Things started getting really strange for Daniel Marleigh after his interaction with the Staring Dude. Daniel was a tall boy with slightly dark skin and black hair. He was well kept and was strong for his age. He was quite popular with his class and the teachers. Daniel went to Oakleave Boarding School. It was a well known wealthy school. 'Posh' as some would call it.
Things started going wrong on a schoool trip to Antillia Museum. It was the most popular museum in the city of Khisfor. Daniel thought it was pretty boring not only because it didn't contain anything of interest to him(his class went there every year), he's seen all the artifcacts and painting a thousand times.
Daniel was joking around with his friends, Arthur and Calvin. Arthur always liked to make jokes and it always made Daniel laugh. But Carvin was his best friend from the very beginning. They were inseperatable.
The museum instructor was rambling on about the Ancient Egyptian life. That was when Daniel noticed a child looking in his direction. At first, he thought the boy was looking at someone else. But soon he realised, the strange figure was staring at him. He wouldn't usually notice a small detail like this, but the child seemed to be alone, lost...
He was in strange clothing. He wore a black robe with sandals. And the weirdest, creepiest thing of all, he had a strange mark or an emblem on his forehead. It seemed to be the shape of a sun. Daniel also noticed the same symbol on a black chain around his neck. For a few seconds, they stared at eachother.
"Hey Daniel, are you ok?" asked Daniel's teacher, Mr Drossman. Daniel saw that the whole class was looking at him. "Yeah, I'm fine sir" he replied. He looked to where the little boy was standing but to his surprise, the child was no longer there. Daniel felt a strange sensation. He felt like this was important but he shurgged it off.
THE NEXT DAY(Time: 3:00am):
But things started getting stranger and stranger the following day. Daniel woke up earlier than usual. He could hear the heavy breathing of his roommates. He got up for a glass of water from the jog on the table near him. That's when he heard a strange moaning sound from outside. Daniel went over to the window and looked outside. He saw men in black suits standing outside. They were looking at the school. And behind them was the child from the museum. He was frozen to the spot. He was staring at the building. 'Is he looking for me?" Daniel thought to himself. When he looked back down, he saw that the boy was looking up at him. He didn't look angry or happy. He was emotionless.
He closed the curtain and ran back to bed...