Chapter 15: The Crimson Light of the Moon

There is nothing you can see

That is not a flower;

There is nothing you can think

That is not the moon

- Matsuo Basho

The gun's discharge reverberated the surrounding air. Holden Laux ignored the ringing in his ears as he shoved the sidearm away, barely in time. As he spun around, knocking the gun aside with his left hand, he used his right to grab hold of the top receiver.

The pistol in Kami's hand buckled as he shoved his shoulder into the woman's chest. The impact nearly bounced back, her voluptuous breasts absorbing the blow, and repealing him easily. Holden used the sudden motion to his advantage, it made it easy for him to yank the sidearm from her hand completely.

Unable to hold onto her gun, and seeing what was coming next, Kami dived low. She thrust her knee forward into Holden's groin, and then swiftly swung a right hook into his exposed cheek.

Holden couldn't dodge the blow, the pain sent shooting stars through his vision. He dropped the gun as he flew sideways onto the ground. Meanwhile, the gun hit the carpet hard, causing it to discharge another round.


The dream returned to her with a bitter scarlet moon this time. The gemstone burned in the hands of a tall, shadowy figure, who's eyes were slowly turning pitch black. They were black holes, depthless in perception, and terrifying to behold.

The gemstone, meanwhile, seemed to outline his figure amid the scarlet moon. The air seemed to permeate as waves of heat bounced against a heartbeat of wind, it made the shadowy figure appear to dissipate as he held the stone.

Rose wanted to reach out, she felt an unending desire touch the smooth gem. Each pulse of air current caused her loins to tingle, and her lust to stir. She flustered as she stood before the stunningly erect figure, and the glowing orb in his hands.

Her blood boiled, her veins quaked, and her heart yearned for the tear dropstain embedded within. More than anything in the world, she wanted to get her hands on it.

Why? She didn't know, there was only instinct driving her forward.

Each step dragged against the crimson light of the moon. Each breath of air weighed in her lungs. It felt as if something was holding her back, cementing her feet. She struggled to take a single step, yet each lungful of toxic air helped to push her forward. Something deep within her soul was screaming for whatever secrets were locked inside that gem.

The shadow opened its lips, two scarlet fangs caught the light of the moon. As it spoke, his voice drowned out the world.

She opened her eyes, a fresh layer of sweat glistened off her naked skin, and her breasts were heaving. Rose looked up, and found an adorable blonde vampire leaning over her. Crystal blue eyes seemed to sparkle in the night.

"Rosie?" Rebecca cocked her head to the side. Her hair shimmered, and then settle back around Rose's face. She could feel it tickling against her forehead. Rebecca's hair was always soft. Even when she was too lazy to shower it for days, it kept its illustrious shine. In a way, Rose was jealous of her.

Rose took in a deep breath to collect herself, not sure what to make of the dream. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she could taste something stale in her mouth. It took a moment for her delirium to end, gazing into those crystal blue eyes seemed to help.

As Rose looked up, Rebecca's adorable curiosity had a way of making her laugh. Rose let out a giggle, she always found it cute how Rebecca would tuck her head against her shoulder with her lips in a pout. A curtain of blonde hair surrounded Rose's face, making it impossible to notice the eerie lights flashing through the window curtains.

"Hey Reby, is it morning?" Rose's voice was shallow and moist. She felt all kinds of sore throughout her abdomen. The joint between her legs ached, each pulse felt like a drumbeat below her stomach.

"Not yet…" Rebecca paused as she studied her with inquiring eyes. "You were making weird noises," There was genuine concern in Rebecca's voice. "You kept mumbling about spicy taco's and drooling."

For some reason, Rose found that suspicious. She could remember the crazy dream vividly. Although…thinking of taco's made her stomach growl.

"Was I really talking in my sleep," Rose let her head sink back into the pillow. She was too tired to get up, nor did she want to. She enjoyed the feeling of Rebecca's breasts pressing against her chest, and for some reason, her breath smelled like cinnamon. Rose resisted the urge to move as something tickled against her stomach. She realized it must've been the small patch of hair above the vampire's groin.

Rebecca smiled, "more like mumbling, and a couple moans." The vampire leaned closer, their fingers intertwined.

Just before their lips met, Rose felt her blood freeze.

"Um, Reby…" Rose did her best to stay calm, even as a bead of sweat strolled down her cheek. "Don't be alarmed…but…"

"What?" Rebecca cocked her head to the other side, her eyes grew wide.

Rose did her best to remain calm, knowing what was coming next. "I think…there's a spider in your hair…"

Rebecca screamed!