close to her.

"Beautiful isn't it??"  Was the sound that startled her and made her look back. And that was when her eyes saw him. A boy with long blonde hair with brown eyes that screamed of mystery and charms.

The boy was indeed quite good looking that Mara found herself trailing her eyes as she moved across his form taking in every feature of his. "You know my eyes are up here right?" He said as a smirk was visible on his face making her realize he was the usual cocky guys who she knew.

"I know. Looking isn't a crime right?" She said as a counter back and looked back towards the sunset expecting the guy to give himself a purpose and leave her be. The guy however moved closer and sat next to her quietly. They stayed like that for five minutes then the boy once again decided to break the silence.

"You aren't the talkative type are you?" He said with a hint mischief in his voice.

"You tell me since you already guessed that already  Romeo."

Feigning surprise he gasped and said, "How did you know my name is Romeo!!!"

"What are you serious...!!"

Laughing at her in a husky voice he moved his mouth closer to her ear and said it slowly letting his breath tickle her.

"No. It's Rome though."

"Rome, what are you Italian?"

"Nope am just surprised why such a beauty as yourself is outside here all alone?"

Huffing she stood up and was going to leave when he asked her in the most clever way he could.

"Guess I'll see you then Juliet?"

"Hahaha tough luck Romeo.....and my name's Mara."

"Glad to meet a beauty like you then."

Ignoring his last comment she walked towards the camp and when she was in the room again she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. She didn't see Bianca who was staring at her and was practically jealous when she saw the blush visible on the blondes face.

"Why are you blushing?"

"What???" She asked as she covered her cheeks in an attempt to hide the blush she didn't know she had.

"I asked why are you blushing?"  Bianca said as she moved closer to Mara that finally she had her trapped between the door and herself. She placed both hands on both sides of her and brought her face closer. "I thought you already knew what the rules were when Adrienne said you couldn't kiss anyone without permission."

With Bianca so close Mara tried to look away and that's when she looked straight into the green forest eyes that she had been crushing on for years. But this time they weren't masked with a cold face and false terror instead they held longing and jealousy. This made her blush more that when Bianca grabbed her chin and made her look back towards her she gasped with pleasure at how rough the head was being.

"Do you know what happens when you don't obey the rules?"

"But for Christ sake Anca  I didn't kiss anybody?"

She soon realized that answering back was a mistake when Bianca growled at her and clasped a chunk of her ass making Mara moan. "Never answer me back without permission?"

"Okay am sorry..."

Bianca smiled with pleasure when she heard the submission in Mara's voice and she decided that today she was going to make the blonde beg them to kiss her. Slowly she realeased her and walked towards the beds with a sway to the hips that made her ass shake that would have made any boy drool enough to make a puddle of drool.