The Clans Agree (1)

The utter confusion, surprise, and disbelief in Lord Yotsura's voice nearly caused Aether to break into a fit of laughter. He barely kept a straight face as Iris' expression only darkened.

Lord Yotsura's gaze remained fixed on her, almost as if he was demanding an answer. A heavy, almost disturbing silence set in as Iris refused to elaborate. A few moments later, Lord Yotsura nodded. "I thought so," He turned his gaze to Aether. "Do you believe what this Herald claimed? About the Council and the fairy?"

As much as he wanted to immediately refuse, Aether found himself hesitating. "I-"

"You're not sure," Lord Yotsura stated. Aether nodded, and the Lord continued. "I assumed as much." He said with a stern look on his face. "We shall discuss this at a later time. Go and get some rest, we have much work to do tomorrow."