Chapter 4 Empty Home

It took a while to figure where everyone lived and what they need. So far the trip was slow and long. With only a few zombies on the road. They seem to be wondering around, not thinking about anything. But I couldn't wait to go home. I need to know if Squeaks was still there. But Ace also had to get his dog Apollo, a German Shepherd, at his as well. I got to meet him once and I was terrified ever since.

I know that his dog was his life. He took time to train him and treat him like a house dog. Spoiling him with treats and even chocolate sometimes. So traveling to his house was first on my list. Maybe his dog will keep him calm, till we save his girlfriend.

We drove down the highway for a couple of minutes, till we saw his house on the right side. The yard was neatly mowed, but the cars in the front were gone. It was either his parents left or they died during this. So we turned into the driveway and turned ourselves around.

"Have an idea on what you need?" I asked Ace.

"Just to get my dog, clothes, and what ever supplies in the house." he replied as well got out of the bus. Soon as our feet hit the ground. We started hearing his dog bark from the inside. His tail was waging and seemed very happy to see Ace once again. Guess this is why dogs are man's best friend.

The closer we gotten to the house and more the dog barked. Ace opened the door to let us in, but his dog kept us from getting a step inside. He was not happy about seeing Ethan and me, but Ace told us to give the bags to him. So he could get the stuff and leave. I never thought about standing outside with an asshole, but it wasn't too bad. Only a few insults about how could save Dawn or how much of a useless nerd I was. I held in my temper as I thought about stabbing him right there.

"Could you shut up, " I snapped.

"Why would I listen to a nerd like you," he said back.

"Because I could kill you here and now!" I replied back.

"Do it then," he smiled, "you don't have the balls."

I pulled out my knife and held it to his throat. He pissed me off, but I couldn't lose anyone else. He can be a dick, but I wasn't going to let my temper get in the way. So I pick my knife up and told him that its not worth losing another person. He seemed to understand what I meant. It ate me alive to see Dawn died and for me to kill someone would have made it worst for all of us. I walked back to the bus and hoped that Ace would get done quickly.

I wanted to see my baby boy, before he started to give up about me being gone too long. But after a while he got out and his dog trotted along side him. They seem much more happier and soon we'll make sure we get his girlfriend back. The stuff was placed in the back, as we drove off to a highway near the one we were on. It took us deeper into the country side, but it seems more peaceful. The signs of zombies was lesser and animals started to wonder more freely.

I could see my home being near as I saw a long dirt road. Leading to a broken down home, but it was all I had growing up with my mother and brother. We made it last, but I didn't like being around them much. So I stayed in my room with Squeaks. He was a squirrel that I rescued a year back, he was my world. Known for his energy and the love of chips and ice cream, which was bad for him. But I enjoyed seeing him happy as the world slowly went crazy.

"So what do you need here," Ace asked.

"Some things from my room and hope that Squeaks still there." I replied getting out of the bus and walking into the house. The house was a mess with stuff fallen over and the smell of rotten flesh. Knowing it was something that I should not see, so I said it was a dead animal. Mom was known to keep guns in the closet, so that was the first thing I checked. But there was no luck. My brother must have took it with him and along with mom.

"What room is yours," Ethan asked as he wanted to leave as quickly as we can. Since it was getting close to dark and we didn't want to be stuck here all night.

"Down the hall and to the right," I replied and continued to the kitchen. I had forget to tell him about Squeaks, but I didn't have too after hearing him scream "What the fuck". Squeaks didn't like men that much, so he must have attacked him on the way in.

I turned about around to reach my room as I saw Ethan on the ground holding his balls. Never thought Squeaks would aim there, but he did a good job protecting my room. Soon as I came in he came running up my leg and onto my head. A low growl came from him. Staring Ethan down with a passion of hate and anger.

"Forgotten to tell you that he was a squirrel," I laughed.

"Whatever...." Ethan said in pain and I started to pack my stuff for the trip back to the school. I debating that we should live out in the country, but we would have a hard time getting supplies that way. So Ace has his dog and I finally gotten my baby boy back with me. Knowing that Ace was going to get the same treatment on the bus from Squeaks.