Chapter 13: Dancing Always Leads To Sex

The night crept over New Orleans like a silent phantom. The many cyprus ponds decorating its gardens reflected the startling moonlight like pitch black mirrors returning a demons glare. Even the starlight seemed eerie, especially in the light of bourbons streets aged street lamps. It was said ghosts haunted every square inch of the city, and specters could be seen prowling in many a back alley. Rose couldn't speak to any of that, although she couldn't deny the supernatural atmosphere as she danced among so many vampires.

Rose bit her tongue as she made a misstep. It was an accident, but a frightful one. She could taste the metallic sting of her own blood pooling between her lips, and beginning to trickle down her throat. Rose was well aware that there was something special about her own blood. Rebecca had cautioned her repeatedly about how her bloodline may descend from an ancient vampiric dynasty.

It wasn't uncommon for typical humans to carry dormant vampire genes, after all vampires have intermarried among humans for a long time. The offspring of such couplings were either vampires or humans, there were no such thing as 'half-breeds'. Rose learned that sometimes, although rarely, human family may give birth to a vampire if both parents had vampiric lineages that were strong enough in their background.

Rose knew her blood was especially delicious to Rebecca, and other vampires. During the cruise, an entire mob had sought her out, and it wasn't just because she happened to be the only human on the ship. Rose never ventured to learn about any vampires that may have existed in her family tree, but even though she was human, her blood seemed to have a rather potent quality of ancient power. She covered her mouth quickly, well aware of how her essence could attract unwanted attention.

The convention was in full swing, the first hour of which was decorated with vibrant music and heart throbbing vibrations in the air. Rose had never been good at dancing, she was always afraid she would look stupid. Thankfully Bachata was structured in a way that it was easy for her to understand. There were established moves, and a pattern of footsteps that were somehow both simple, yet thrilling. The twirls and spins were easy to communicate back and forth between the lead and the follower, and kept in line with the beat of the music. It was active and lively, yet passionate and serene, like organized chaos.

Roughly a hundred people were actively dancing in the massive convention hall, while another large crowd watched and intermingled in between songs. After a couple hours the theme shifted, and the dance style changed. By that point Rose was fueled by adrenaline. At the sound of a ring the crowd cheered as everyone shifted from Bachata to Kizomba.

Rose had only barely grasped the basics of Kizomba, but luckily Rebecca had thoroughly fallen in love with it. Kizomba was a very smooth, very sensuous, dance that required a strong and confident lead. The hip rotations between dance partners were especially sexual. Rose held her girlfriends hands firmly as the duo pressed against one other. Her cheeks burned as she could feel Rebecca's soft chest squeezing into her own. The vampires feet seemed to glide over the floor as she took the lead. The final dip and twist was enough to cause Rose to gasp with alarm as her breasts bounced from the sudden motion.

Leaning back, she could feel the sweat dripping up her chest, reaching to her collar bone. She dipped her head back, allowing her hair to touch the floor. Rebecca pulled her back up quickly, and Rose felt the vampires leg brush in between her thighs.

The pulse of the music was in step with their heartbeats, making the entire atmosphere feel hypnotic. Lost in the moment, they quickly shared a kiss, and their tongues intertwined. It was then that Rebecca scooped up the blood in Rose's mouth and sucked it back.

Rose didn't object, and the vampire seemed to relish the surprise. Once their lips were free, Rose wiped her lips with the back of her hand. Her pink lipgloss smudged against the back of her thumb, she missed her red lipstick but wouldn't dare wear it while surrounded by so many vampires.

The overhead lights lit up their place in the crowd to highlight the blue and black fabric of their outfits. Rose had decided to wear a skin tight body suit, it's latex material left her arms and waist fully exposed, along with a small opening in the chest to show off a healthy dose of cleavage. It was a dark blue color, that matched her chocker necklace and wristbands.

Rebecca, on the other hand, had chosen something even more titillating. She wore a cream colored tube top that clung to her curves so tightly Rose wondered if it would burst. The vampire had chosen to pair it with a pair of slim, dark black, leggings. Her fully exposed midriff revealed clenching core musculature that was especially hard given the dancing routine.

The next hour seemed to float by like a mirage. Rose and Rebecca flowed with the sensual dance, feeling each others skin and tasting each others lips, as the music never seemed to end. The surrounding crowd was packed as couples, and dancing enthusiasts, swayed back and forth amid the glow of overhead lights. The types of dancers varied immensely; some were chaotic and rowdy, while others danced like experts. Some dancing partners moved like lovers with intimate knowledge of each others limits and desires, while others awkwardly tried to keep themselves from keeling over.

By the end of the hour, the environment had become disorienting as the heat from hundreds of bodies added to the atmosphere of the room. Meanwhile Rose's heart was a flutter as she struggled to keep herself from getting lost in Rebecca's perfume.

A flash of light helped Rose to see another couple nearby. A vampire suckled onto his partners neck as the duo felt each other with greedy hands, they were getting lost in throes of passion. Seeing them lose control only added to the tension building in her loins. Rose felt her stomach clench, and her heart began to race.

It was impossible to hear each other speak through the sound of the music, but Rose could make out her girlfriends lips as she motioned the words, 'need a break.' It was clear it wasn't a question, but a matter of fact. Rebecca's attention was slipping, her eyes were struggling not to gaze too deeply down Rose's suit.

Rose couldn't blame her, she was losing interest in the dance as well. Her own movements had been growing more aggressive as they held each other in the typical Kizomba style. They had been dancing so closely, hugging each other so tenderly, it was a miracle they hadn't shed themselves of their clothing in the middle of the stage floor already.

Rose nodded, and the two squeezed through the packed crowds of dancers until they found the edge of the room. They had to walk out of the hall before they could hear each other talk.

"I want you!" Rebecca was straight to the point, and already had a hand underneath the fabric of Rose's suit. She was practically jumping up and down with lust fueled excitement. The tube top around her chest was just barely holding on.

Rose was just glad to get out of the packed crowd for a moment, and took in a deep breath. Her heart was still pounding in her chest. She could feel Rebecca's hand grab hold of her right breast, causing her entire body to shiver. It was impossible to hide her own excitement. Sweat glistened over her violently blushing neckline, and her stomach was tied in a knot. Her lower lips were practically drooling down her thighs!

With a simple nod, Rose dashed alongside her vampire towards the elevator. She doubted she could keep her clothes on long enough to make it to their room.


"We're all in this together," the words were like acid to his ears. The clerk spoke with goodwill but the phrase had been repeated so many times, it was beginning to sound mechanical. It mattered little, even had the clerk sounded genuine it wouldn't have made the words any less cringey.

"No…we're not." Holden Laux took his key card from the counter and strolled past the front desk. He didn't even look at the box of unopened face masks sitting next to the clerk.

He arrived at the hotel later than he would like, but wasn't concerned about it intruding on the schedule. Despite the humidity, he wore a leather jacket over a dress shirt and tie. He kept on his sunglasses as he strolled down the halls.

The clerks words continued to circle in his head. We're all in this together, he was referring to the latest flu epidemic. There was yet another wave of illness spreading from coast to coast. The government wanted everyone to believe it was a natural phenomena, but Holden knew better. Most had already gotten wise to the fact this was anything BUT normal, the real argument was now centered around who was responsible.


It was immediately after they revealed themselves that the new flu came into being. Holden studied the data, and it was clear that this new epidemic was somehow related. For one, the worst symptoms were reported in cities where the largest vampire communities were tolerated. Civilians who let vampires bite them were also the most susceptible to becoming carriers, at least according to the CDC.

The political establishment was playing an odd game. On one hand they were releasing all pertinent data collected, and on the other, they were openly disputing the data they were collecting. If you watched the news, you likely believed the propaganda.

But if you actually took the time to read…

Well, Holden had gone off the deep end. He spent days studying the charts, and carefully going over every statistic, all the while reviewing what the spokesmen were saying about it. It became clear the healthcare industry was lying, and hoping no one would actually discover the truth on their own.

Once the truth was open, Holden couldn't stop himself. He continued to delve deeper until his frustrations reached a breaking point. He discovered there was a pattern to the outbreaks. This discovery is what made him join the Onion Knights. Some had referred to this secret club as a cult, and in a way it was slowly becoming one, but Holden knew this was a temporary relationship. He had no intention of being bound to any one group for long, he was his own man and planned to keep it that way. For now being a member of the Onion Knights had its advantages, and he planned on utilizing them to the fullest. Especially now that he was so close to the truth.

Even this far away from the convention hall, he could hear the music echoing through the walls. It brought back memories of an old fling that once dared him to explore the dancing scene. He delved a little into this flamboyant world, although his endgame had more to do with spending time with the sexual deviant alongside him than anything else. Ultimately it was a failed enterprise, but the memories were still pleasant.

He took a moment to stop at one of the nearest vending machines, and pulled out a small handful of change from his coat pocket. He had just inserted the first quarter when he felt someone brush up against him. Something solid pressed firmly against his back. He caught the strangest whiff of perfume that reminded him of nectarines.

"Well hello Kami, long time no see…" Holden smiled as he looked over his shoulder.