Chapter 8 Zombie Business

Jade and I woke up to a worried group of boys. James and Colt came back with news about the map and where it is in the town hall. We could use this chance to take some supplies from the nearby houses and police station. Knowing that we won't be too lucky with ammo and guns, but we could always use food. But the look on James' face made me worry more as he walked toward us.

"We got a problem," he says as he scratches the back of his head.

"What is it?" I asked in a calm manner.

"The town hall is overrun with zombies," he replied.

"It's fine, but we really need that map," I groaned and tried to figure out a plan.

"We could sneak in Lize!" Jade chirped.

"Too dangerous," I sighed, "We don't know how many are there."

"James could give us a good guess," Jade answered and looked at him to give an answer.

"I say about twenty or twenty-five," he answered.

I didn't expect to have so many in a small area. They could be there for anything from a person stuck in the town hall or they are moving to a different area. No matter what the issue was, it was that they were getting too close to home. If the group got too close we could end up being overrun.

Jade and I had no clue how to handle this. We could handle them head-on or make a trap to either lead them away or kill them. I don't know which way would be the best answer. Jade looked at me and smile very evil at me. Whatever she was thinking could have been dangerous.

"Do we have gasoline?" she asked.

"We can take some from the cars nearby," I replied, but looked at her with a worried look.

"We are so going to blowing something up," she smiled.

"What!" James and Colt yelled.

"Are you crazy Jade!" I screamed.

"Hear me out," she replied, "From every videogame, Lize and I play. Noise seems to lead them out the area for the thought of food."

"Never thought of that." I smiled.

She was right about zombies being interested in noise. But who would be willing to blow up a car and then leave? Even if we do that, we have to plan every step of the way. I guess Jade can help with blowing up the car, but with who? I know that Ethan is out of the question, but I guess James or Ace could go with her. I have an idea where the map is inside, but its a good idea to have James and Colt with me for a little while.

If something was to happen, we could split up and try to find a safer path to the map. But I don't feel comfortable with leaving my friends in danger of any kind. I lost one and I'm not going to lose another. So I'll do anything I can to keep them all safe.

Jade planned that we should set off the explosion a couple of blocks away from the town hall. We told Ethan and Ben to keep everyone safe until we get back. Ethan didn't like being bossed around, but before he could say anything. Ben decided to tell us good luck and to make sure the base was safe for the day. I know that Hayhay was scared out of her mind as we walked out in different paths. Colt, James, and decided to take the side entrance when our car boom goes off. That should make the area clear out so we could sneak in.

Ace and Jade seemed very pleased with getting the gas from the nearby cars. But no one but me knew that Jade could siphon a car. We both grew up in bad homes where stealing and drugs were their case a good thing to our siblings. Her father and Mother both smoked dope and she learned to do things with her older brother. She hated being this way, but she did it to keep the peace.

When we got into position and waited for it to go off. It wasn't even ten minutes as a loud boom came from the distance. Jade must have blown up a couple of t because the sound of running came after. Zombies stumbled as they run to what they thought was their next meal. We sneak on in with no problem, but we didn't know what was in here in the first place. The halls were empty and there was no sign of the map in eye sight. It didn't feel right as well moved closer. Before we knew it there were at least three of them stumbling to the door.

I looked at the boys as they held their bats to their chest. I couldn't let them do this, so I told them to go back to school. Make sure that no zombies make it back home.

"Lize you shouldn't do this alone," Colt whispered to me.

"Yeah and I'm not going to let you guys die either." I snapped as I grabbed one of their bats. Swapping it for my gun. Knowing the boys would try to fight me on it, but knew that I would be fine. So I walked over to the three.

"Come eat me, you ugly bastards!" I yelled to the top of my lungs. They slowly turned to me with blood dripping from their mouths and their skin was falling to the ground. Skin pale as snow, but bloody from ripping into bodies. I held the bat high and made sure my knife was on my side. They ran towards me as I swung as hard as I can. Bursting one of their heads as I did to another. I heard a snap as the bat broke in half, but I grabbed the knife trying to stab it in the head. I knew that I might die here today, but I won't fail to save my friends. I even thought about praying to a god, but he or she would never save me. Before I knew what was about to come to me. A loud bang came from the door. I knew it wasn't James or Colt, but all I knew was the zombie was dead. That the sight of military boots was all I have seen as I was on the ground with a zombie on top of me.