
(3rd POV)

"I will go first!" Kuroneko said and raised her hand.

Shirou looked at the others to see them shrug their shoulders at him, he then turned to Kuroneko and nodded in affirmation.

Kuroneko smiled brightly and stood up from her seat, she walked to the centre and turned around, facing them, she extended her arm and closed her eyes, while muttering a very chunni chant.

"Oh darkness within me, please awaken from thee slumber and manifest as my weapon to slay my enemies…"

Everyone in the room sweatdropped at her, but soon they narrowed their eyes at Kuroneko as they felt the mana in the air flowing in Kuroneko's direction and entering her body. A ball of green light appeared in front of Kuroneko's hand and expanded, it kept changing its shape as if it was trying to find an ideal form.

Kuroneko opened her eyes and at the same time, she closed her hand and grabbed the green light. The light stopped moving around randomly and readjusted itself into the shape of a half-moon.

"Come at me, Shylphy!" She said excitedly as the light died, revealing a green longbow with golden decorations along with its limbs.

Jibril looked at the bow, her eyes focused entirely on the bow in Kuroneko's hand ignoring everyone else. While everyone else in the room saw and ignored the drool threatening to fall from Jibril's mouth and looked curiously at Kuroneko.

"So what does it do, Kuroneko?" Shirou asked while looking at Kuroneko who was in awe at her weapon like a child receiving a new toy.

Kuroneko quickly looked away from her bow and glanced at Shirou, she then coughed in embarrassment and answered Shirou's question, "I think I can control the wind, probably…" Kuroneko said while muttering the last part, but it was still heard by everyone in the room.

"What do you mean 'probably'?"

"I don't know, okay?! It's a strange feeling, I suddenly received the information on using Sylphy, but I feel like there is still something missing, but I don't know!"

"I see…" Shirou said as he put his hand under his chin, "So we have to discover the abilities of our Devices by ourselves,"

'Now that I think about it, Stella only discovered her true ability as a Blazer before the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival,' Shirou thought, 'Without the cheat called System or any other ability to appraise objects, they would have to discover their ability and develop it through training or life-death situations.'

In the beginning, Stella thought that her ability was only 'Fire Manipulation', however, only during her training with Nene Saikyo, did she discover that 'Fire Manipulation' was only a part of the true ability of the Lævateinn, which was the concept of 'Dragon'.

'And her mana reserves…' Shirou thought as he looked at Kuroneko, who dismissed her bow and returned to her seat disappointingly because she could not use her newfound power inside the apartment.

"It's impressive," Albion spoke in Shirou's head for the first time since they were brought here.

"Your companion has the mana reserves of a middle-class devil, which is pretty rare for a human, especially ones who don't have a connection to the supernatural world nor have a special bloodline, but she is nowhere near the other members." Albion frowned at the end.

"Although I already have basic information about the members that you provided from your memories, it is still astonishing to see in my own eyes" Albion growled inside the subspace of Divine DIviding, "That Flügel is on par with some gods of our world, but she is still weaker than me in my prime. And Merlin, although she isn't the same geezer that I remember, I can feel she is a pain in the ass to fight, not to mention Romani Archaman, although this man doesn't have any special about him yet, I can feel that he is hiding something great from the atmosphere he gives."

"That's marvellous!" Jibril suddenly exclaimed in excitement, earning the attention of everyone in the room, "Exploring the unknown, learning abilities that you have yet to discover! Ohh, just thinking about it is making me excited!" Jibril moaned with a blush spreading all over her face and hugged herself.

Everyone had a slight blush on their faces when they saw Jibril immersed in her own fantasy, except Merlin who wasn't affected by it at all.

(A/N: Because she is half-succubus after all.)

"*Cough* Cough* I think we should move on the topic," Shirou said, trying to distract himself from the erotic sight that Jibril was giving, "So who is the next?"

"Me! Me! Me!" Jibril snapped out from her trance and shouted excitedly, like a kindergartener raising their hand while screaming excitedly at their teacher to be chosen.

Shirou nodded with a sigh and Jibril floated to the platform where Kuroneko was standing previously.

Jibril slowly landed on the ground and extended her hand. She closed her eyes and concentrated on her soul. In just a span of a few seconds, Jibril succeeded in awakening her Device. In her hands, there was a scythe bigger than her own body.

(A/N: It doesn't need the chant to awaken or summon the Device, it's just Kuroneko's chunni side.)

It had a long handle with a dark colour scheme and had a clock-like thing in the section where the blade connects to the handle.

Jibril swung it a few times and nodded in satisfaction and brought the scythe in front of her.

"I will name this Chronos Raviaz, the scythe that controls time," Jibril said as she rubbed her face against it.

"Scythe that controls time?" Shirou repeated what she said and widened his eyes.

If Jibril was already a monster before, she is now even stronger as she could control time, and every person who is capable of controlling time is bound to have some bullshit techniques.

(A/N: RIP Jotaro who was 1 step behind.)

Jibril smiled and in an instant, she disappeared from her spot. Everyone looked around the room and found her sitting in her previous seat with a can of soda in her hand.

*Glup* *Glup*

"This is so good!" Jibril shouted excitedly after she drank the soda and wiped her mouth with her hand, "Imanity from this world is really amazing! It is sweet and it's popping in my tongue! What is this called? Cola?"

'Did she just stop the time, leave this apartment, steal a can of soda from somewhere and then return to her seat?' Shirou thought as he just nodded at her question.

"Then it's Onee-chan's turn!" Merlin said cheerfully and got up from her seat.

Merlin walked excitedly to the front and opened her palms, but strangely only her staff appeared, but this time, Merlin felt something different emitting from it.

"Hmnn?" Merlin looked curiously at her staff as she felt a deeper connection with it, "I see…" Merlin nodded and understood what happened.

"What happened, Merlin? Why did you summon your staff? Or did you fail to awaken your Device?" Kuroneko asked curiously as she couldn't understand what was happening.

"Nothing like that," Merlin said and didn't feel offended by the question, "It is just instead of awakening my Device and getting a new weapon, my staff which is already connected to my Saint Graph became my Device."

"Ohhh, I see," Kuroneko nodded like the rest of the members of Group Chat.

"So what does it do, and will you name it?" Shirou asked curiously.

"Hmm I didn't name my staff before, but since it is my Device and all of you named yours, then I will do the same," Merlin said and pointed her finger under her chin, but then snapped her finger as soon as she got an idea.

"What about Hope of Avalon?" She asked excitedly.

"Isn't that the name of your Noble Phantasm?" Shirou asked.

"So what? There are a lot of Heroic Spirits who have their Noble Phantasm with the same name as their weapon, like Arthur's Excalibur," Merlin answered.

"Touche," Shirou said and shrugged his shoulders, "But what does it do?"

"I now have the power to manipulate dreams to a much higher degree than before," Merlin said.

"So you could do it before?" Jibril asked curious about it since there wasn't an ability like that in Disboard.

"Yes," Merlin nodded, "Before I could only enter and watch the dreams of other people while also communicating with them, but now, I can do a lot more, like deciding if the person will have a nightmare or a lucid dream, etc and many others!" Merlin said proudly and of course, she only said the basics of the Device's ability, which had the concept of Dream imbued with it.

"I guess it's my turn," Romani said as he got up and went to the platform, which somehow became the main spot for awakening.

Romani turned around and faced them as he closed his eyes, like everyone else before him. Romani imagined himself manifesting his weapon, but no matter how many times he tried, it never appeared.

'Is this because of my wish for the Holy Grail? To become a normal human that I am unable to manifest the Device?' Romani thought as he sighed in disappointment.

Romani returned to his seat with his shoulders down as Shirou and Merlin patted his shoulders, but Jibril noticed something was strange around Romani.

'That's curious, it seems something was blocking and keeping Romani from awakening,' Jibril thought and started speculating, 'Was it a curse? No, I didn't feel any trace of a curse on him so it can't be a curse.'

'Whatever it is, I will keep an eye on Romani,' Jibril thought as she looked intrigued at the phenomenon.

"It's fine, even if you ended up useless, this Onee-chan is still here to comfort you," Merlin said and Romani felt an arrow pierce his heart.

'Should I feel offended for being called useless or happy that she will be there for me?' Romani thought with his eyebrow twitching.

"My time has come," Shirou said as he got up from his seat and walked in front of everyone and turned to them.

Shirou took a deep breath and closed his eyes, as he started to concentrate like how he did to awaken Divine Dividing.

After a few seconds, Shirou felt something awakening inside him and opened his eyes as he extended his arm with his palm wide open. Then a katana appeared in Shirou's hand as he grabbed it.

'Isn't this?' Shirou widened his eyes when he saw the sword in his hand, "Miike Tenta Mitsuyo?" Shirou muttered, but then the katana started changing in his hand.

The blade turned snow white and the guard of the katana had a western dragon engraved on it.

"Ho?" Jibril sounded intrigued at the change, "There are so many surprises today."

"This might be because of me being connected to your soul," Albion speculated in Shirou's mind and it indeed made sense.

Devices are weapons manifested from Blazer's soul, which are similar to the nature of Sacred Gears, which are also known as God's Artefacts and are connected to the soul of their wielders.

"Besides, I also felt some changes in Divine Dividing," Albion said to Shirou.

"Can you tell me what it is?"Shirou asked, but felt Albion shake his gigantic draconic head inside the subspace of Sacred Gear, "Besides the connection between us being stronger, I can't feel anything else."

"I see." Shirou said, "I guess we will have to discover it ourselves when we have the time."

While Shirou was having a mental communication with Albion, Merlin had a thoughtful look on her face.

"Hey Shirou, are you perhaps related to Amakusa Shirou Tokisada?" Merlin suddenly asked.

"As in the history books?" Kuroneko asked.

(A/N: Note that Kuroneko's world is about 2012 and Fate/Apocrypha only came out in 2017 and therefore there is a plothole of "how does she know Merlin Proto then? But who cares? This is a fanfic.)

"You could say so," Shirou answered, "You can even call me a reincarnation of him."

Shirou's statement earned surprised and confused expressions from other members and he soon explained it to them, "I may have the memories of a man named Amakusa Shirou Tokisada and even inherited his abilities as a servant, but I am not him, I am Kotomine Shirou, the admin of this group chat and a priest in training."

"I see," Merlin said and nodded, along with other members and Shirou's impression on them increased positively.

"But then how did you reincarnate? Or who?" Jibril asked curiously, but Shirou shook his head.

"Unfortunately, I don't know," Shirou said, but it was a lie that no one will notice because of the power of the Author.

"So what does it do?" Ruri asked eagerly since she wanted to know Shirou's ability, after all, he was the admin of a chat group filled with Cheat characters.

"Hmnn, it seems my Device is a little different from yours," Shirou said, "While normally every person only has one type of ability and a Device as a medium to use them, I have 2 abilities."

"One of them is the ability to manipulate space and another allows me to become a dragon," Shirou said.

"So this is why I felt the Aura of Dragon in you…" Merlin muttered.

"What is so great about those giant lizards? I have many trophies back at my home," Jibril said as she had a proud and nostalgic expression on her face remembering many trophies she has from war or her hunts.

(A/N: Trophies = The head of people/creatures she collected after she killed them with a smile on her face :-) )

"I think our dragons are different…" Shirou said with a sweatdrop on his forehead like everyone else in the room.


Ruri Gokou (Kuroneko)

Device: Shylphy

Ability: Nature Interference (Storm)


Device: Chronos Raviaz

Ability: Causation Manipulation (Time)


Device: Hope of Avalon

Ability: Conceptual Manipulation (Dream)

Romani Archaman

Device: ???

Ability: ???

Kotomine Shirou

Device: Miike Tenta Mitsuyo

Ability: Conceptual Manipulation (Space)/ Conceptual Manipulation (Dragon)


Author here! I am just here announcing that I will spank anyone who didn't drop at least one power stone!
