while, I was still going through my text book in front of me I heard Jerry's


If I may object, what book is that and why are you so focused on it? as he asked with so much curiosity.


Huh!..... Are you talking about  this textbook in front of me right now?as I flipped it up.


 Yeah! that book you are holding up high. what is it titled on?


Ok! this Developmental Psychology. I have this paper by 9:00am. 

Can you give me the synopsis of it? 

come to think of it Jerry! what aspects to you want to know about?

All of it Rosie!

Huh….. ok! I sounded confident because this book is inside of me already. I have gone through it several times.

Developmental psychology helps to analyse the principles, concepts, theories and problems as well as to provide treatment of some selected problems of human development. It covers all aspects of human development from the point of conception through childhood and adolescence to adulthood. 

The understanding of human development is considered very significant in the process of teaching and learning as well as counseling in the educational system. It helps to understand the development of each student we come in contact with since, the teachers are to be managers of learning, they should be trained to acquire skills that will enable prospective teachers to identify factors which facilitates or militate the learning process. it also envisaged that, it enables teachers to analyse effectively the different cultural background of the children in the classroom. As a Matter of fact, the classroom is known to be a composite of children with different cultural background ranging from social, cultural and economic background.

It is necessary to include developmental psychology to the teaching profession to enable the prospective teachers to understand the motives and needs of the children in the classroom. this understanding enables the teachers to direct the children according to their aspirations and academic problems. Teaching the children as a group might have some effects on the outcome of learning but with adequate background in developmental psychology, the teachers will be able to apply the analysis of motivation and individual disposition of children. finally, I can say that developmental psychology prepares teachers for self fulfilment and actualisation.

Rosie! do you now mean that, this course will enable all educationist to be able to identify factors militating against child's Education and vulnerably educate his or her students effectively?

Yes! Jerry, that's the reason why it's called a 'core course' and all students under the faculty of Education have to undertake it.

There are some seasoned authorities in psychology that came up with conceptualised ideas on the process of human development. We have Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson and Jean piagat. 

According to Sigmund Freud, he theoritically identified five stages of human psychosexual development which are; oral stage is from zero to two years 'the mouth', anal stage is from two to three years 'the anus', phallic stage is from five to six years 'the genital', latency stage is from five to twelve years 'motor skills' and genital stage is twelve years and above 'sex organs'. Each of the stages is attached to an erotic part of the body that requires sensitisation for a specific period of time. 

On the other hand, Erik Erikson psycho-social theory of development is essentially a social and psychological theory and grouped them into eight which are;basic trust versus mistrust of which is from zero to two years, autonomy versus shame and doubt two to three years, initiative versus guilt is from three to five years industry versus inferiority five to twelve years, identity versus role confusion twelve to eighteen years, intimacy versus isolation eighteen to thirty five years, generosity versus stagnation thirty five to sixty years, and integrity versus despair sixty years and above. It is an offshoot of the psychoanalytic theory of Sigmund Freud And lastly, 

Jean Piaget's cognitive stage theory is one of the most popular theories of cognitive development. He did a lot of work on the cognitive development of children.he began his work by carefully observing the behaviour of his own children from an early age and grouped his theories into four stages which are; sensorimotor stage birth to age two years, Pre-operational thought stage is from two to seven years, concrete operations stage seven to eleven years and formal operational stage is from eleven to adulthood).

Developmental psychology is so broad and I enjoyed every pages of the textbook. 

Wao….! to be honest with you right now, Rosie! you will become a good teacher.

Sure….thanks! Well…., I am already in it even though teaching is not really well paid in this country, I still love it. I love educating people about the truth and knowledge.

Rosie!, do you know what drew my attention to you?

No! sincerely speaking.. I don't know.

ok! Let me say this, I saw a beautiful young lady well dressed this early and so focused on her textbook and that's seldom this days you know what i met right? hahahaha! I was flabbergasted at Jerry's words..

That's not all Rosie! you were looking pale and stressed as well....

it's ok! Jerry! I am not sick....and I am seldom at that as well. we Sagittarius seldomly fall ill and that is one of our attributes..

you mean your zodiac signs? Yes Jerry!

That's mean you were given birth to in the month of December and from 11th upward...I guessed!. you are right Jerry! my birth month is December.

well mine is Virgo! but Rosie, you can't use that as an excuse not to fall ill. When you noticed any symptoms, you go for check up immediately and you don't have to be seriously ill before going for treatment and besides, Health is life....

wao!.... that's ok! I will be more attentive to myself now.

And let me say this to you Rosie!, you can't continue your studies when you are seriously ill. so don't wait for that time to come.

you are "sounding like my big brother now" as I thought within.