The sound of droplets of water on the floor was the only thing that could be heard outside  the . But inside the cabin was also the sound  of a beautiful  voice  singing as a blonde beauty slowly washed her body. Hickeys  were visible  all over her body and as she traced her fingers all over them she cannot  but help smile.

The feeling of tongues  and the hands that had been all over her the previous  night was still memorable  on her skin. She was still surprised  that she had  two beautiful  women who were so much attracted  to her. As she now walked out the bathroom  she was surprised  to see a small piece if paper  on the bed. " We are getting  you breakfast baby," were the words written  on the paper and as she read the words baby she could not stop herself  from squealing  with joy.

She was so happy that they could  call her baby since it gave her hope that she was not just a fling to them. She knew Bianca was a walking ball of sexual energy that could have even five girls  in one night if she had any need to do so.

Deciding to put some effort into her dressing she decided to wear a tank top and a pair of shorts that emphasized  her hips and even added a touch of makeup  something  that she was never  keen on before though the clothes were not considered fashionable at all they served their purpose. When she walked out the cabin Mara was surprised  to also see Rome  walking  by and smiled  as she called him.

At the sound of his name Rome stopped  and without  even looking  back answered with a husky voice with  a hint of flirtiness in his voice. "I wonder  how the real fair Juliet actually sounded if you already sound so lovely."

Dismissing everthing he was saying Mara walked up close to him as they walked towards the cafeteria  together." Its such  a beautiful  day too bad its not how all of us feel on the inside."


The cafeteria was full of many teenagers who were all either chatting about something that happened at school or just talking for the sake. It was in this throng of people that Bianca was seated as she held two seats, one for Mara and the other for Adrienne who was in line to pick up their food for them. How long she had been day dreaming she was unsure but when somebody sank in to one of the seats which she was holding onto did she get back to reality.

" Hey, am Samantha." Was what she heard when she turned her head towards the person and she was met with a pair of brown eyes and a pretty face that had a lot of makeup probably to help better the latter's looks that she had to admit she was working.

"My name's Bianca . It's a pleasure to meet you."  She said as she stretched out her hand to the her. Bianca could easily sense that the girl was immediately trying to flirt with her and since the others were not here yet what was the harm in having some fun. The feeling she had when she could always be able to capture women and men alike always gave her great pleasure because that was all she had with the lifestyle that she had at home due to her parents always being on the move due to their modelling and acting careers.

She was surprised however that she no longer felt the urge to pull the girl in to the woods and have her way with her. It proved to her that she really indeed whipped by Mara and Adrienne. As Samantha ranted on and on, Bianca wondered what she would have been doing now had she not decided to seduce the nerdy Mara just for the sake of trying to make Adrienne who was the queen bee insecure.

She now realized that now all those motives were now nothing as her body had backfired against her. She had been surprised the first time at how good and natural it felt to have Mara in her arms and the look in Adrienne's face as she eyed her with pure jealousy and hatred had turned her on that she wondered how the Raven haired girl was like in bed. Probably feisty and also very dominant probably but that just drove her imagination even more wild as she pictured the blonde between them as they devoured her and that alone was enough for her to make her mind change instantly in a blink of an eye.

She suddenly felt the touch of a hand on her thigh that she looked at Samantha and saw the girls desire in her eyes that had things been different she would have gladly taken care of but for now she could pity her and let her just be content with the touch as she Bianca admitted the words that she was sure would have made people at her old school even faint liked someone well in her case was it some people actually.

As that went on Adrienne on her part was also talking quite animatedly with another guy from the other school. Was it another time when she had not now been in a good mood after such a pleasurable night she would probably have abused him and told him to just get out of her sight. But surprisingly she was in a good mood and did not mind the company well at least till she was able to get the food before going to the others.

As the conversation started to get a bit flirty from the guy who had yet to reveal his name but from the looks on his face. She was sure of one thing it was Arabic. She just wanted to tell him off but fear of what he would think of her made her just made her humor him just by listening to him and pretend that she will think about it. As they got their meals he called to her and said "The names Muhammad by the way." Smiling she giggled and said "Adrienne."