"Thomas wanted to be an artist and Carina wanted to be a scholar . They used to understand each other so well , it was almost...envious . Carina was always like this . Stubborn , hot headed . But Thomas was the total opposite . He was calm and kind to every one . Only Thomas could tame Carina's anger . But there was one problem ." Nathan nodded to show that he was still listening . "Thomas always obeyed Sophia , Carina's mother . She used him like a doll . And Carina hated her . One day , when Sophia found out that they were in love , she and Carina had a huge fight ." Anna's words were getting slurry because of the alcohol . Nathan urged her to tell the rest . "And Carina asked Thomas to choose between her and Sophia . Thomas couldn't make a decision . So they..."
After hearing the next words , Nathan was more than satisfied . He had always been this way . 'The Master Of Trickery' his friends would call him . Now that he knew everything , it was going to profit him in every possible way . When Lyanna would talk about dividing the property , he would use this against Thomas and Carina . She would probably banish them . And all the property will go to Nathan Belle . He chuckled darkly as he left the chamber with a passed out Anna in it .