"I'm sorry little girl but it's not your decision to make" Okay, now Strucker was making her mad again. She heard the beep of the door and the tears started again.
"Good morning soldier"
"Who is this?" Listening to him not know her hurt too damn much.
"Buck you have to remember me" She choked on the words.
"I don't know you!" She had always loved his deep voice but it wasn't soothing anymore.
She didn't think it was possible.
"Enough chit chat. Sergeant Barnes is going to be showing you the procedure you will be going through." As Bucky sat in the chair she could see him panicking. Something was up.
"Are you ready soldier?"
"Screw you." She felt a knife against her hands and never felt more relieved. That was her brothers voice.
"I got you little sis." Her brothers voice made her feel like that little girl she used to be. But that little girl is gone now, she didn't have powers as a little girl. She had responsibility now. She was getting out of here. By the time she had processed everything she had a gun in her hand and Buck had taken out Strucker.
"Are you coming or what?" She ran and jumped in his arms.
"I didn't think you would remember me."
"Of course I remembered you. How could I forget a girl like you?" She knew he didn't mean it in a romantic way. No matter how much she wished he did, he only saw her as a little sister.
"What about your big bro?" Steve always joked in stressful situations. She jumped off Bucky and squeezed her brother until he tapped out.
"We need to get out of here." Those were the first words she could say after she felt like she could breath again.
"Nat cleared the building with Clint and Bruce took care of the perimeter. Tony has the jet out back." She never wanted to hear Steve's leadership more. He handed Buck earpieces and he gave her one.
"I always have hated these things."
"You hate everything." Buck was wrong. She didn't hate him, but he couldn't find out this way.
"Jordyn!" Steve was in her face, she spaced out.
"Sorry, let's do this." They walked out of the room and she immediately ran over to Nat.
"Hey kiddo, missed you too" Nat never let her gaurd down on missions. She really knew she messed up when Buck cried and Nat let her guard down. But she was safe now.
"The jets gonna run out of fuel if you guys keep up with the sap fest."
"You know you missed us Tony."
"Yeah, yeah. Just get in here, we have people for you to meet."