Jump start!

A series of grunting echoed throughtout the massive warehouse, turned home as a top specimen of the human specie bench pressing, what seems to be a thousand pounds of pure steel easily putting other weight lifters to shame.

The man no- the figure of beauty was built as if the Dark knight himself was brought to life, as any fighter would notice; the figure's body was built for one purpose and one purpose only, that is to fight like the men of old.

Where blades and bodies were the only weapons needed in the harsh condition of the battlefield, this figure; finishing his exercise, he put the barbells back in its place before grabbing a bottle of water to chug down on.

A flash of light disrupted the figure's cooldown prompting him to lift off in an amazing acrobatic jump to grab a hidden gun, executing it all in the span of a few seconds like a well oiled machine.

The light fade, and out of it was a stupified pixie cut haired woman wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans.

"Identity yourself" said the figure in a very intimidating voice, probably would have caused a weak-kneed women to drop her panties and turned a few men feel insecure.

"Okay, what the fuck is this." complained the woman finally processing her situation. "You're not a weeb, they don't make sizes like you." She added.

"No, I am not though I have watch every classic animes there is, including most Gundams, Fate series and even that half-ass live action made by Hollywood" The figure replied in a deadpanned voice. "Now that I answered your question, who the fuck are you!?" He questioned once again.

She snap her finger causing a tablet to appear out of nowhere but before she could grab a hold of it, it was shot down by the figure as it once again threaten to identify herself.

"Hey!" She snapped at the figure before once again willing a tablet to appear out of thin air, the man tried to shoot it but the woman just snap her fingers to vanish the figure's gun.

"Okay now, it says here that you're-" she was cut off by sounds of gunshot as the figure shot her tablet was once again, courtesy of the new gun he was aiming back at her.

"What the fuck dude, where the fuck do you get guns from!?" She glared at the figure as once again a new tablet appeared in her hands and trying once again, the figure aim and fired but instead of getting shot, the bullets just froze in mid-air like some matrix-bullshit.

The figure seeing the impossibility, just sighed and gave up knowing that if this woman can stop literal bullets in mid-air like some neo-shit then his guns won't do shite in this situation, he still grab a sword though; pulled out from some of his collection for the sake of protection, you know just to be sure.

'it may not do shit but fuck it, he won't go out without a fight.' He thought

"So it says here that you're Vincent Warborn, notable achievements are multiple PhD in various physical science? Acting? Martial arts? And tactical training, Okay, this is some bullshit, like what the fuck are all this for!?" She said irritatedly.

The figure crossed his arms before responding in an sarcastic tone "Just for your info, I may not be a "weeb" but I do enjoy doing cosplay, I need those PhD's for some of my ambitious costumes! Do you even know how hard it is to create a semi-functioning Iron man armor!? Or even a Terminator armor from Warhammer!? Just the hydraulics needed, for it to function properly, cause me most of my time!"

The woman gave off an incredulous look before slowly saying "You do ...know that Cosplay, stands for Costume playing..which means.... you don't really need to make your costume.... functional right?"

"That besides the point, I wanted them to function as close to the real thing so that's that..." The figure replied.

The woman listened on in disbelief before asking another question that she might regret asking. "And the Martial arts, Acting and Tactical training?"

"Well for the performance of course, I need to move like the characters I'm portraying, as close as possible to fully immersed myself." He replied with a matter of fact tone.

The figure paused before sighing, she shook her head in utter surrender, not even trying anymore to understand his illogical thought process before giving him a once over and said. "Welp no use in denying a gift, so let's start it off from the top, Hi! I'm jump-cha-"

"Hold it right there, I'm in!" Vincent said, cutting off Jump-chan's intro. "I may not be a full blown hikki-nerd but I did read a lot of fanfics and I would love to partake on your adventures!"

"W-what?" Jump-chan stood there flabbergasted for a minute, thinking that everything seems to be not going her way today. She can't help but close her eyes before taking a deep breath and said in an unnervingly calm tone. "Okay, thank you for ruining my intro and since you answered immediately, without even letting me finish my spiel, I'm guessing that you know what you're getting into, so here's the terminal and...If you'll excuse me, I need to vent out some frustration."


-One ruined universe later-


"Hmm...interesting choice for a gauntlet and that's a lot of drawbacks...you know that you'll spent ten years fighting in multiple wars right?" Said Jump-chan. "Especially this three, War...war never change, Escalation is the name of the game and a Bullseye on the back of my head drawbacks will make your time in the gaunlet a literal hell." She added.

Vincent nodded enthusiastically before saying "that's why, I added the Tempered and Enduring mind, the former to ensure that I won't break and the latter to make sure that I won't have any PTSD or any mind damage after the gaunlet."

"And this brought your CP to 2000 and since you can't permanently die in this gauntlet, you wanted to join 10 different wars for the sake of combat experience?" She asked, unbelieving that a person could be this paranoid and...masochistic.

"Yes, I needed to integrate the Advance Military training , look ma..no scope, Rambo, Bond...James Bond, you're one ugly motherfucker, Like an Extension of my arm perks and a bunch of survival ones to ensure that I will survive in any environment that I am put in." He replied. "Besides I'm hoping that this'll entertain you enough to let me off the hook for picking boring ones after this gauntlet."

"Hmm...Reasonable, okay! I approve" she nodded. "And for the warehouse?"

"For the warehouse I simply imported my warehouse here and added a few add-ons to make it more secure and comfortable." He added.

Jump-chan squinted in suspicions before asking "you've been planning this for awhile didn't you?"

Vincent shrugged "what can I say, I love the premise of Jumpchain and planned what ifs, I didn't really expect to use it but hey, here I am"

"You're an overachieving weeb..."



Vincent Warborn

• Gauntlet Challenge

• Duration: 10 years

Multiple Wars ranging from the Ancient era to Futuristic warfronts