Chapter 1 my first day of school

My uncle Kodyack told me that story. I always asked him who Shirak was although he never told me. He always said that I was too young to know. He is kind of right. I was only 6 after all. 

My alarm went off at 6am. 

"Skylar Ridian Crop, get down here or you'll be late for school!" 

I jumped out of bed and got into my uniform. I grabbed my backpack and raced outside as I raced downstairs. He looked at me . 

"Go get in the truck, I'm taking you to school today." 

I ran outside and got in the truck. He walked outside as walked up to the truck and got in.. He started it as he looked at me. 

"Please don't tell anyone about your dad." 

"Uncle Kody, what do you mean?" 

"I mean, don't tell them that he's the famous singer, Alex Crop." 


"Just don't." 


"Don't argue. You'll already enough of a freak because of your height." 

"I'm not that tall." 

"I'm not arguing with you." 

We pulled up onto the highway as Kodyack turned on the radio. 

"Bloodbringer Brian Henderson started his second term two years ago. He keeps going on and on about people called Cithians." 

"Uncle, what's a cithian?" 

"Don't you remember the story I told you?" 

"Yes. They're the people who were banished by the english." 

"Good. You pay attention. But I have more to tell you." 

"You come from a whole line of cithians even though you are a mix between a Hiton and A cithian because your dad fell in love with an alien." 

"So I'm a mixed cithian then?" 

"Yes. One of the first in fact. So you have a lot to prove. But, keep listening to the radio." 

The speaker on the radio paused for a second

"Who are these cithians he's talking about? Not one Hiton knows what he's talking about." 

I looked at my uncle. 

"Why doesn't anyone know about the cithians?" 

"Because their memories were wiped by the Sayis Council." 

"Who are they?" 

"That's why you're going to Haystead Academy for the mixed and unmixed cithians. You'll learn all you need to know about the Sayis' and their history on Earth which we call Cither there." 

"We pulled up to the school. We got out of the truck and walked in. Unkie Kody looked at me. 

"Hold my hand.' 

I grasped his hand and we walked into the Headmaster's office." 

I saw a woman in a purple dress with roses on it as she looked at me.

"This must be the boy you were talking about, Mister Blues." 

"He is. His name is Skylar." 

"Well he sure is tall for his age." 

"Well, sit down and we'll go over his enrollment then." 

"Can we do this in private? He's special needs." 

"What do you  mean?" 

"He's on the spectrum." 

"You mean he's autistic?' 


"Oh. Sure, just let him into the playroom and we'll do it in private then." 

I walked into the playroom and saw a little brunette girl.

"Are you Alex Crop's son?" 

"Why'd you say that?" 

"You just look a lot like him" 

"Yes I am." 

"But, please don't tell anyone my Unkie told me not to say." 

"You sure are talkative for being autistic."

"Wait, you know?" 

"Yes. I have ears. I overheard them talking about you before." 

I rolled my eyes and stared at her, 

"My name is Skyrid. Yours?" 

"Rachael Bell and I thought you were Skylar." 

"I call myself Skyrid. It's a mix of my first and middle names." 

"Okay. Your first name is Skylar right?" 


"So what's your middle name?" 


"Hmm. That's unique." 

"Thank you?" 

She laughed. 

"You smile all the time don't you?" 

I blushed. 

"Yes. My dad can't frown and neither can I." 

"Seriously? Show me." 

I looked and tried to frown but all that happened was a blank stare and then I smiled with my teeth showing.

"Oh. I guess you're right." 

"Yep. I inherited my dad's gene to not frown because I don't have the muscles." 

"He said the name at least that's what I've heard." 

"Where from, Rachael?"


"Wait, you can read?" 

"Yes. My mom says I'm bright."

"You definitely are." 

My uncle opened the door and walked in. The headmistress was standing beside him. 

"Skyrid, take my hand and we'll take you to your class.  I grasped my uncle's hand. 

We walked until we came upon a door. He opened the door and a lady with brown hair walked up to me. 

"Hi, I'm your teacher, my name is Ms. Meghan. You must be a new student. Introduce yourself to the class."

My uncle shook his head and looked at her. 

"He's autistic. He's not comfortable in crowds." 

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know." 

I looked at him in a blank stare. He crouched down to my level. 

"I know you don't like this but you have to go to school. It's time for me to go. So try and have a nice time, okay?'

I nodded and sat down at my desk as my classmates laughed at me. Then at that moment Rachael Bell walked in with the principal. The teacher got up.

"Another new student ?"

"Yes. This is my daughter, Rachael." 

I walked over to Rachael after I dropped my jaw. 

"You're the principal's daughter?!" 

"Yes. And your dad is Alex Crop." 

"Don't tell anyone. My unkie told me not to." 

"Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me." 

Rachael's mom left the classroom as Ms.Meghan walked to the front of the board.

"My name is Miss Meghan. Welcome to Haystead Academy. This school is made up of many cithians. So here you will learn our history and what caused the Sayis Council to have to erase people's memories of our existence. Today, we will review the history of our people when we were on Earth which we called Cither. Students, please turn to chapter 1 of our sacred text which we call The Secret Book Of Aliens." 

We all got out the sacred text and turned to chapter 1. The teacher grabbed a dry erase marker.. 

"Who would like to recite the first paragraph?" 

Rachael raised her hand. 

"Our people come from a civilization that was driven into hiding by the people of England back in the 1300s. Our people were brought up in a time of betrayal. In 1305, Andrew Markson who was said to be the first human embodiment of Shirak. Shirak was a demon who lived in the bodies of many of our past leaders. Andrew was the first but the weird thing is he was the son of the head of The Grey Diamond Warriors which were the first council that semi-mirrored what we call the Sayis Council today. His name was Richard. Richard and the other two members of this great council were the people who opposed King Andrew. Many townsfolk were unsure of whether they could trust Andrew because of this. 

One day the servant of the King, Harris Longer announced a new and confusing law. He announced that evil is good and good is evil. Because of this new law, thieves were allowed to run amuck without punishment. Killers and Kidnappers were treated the same.  This meant that the kingdom of Paquet was totally without law. So went Richard Markson was reported to be doing good by buying food from a merchant named Keshira instead of stealing it he was brought before the King who was his son, Andrew. This was the start of the Markson War. 

This war started with Richard being imprisoned by his son, King Andrew. Almost immediately people opposed Richard's imprisonment and these people which called themselves Richardians and the people in favor of Andrew's decision were called the Andrewdians. The leader of the Richardians was Alexander Yandle and the Andrewdians' leader was King Andrew's most trusted priest. Priest Gadira. Alexander Yandle was just a town patriot for the people who stood against the lawless objective of King Andrew; they were the  townsfolk who stood for the way it was before Andrew's new ruling. Since Andrew's ruling, Thieves, killers, rapists, kidnappers were allowed to run amuck unpunished for their misdeeds. Priest Gadira was Andrew's most trusted ally. Although he was against Andrew's new ruling and his son, Harris Longer was caught in the middle of all this anarchy. He wanted to protect his son but he couldn't risk losing his position. What put the Andrewdians apart from the Richardians was the Andrewdians were also led by the people who opposed The Grey Diamond Warriors who called themselves the Black Dragons. They semi-mirrored the people who today call themselves Bloodshed. The leader of the Black Dragons was Comsit Woolsley who ruled alongside his wife Jagon. 

Alexander Yandle was contacted by the other two members of the Grey Diamond Warriors, Shack Minessely and Shlaya Jenkins. Alexander stood in front of  Shack and Shlaya. 

"Mr. Yandle we've called you here because our leader Richard Markson is a martyr in your opinion and you stand for all the people who are against King Andrew's ruling."

Rachael put her book down. 

"I have a question. Why are we learning about The Markson War?" 

"Rachael, you have to understand that our people come from people who have been betrayed by people who are close to them. You might not know this But King Andrew was also part of the Black Dragons and as you have read, King Andrew was Richard's son." 

"Oh. I see how it correlates now." 

"Any other questions?"

I raised my hand.

"I have a question. Have any other Sayis council members betrayed our people recently or in the past?" 

"Yes I'm sorry, what's your name?" 

"Skyrid Crop." 

"Wait, is your dad, Alex Crop?" 


Rachael smirked as everybody dropped their jaws.

"I just love his voice!" '

"Oh. I guess the cat's out of the bag. But what's you favorite song by my dad?" 

"I have a lot of favorites." 

"What's your top two then?" 

"Walking around in darkness and Born to be."

I smiled.  

"Oh. Okay. My favorite is also born to be. But can we get back to my question?" 

"Sure. What's your question?" 

"Did all the rulers of Paquet members of either Bloodshed or The Sayis Council?" 

"Yes. It shuffled back and forth but King Andrew was our first ruler after we went into hiding because of the death of King Knagstar's wife." 

"But didn't we come to Yakob after that?" 

"Yes. How did you know?" 

"My Uncle Kodyack told me. But while we're on the subject, who is Shirak?" 

"Shirak is a servant of the devil who possesses people in order to do his master's work." 

"Okay. So how many embodiments of Shirak have there been in the past?" 

""I can't give you an exact number. All I know is that King Andrew was the first one to be possessed by Shirak in the origins of our people." 

"So you mean he has possibly been in more origin stories of other civilizations besides our own?" 

"Exactly and that is why I can't give you an exact number. Any other questions?" 

No hands went up. 

"Alright then let's continue our discussion on the Markson War. Rachael please continue." 

"Yes I believe that what has happened in our town of paquet is insane. I honestly believe this is the work of the devil and his servants."

"We also believe that Mr. Yandle. Our main belief of the matter is that Satan is using his servant Shirak to further destroy our people. We believe that you should talk to Priest Gadira and see if has any idea on how to release his master, King Andrew from his possession of shirak."

"You really think we can just unpossess King Andrew and be done with it?" 


"My supporters don't believe that though." 

"Okay. What do they believe is going to solve this then?" 

"Honestly, they believe that the king is fully aware of what is going on and should be brought up to your court on account of killing an amount of at least about 100 townsfolk so far." 

"What is happening to the townsfolk of Paquet we can not control. That is not our jurisdiction." 

"We have let your council have control over our people since before King Knagstar  and if you let the King's crimes go unpunished then more people will be killed and the people of Paquet will no longer let your council govern our people." 

"I'm sorry Mr. Yandle but the Markson Family is not just rooted in our council and this is why we cannot control what happens between the Marksons and the Woolsleys which have been the main two families ruling your people after Glenn Hatchett founded the cithians."

"I get what you're trying to say but why did you appoint Richard your leader if you knew it wouldn't be good for the greater good?" 

"Our original founder was Merlin around the time of King Arthur but the cithians weren't even thought of around that time. Merlin set the rule for appointing our leader was that he would choose his most trusted ally to rule after he died so when he died Glenn Hatchett who was one of the Knights of the roundtable who later would found your people was appointed to lead us and when Glenn Hatchett did it was in his will that his friend Richard Markson should lead this council. But when Andrew was first ruling your people his priest Gadira was good at keeping him sane." 

"So what made Andrew switch sides and become possessed by Shirak?" 

"Andrew asked to meet Gadira's family because he wanted to appoint a new priest that he could trust and Gadira's brother Adrian was a witch doctor who dabbled with the devil. So Andrew was given a reading by Adrian, his eyes turned red and the spirit of Shirak went into him."

"So this all happened because of a voodoo man?" 

"Sadly, yes. But it serves him right because Gadira warned Andrew that his family was bad news but Andrew kept begging and pleading and Gadira finally just gave in." 

"Oh. So I see how it's not your fault but now with everything that has happened especially with the new law Andrew put into place what are you going to do to help the cithians?" 

"What do you think we should do?" 

"I think you should kill Andrew and just hope that Shirak doesn't strike back." 

"It's not Shirak that we're scared of, it's Adrian. He controls who Shirak fuses with to bring to pass the deeds of the Devil." 

"So if Adrian is the one to blame, why not kill him instead?" 

"To tell you the truth we have tried to kill Adrian multiple times and haven't succeeded."

"So what has been preventing you from killing him?" 

"Every time we would try one of our council members would strangely die out of nowhere. Our council had 8 members before we heard about Adrian and now we are down to the two of us and our leader, Richard. So we are just scared if we keep trying to kill Adrian that eventually our whole council will be gone." 

"So what's your verdict then?" 

"We don't know what to do for you. But know that everything you do comes with a cost so whatever you choose to do." 

I raised my hand. 

"My uncle told me that the Markson war ended in 1388 after Andrew and Alexander killed each other by  slicing each other's heads off at the same time." 

"Mr. Crop if you keep interrupting the lesson I will send you to the principal's office!" 

"Fine. I just wanted to get this lesson over with." 

"Okay. So what happens after the war ends Mr. know-it-all?" 

"Richard was next in line for the throne and he bowed out and appointed Harris Longer as the next leader of the Cithians." 

"So do you know when Yakob's name was changed to Hiton and why?" 

"It was done in 1443 to commemorate our first year on a new planet and Hiton is just an abbreviation for This Is Our New Home and the letters are just switched around a bit.