Chapter 12 Medicine Hunt

Ethan seemed to be getting worse by the second. His fever won't break and he was turning deathly pale. Ben was trying all he can to stop the fever and sometimes stop him from throwing up blood. It reminded of that night as students fall to the ground throwing up a bloody mess as they slowly turned. He was turning and very quickly in a matter of days. I didn't want to tell the others and knowing Jade will ask to kill him on the spot. He was still human and there was a chance to save him, but that hope faded away. If he lived and I know that I'll have a chance to survive as well, but if he didn't. I would have to make a plan later on to leave the group.

I sat there as Squeaks laid there on my head. Thinking what was the best move and a backup plan if I change into one of them. A knock came from the door as Ben walked in with a sad look. He was going to say about medicine needed for Ethan's recovery, but I knew what fate he had. It was going to be the same as mine one of these days.

"We need antibiotics," Ben said with a worried look.

"I know," I replied, "we're going to the drug store in a little bit."

"I'm going with?" he asked.

"Your the only one who knows this kind of stuff," I replied.

"But who else is going?" he questioned.

"Just you, Squeaks, and I." I smiled.

"What!" he yelled but stopped when he realized that he was too loud.

"The others have to get this place secured or we'll all die in a matter of days." I answered, "Plus you need sometime out side these walls. Since Hayhay is needed to take care of Marry, and Ethan is sick. So that leaves you and me to do this job."

"What about Aron or Jade?" he asked.

"Aron making sure that the fence is getting done and Jade is too hot-headed with these things," I replied.

"More like you two fighting about it!" he scoffed.

I knew that he was right on the matter and it was better to do things alone. Jade and I started to do things differently than normal. She thought that I became corrupt with wearing a red cloak, but to me it showed a more confident self than I was before. I wasn't afraid of losing my own life as long as I could help the others. So I found my personality called Karma, she was confident, a leader, and willing to risk her life for others. I learned that the Blood Cult was still around and kidnapping survivers for there own enjoyment and growth. So I would try to take groups out of the area, making sure that no one is tortured again.

So I went to do my own things. but made sure that my friends were first. Making plans for future scavenging and the best safe area to be if our base was over run. I made this plan to go to the drug store for days but was forced into solitude by others. Jade thought it would stupid to go to a place that might have been ransacked already. I was more worried about the health of the others.

I told Ben to be ready before nightfall, so we can leave without anyone knowing. Packing for a whole night with ammo and bags to bring back wasn't going to take long. Leaving was the only problem, since Jade made sure there were turns guarding at night and during the day. I knew that Ace was on watch and would understand the need of medicine around here. But the side of Jade right now was scary. She seemed to want Ethan to be death right then and there. She probably have him dead if I wasn't there to keep her busy. But the way she acts towards the others is cruel as she put them to work. Controlling their every move with rules and a harsh tone in her voice.

Walking out of the main office and heading to the door would be a challenge. Ace would be there watching for any movements. I walked over to him with Ben close behind. I knew that he would see me leaving and would try to help us.

"I know what you're going to do," Ace sighed and looked back at us.

"Then you would understand the need of medicine then," I replied.

"Yeah," he answered, "Jade seems to be getting worse and starting to not think about the others in the group."

"Reason why I'm leaving tonight." I sighed and pushed open the door. "Just make sure she doesn't kill Sting while I'm gone."

"I'll try my best." he laughed as me and Ben moved towards the main square. Squeaks sat there enjoying what little light was left in the sky. Nighttime was the best for sneaking around zombies and maybe ask Ben how he feeling. I could tell that something was bothering him for a long while, but never got the chance to ask. But it wasn't about his parents or family, but how Hayhay was feeling as she got back. She went through hell and back, but changed to a different person. She became more into guns, knifes, and other weapons, a violent person. Wondering how she could make them better, how they work, or how she could kill someone with it.

I was worried about it too, but thought that we could let her learn how to make them. This change can be both bad and good, but depends on how it will work with her. Trust was something we had to gain with her again, but it seems she has it more with Ben and I. Marry barely talked, but she would say something that never made since.

When we got to the drug store and seen that the doors were open. Taking it slow was the best way to go. I looked in and seen that no one was there, but the sounds of stumbles came as things were knocked down. I told Ben to stay by the door, till I give the all-clear. Walking closer to the noise made my heart race, as I saw a zombie wandering. It bump into things as it can't see a thing.

Realized that this was someone or well in its past that was blind. I felt bad as it wander and not knowing when its next meal would come. So pulling out my knife and ending it suffering was all I could do. Walking close to it was hard as it moved with no end. But it ended with all my energy throughout each stab in its head.

"Clear." I breathed as Ben walked into the building finally.

"A bit over kill don't you think?" he asked.

"Better than it coming back up," I sighed and walked around for bandages and basic medicine for colds and coughs. Ben would know that best options for medication for infections or other dangerous diseases that might come. So we packed what we can in bags and was about to leave. Remembering that the library was nearby. Hayhay could have books about weapons and chemistry for the future. So I thought it would be a good thing to get it now than never. But we saw that the doors were locked with no other way in.

"What luck." I groaned.

"So are we going back?" Ben asked.

"Nope!" I replied while grabbing a rock.

"What about the noise?" he snapped.

"We need these books and we can get in an out in five minutes." I smiled.

It didn't take long as I threw the rock and it bounced back onto the ground. Acting like nothing damage it or not. It seemed to have thicker layers, so I sighed and wrapped the cloak around my arm.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Ben said in a cold manner.

"This is going to hurt the door more, than me." I smiled as I swing full force to the door. Hearing the clash and crash of glass falling to the door. I quickly ran inside to grab any books about weapons or even chemistry. But at the end I was lucky with the grand told of twenty books for Hayhay to read. All we could do was go back and hope no one knew that we were gone.

As we walked and saw the sky bright with stars and clouds. Knowing that our world was going to be different as humanity coming to a slow crawl again. Power would stop and plants will take back earth again. So I took this chance to feel free and figure what was the best action at this time.

School was close by and we barely saw any zombies nearby. But went well got back inside and heard a pissed off sigh in front of me. Jade was there upset about what I did, but didn't have a choice in the manner.

"Where the hell were you!" she yelled.

"Getting medicine for Ethan," I replied and tried to walk towards the office. But she seemed to have other words in mine.

"To hell with him. You took our only medic outside these walls for medicine," she screamed.

"Because he knows what we need, unlike the rest of us," I answered and tried walking past her again.

"What leader goes off and risking her friends for medicine for an asshole." she snapped.

"That's it," I yelled and dropped my bags to the ground. Pissed about how she would treat a person was uncalled for. Sting was an Asshole, but he was a hard worker that help us live this far. So I pushed her to the ground held her there with a knife on her throat. "Think about this. I could choose to kill you here and now with no thought of anyone else's say so. I would be killing someone and that's the same thing you're doing to Sting. Killing him while we could get medicine to save him."

She didn't say a thing, but looked shocked on how I acted towards her. Thinking that her life was going to be taken by her best friend. She would know that I won't do a thing to her, but it gave her an idea to change her attitude. Getting up and telling James and Colt to move Ethan to the office was a better idea. Jade could still take the chances to kill him without anyone knowing, so it was the best to leave him with me.

Ben set the bags down and took out some antibiotics for him to take. But he looked at him and shook his head no. Knowing that he was changing and there was no going back. So he laid there with dead like eyes and smiled to me. I told Ben to make sure Hayhay got her books, so I could talk to him alone.

"I never thought I would die." he laughed.

"I know the feeling," I replied.

"Bitten or scratch?" he asked.

"Bitten in the hand." I smiled as he showed his arm with a green colored scratch.

"You know she'll kill you when you turn." I sighed.

"Yep," he said, "but I want her to know the truth. I think its the best for her to know what happened that night."

"Want me to write it down for you?" I asked as I knew these were going to be his final words.

"That would be for the best," he smiled, "but I also want to say sorry to you."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I bullied you and pushed you around. Not thinking how it could effect your mental health, but look at you now. A leader who will be doing anything for her friends as the world goes to hell. I even heard that you took down a cult on your own in the inside. But having help on the outside as well." he laughed as tears fell down his cheeks, "You'll be helping the others while I'm gone."

"Yeah, but you pushed me to a little better," I replied as I seen his eyes turn gray. Knowing his time was only in days or minutes and I felt bad to see him go. So in his final moments of being human. I wrote a letter for Jade to read after he was dead and turned. These days were never going to be the same again.