The Second Night

Moments before the kids swarmed the bakery we managed to get everything into place. I was in my spot as the first person walking in. The kids came through fast. We were busy for a Monday, it was like Friday everyone was ordering extras. When things started slowing down Elizabeth can out to the register.

"Have you heard anything about why these kids are stocking up today?"

"No, no one has explained why they want extras."

Just then the twins walked in the door. And I was happy to see that Barbie was not with them. Elizabeth saw them and smiled.

"So boys can you tell us working girls what's going on in the world? Why is everyone buying so much tonight? Not that we are complaining but it's a Monday we weren't prepared for this."

"Sorry aunty there is a football game tonight so everyone is getting ready for the game."

" I didn't realize football season started today. I need to let Anne know. Thanks boys talk to you later."

Once Elizabeth walks away the boys turn all their attention on me. No one says anything they just smile at me. I can't take it anymore I have to break the silence.

" So guys what would you like today?"

"Well sweetheart I would love to take you right here right now but I'm not sure the Aunts would like to watch."

"Dean you are embarrassing our little mate. The least we can do is take her back to her room before we take her."

"Sam look at her face, she is so cute when she goes all red like that. And her excitement smells so good. I'm positive she is imagining us fucking her right now."

I pull myself together because to be honest I was thinking about them fucking me and it was so good. Once I was under control I asked," Sam, Dean what kind of donuts would you like?"

"I love how you are trying to be all business, Okay we will be good for now. We need one dozen mixed and one dozen chocolate donuts. Then maybe later tonight we can touch and taste you again."

Before I say anything I tell them their total and give them their change. Then when I turn to the window in a low voice I believe no one can hear I say," Oh goddess you have no idea how badly I want that."

After I get their donuts I turn back to them, both of them have large smiles on their faces. I hand them their boxes then I go out to wipe tables.

They come up next me, one on each side and both of them gives me a kiss on the cheek. Then they walk out. I finish cleaning the table and look up to see Anne and Elizabeth watching me.

"So we see things are progressing well between you and the twins. Al least that's what it looks like to us."

I know my face is red so I sit down and with as little detail as possible I tell them about this morning. I leave out all the really interesting parts and just say they kissed me. I don't want to seem like I'm easy or something and we really didn't do anything.... Then I ask them," I am confused, several times now they say they are my mates. Is that like boyfriends or what? Why would they both want me? No one has ever wanted me before. They are both sexy and good looking and could have anyone they want. What's the game?"

"Oh honey for them you are so much more than a girlfriend you are the other half of their soul. They are drawn to you. Do you feel drawn to them?"

"Yes, I figured I was just obsessed with them. I mean they are the first normal guys I have met in two years. CAN someone really fall in love that fast? I mean to be honest I can't stop thinking about them. I want more than to be just kissed and touched by them. I want so much more."

"Oh honey that is the mate bond at work and it only gets stronger as time goes by. It's going to sound strange but the three of you will be very happy. All we ask is that till your eighteen please use protection if you have sex. Once your eighteen it will be your choice."

"I will Anne I am not ready for children yet. I'm not stable enough for children."

"We are glad you know your limitations but don't think so badly about yourself. Your not Crazy, your just young. Your childhood sucked, Now we are going to fix that."

"So stop mopeing child so we can get home and eat I'm starving."

"Okay Elizabeth I'm ready when you are."

After that we head home. We make dinner then I head to my room to work on my puzzle. Not long after I start work I drift off, the dream happened fast. I start screaming Anne and Elizabeth come running up the stairs. This time I am throwing things at invisible people. They duck and dodge until they get right next to me then Anne slapped me across the face, it wakes me up. I am shocked that they have me pinned against the wall. I start crying and they try to comfort me. Once I stop crying I look at the room. Books are everywhere the puzzle is ruined. And then I start crying again. Once they calm me down for the second time we clean up the books but I can't bring myself to pick up the puzzle pieces. We go downstairs when we are done.

We play a few boardgames to pass the time and they try to teach me to knit. After a while I tell them I can't stay awake I'm sorry I need to go to bed. They tell me good night and kiss my cheeks. I go upstairs and am asleep almost right away. They let the twins in and everyone goes to bed.

Around midnight I wake up I think maybe it is Anne and Elizabeth in the bed to keep me relaxed but then I realized it was Sam and Dean. At first I just lay there then I hear Dean say," Brother I do believe she is awake. Should we do as she asked earlier today. Should we do more than kiss her?"

"Yes brother I think we should. And little one these rooms are sound proof so now that the door is closed no one will hear a thing."

The next thing I know. Sam's kissing me while Dean is Taking off my panties. They get my shirt off and smile when they see I'm not wearing a bra. Sam starts sucking on my tight hard nipple while Dean's fingers are exploring my tight wet hole.

"hmmmm baby you taste so good. I could suck on your nipples all night."

Then his fingers slowly glide down to my wet clip. As both of them move in and out of me I can feel my climax coming. as their fingers move faster the pressure keeps building and just when I think I can't take it anymore they both push deeper and I cum so much it cover their hands. I watch as they lick their fingers clean then Dean goes into the bathroom. Before he comes back Sam says," I need to taste you sweetheart. This just isn't enough."

Then he spreads my legs apart and starts licking at my clit like it's a sucker. As his tongue dives down I feel the pressure building again. Dean comes out of the bathroom with a washcloth in hand and says," Hey I want some."

Then he gets in next to Sam and starts licking at me as well. My hands go in their hair and my body bows off the bed and the next thing I know I am cuming all over their faces. They continue licking and sucking me until they get every drop then they clean their faces and clean me up then they climb back into the bed.

"Now go back to sleep sweetheart you need your rest".

Then they both kiss me. It's odd I can taste me on their lips. But I am really tired and my eyes close. Last thing I remember I grab Sam's shirt with one hand and Dean's arm with the other one. Then I fall asleep.

The next morning there is no one in the bed but me. When I pull the blankets down I am completely naked and a little sore. After I take my shower I get dressed when I go to grab my bag I notice the pile of puzzle pieces and the note.


Saw these on the floor and grabbed them for you. By the way last night was not a dream. Hope to do more tonight.

LOVE Sam and Dean.

I go downstairs in complete shock. When I sit at the table Anne and Elizabeth look at me and sit down.

"What's wrong honey? Why do you look like you saw a ghost?"

At first I don't say anything I just hand them the note. They read it then Elizabeth starts to get upset.

"We told them not to do anything they shouldn't have. They broke their word."

"No it's not that. I didn't tell them no. I wanted them to do it. I wanted more than what they did. All they really did was relax me. I was tossing and turning and they helped me."

"Then why do you look so upset? I'm not upset, I'm confused, why would they do any of that?"

"Honey have you not been listening? They are your mates. They will do anything in their power to make you happy. You have been having horrible nightmares for two days now. We found the only way for you to sleep was for the twins to share your bed. They made you feel loved and protected and kept the dreams away."

"Wow, so what do I do now? "

"First things first do you accept them as your mates? Think about it then when you get a quiet minute with them you need to tell them. And tonight we won't wait till your asleep for them to join you. After last night I think we will keep them close since the dreams are getting worse."

"Enough talk you too we have to go. We are going to be late."

We all grab our things and race out the door. I don't understand why Elizabeth thought we would be late she got us there with time to spare.