(On the battlefield.)

Chapter nineteen:

The tide of war changed real quick. As the Knights of Ren entered. And things... weren't looking too bright.

Rose hid behind a metal plate as Stormtrooper's shot at her.

A Knight of Ren held Finn in the air as he was choking.

Poe Dameron looked around his area, realizing he was concerned.

Croc saw hundreds of Stormtrooper's walk up to his frame.

If I go I go out kicking your ass, Croc said. Firing into hell's deep.

Lando laid on the ground, his leg wounded and hurt as he crawled to his gun. Stormtrooper's surrounding them.

Jones sat in the cockpit of the Scarlet Speedster but a blast hit his side. He looked to see Ally in the corner scared and Phoebe whirling around.

Damnit where is Cale? Jones cried.

Suddenly boom an explosion happened in the middle of the battlefield.

The Knights of Ren looked towards the noise in shock.

There stood Cale Lestin, Rey Skywalker, Ben Solo, and Asoka Tano. Heroically and lightsabers drawn.

The four bolted at the group of six with intent to kill.

I'll take on two, Asoka Tano said.

I'll take on these two, Ben Solo raged. He quickly ignited his crimson red lightsaber and swung it at the two Knights of Ren. The battle was on. Asoka Tano leaped into the air and landed on another two Knights of Ren.

Rey and Cale nodded to each other and took on another group of Knights of Ren. While one of them ran and attacked wildly the other one just stood there... looking at Cale Lestin.

Rey ducked under a swing and slashed the Knight of Ren's throat killing him. One down. Cale smiled at Rey and looked at the mysterious Ren.

Welp, Cale said. Give up now and we'll let you live. Cale told the Knight of Ren.

Yeah sure... and let a sinner like you rule over me, she said.

What are you? Cale asked her.

Like you failed lives... like how you failed Kira!! Said the female Knight of Ren.

Cale gasped. How did she know about Kira? Unless...

Don't tell me, Cale said.

Yes... I am Kira the older sister that you failed. Replied the Knight of Ren.

The Knight of Ren pulled of her mask to reveal a sight. This woman has beautiful blonde hair cascading down. But her face was scared. As if a animal had scratched it.

What happened? Cale asked. Horrified.

You... and now... I'm going to take away the one who has your heart and put her out of her misery. Kira replied to her younger brother question.

Kira shot Force lightning at Rey and the hit connected. Rey twitched in the water as Kira cackled. But as this was going on Cale stood frozen.

This was the woman he prayed for at night. The woman he cried for. The woman who he thought died. This is what she became. Some killing machine. To that... he had enough.

Cale bolted into his older sisters direction and flipped over Kira. Just as he was in the air, he carefully swung his purple lightsaber with a woosh. The purple lightsaber sliced through Kira's hand like butter, causing her to scream and thrash from the pain of her stumps.

Rey slowly stood from the beach water and wobbled. Cale rushed to her side and helped her upright.

You okay? Cale asked Rey.

Took you long enough, Rey said laughing.

They laughed together as they looked around. No one was fighting. The Stormtrooper's were either dead or surrendered. The warriors were reunited, hugging and healing. Poe Dameron landed his X-wing and hugged Finn and Rose. However not everyone was happy, Ben Solo was standing next to Chewbacca, breaking the news about Luke Skywalker and Leia's death to him. Lando was joking around with fellow fighters.

Cale looked at Rey and realized how lucky he was to have her. She could've easily ended up like these people today.

Rey, Cale spoke softly.

Yes, Rey responded.

I love you, Cale said leaning in.

I love you too, Rey said moving in as well. The couple inched closer and closer before kissing each other again. Rey wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he held her waist.