Family No...

Once they dropped me of at the school I was surprised to see Ashley waiting for me on the steps. As I walk up to her she smiles and says," I was told to wait for you so that brain dead cow doesn't start anything. I guess I'm your new bodyguard lol. Also I'm supposed to tell you the twins won't be here till later I guess there was some kind of issue they had to deal with. But they will see you before the end of school."

"Okay so we get to hang out. If your any good at math I could use help. Hey do you want to hang out this weekend? Maybe we could go to the mall. I went with Anne and Elizabeth but all we did was school shopping. I was at the book store for a minute but was scared by the twins. Keep in mind this was before anyone told me about the mate bond. This way I can think, And I can be more clear headed."

"lol yea mates can do that to you. I would love to hang out this weekend. I will pick you up Saturday at ten."

"Sounds like a plan to me. So Do you have a mate yet? Anne and Elizabeth have been telling me about mates but I feel like they are leaving things out."

"Yea I have a mate, he is the twins Beta. He is sweet, and so cute. He is in our third period class. I can introduce you to him."

"That would be great. I like meeting normal people. Listen if we are going to be friends I want you to know something. I was actually in a mental hospital. But it wasn't what she was saying. That's just not true."

"Girl first of all what happened before you came here doesn't matter. Barbie is just pissed because you got the twins and not her. I will be your friend till you tell me to go away. Now before we go any further we need to get to class."

I nod my head then we run to class. Things go like normal till we get to third period. First I meet Tim, I think he is cool, Ashley is right he is cute but not as cure as the twins. Then class starts. Sure enough I have issues with the math problems. Ashley helps a lot. We go over it a couple of times then things click and I finally get it. About half way through class I am called to the counselors office.

I look at Ashley and shrug. "Maybe I forgot to sign something. Otherwise no idea. Be back in a minute." Then I go to Angela's office.

When I walk in the door there are two men sitting in front of Angela's desk. I can't see their faces but they really creep my out. I don't know what it is but they seem off. I don't want to be around them.

"Angela you asked to see me?"

"Yes Patricia these men here say they are related to you."

"Excuse me what's that? Um I don't think that's right. That's just not possible. I have no family except Anne and Elizabeth."

"Can you please sit down and talk to them. They say they have proof."

"No they are not my family. I refuse to talk to them."

I race out of the room and out the front door. I stop on the steps to collect my thoughts. What the Hell is going on? They can't be my family. Just then I feel something on my neck. I turn to see the two men behind me. Everything around me goes blank and I start falling.

Back in class Ashley starts getting worried. She leans over to Tim,"Link the twins see where they are I think something is wrong. We need to go see Angela."

Tim links the twins then they link the teacher and she sends Ashley and Tim to see Angela.

Just before Tim and I get to Angela's door Sam and Dean run in.

What's going on? Tim you said Patricia was sent to see Angela and never came back."

"We don't know Sam she was called to the office and never came back to class. Ashley has a bad feeling something is wrong. I know better than to disregard her feelings."

"I know that's why we came so quickly. Let's talk to Angela."

We all walk in to Angela's office only to find her on the floor.

Stop, everyone back out of the room now. Sam call the trackers. Ashley get the nurse. Tim go to the office and check the tapes I need to see what happened to our mate."

"Yes Alpha!"

Everyone scatters to the different directions given. Then Dean walks into the room and picks up Angela then puts her down in the hall. Then he closes the door to the office. Ashley and the nurse are back first. They take Angela back to the office. Before the bell rings Dean sends a pack wide announcement. Our Luna has been kidnapped stay in the classrooms till told otherwise. Moments later Sam and four trackers come back. Dean looks at the trackers and says," Our mate has been kidnapped the people who took her were in this room. Find them."

"Yes Alpha!"

They go in the room as Tim comes out of the office. He hands four pictures to Sam and four pictured to Dean.

"These are the best pictures we have. Looking at the video they drugged her. This is the van they put her in. I already put out an Amber alert for her since she is seventeen she still qualified. Also I faxed these pictures to the police stations in all towns surrounding us. They will not get far Alpha's."

"Alpha's Angela is awake. She wants to speak to you."

"We will be right there."

Sam and Dean run down the hall to the nurses office as they walk in Angela starts talking.

"Alpha's I'm so sorry they are not wolves. I'm not sure what they are but they are not human either. They showed up saying they were Patricia's family. I called her to my office but when she got here she started getting upset when I told her who they said they were. Alpha's I might have been seeing things but I swear her eyes started changing colors. One minutes white, the next purple. Anyway she ran out of my office. I told them to give me a minute to talk to her and that was when one of them hit me. Next thing I know I wake up here. Is she okay?"

" No Angela she is not okay. They took her. The trackers are in your office now. Did they say anything to you?"

"I'm so sorry Dean, no they didn't say anything else."

Tim rushes into the room," Alpha's the trackers have something."

We all go back to Angela's office Mark the lead tracker steps forward," Alpha's there is a scent here we can't seem to identify. It is female but not Patricia neither does it belong to anyone from the school or pack. They all did leave together. So she is a member of that group. The tire tracks are heading out of town to the west. I sent the rest of the team to prep so we can search, I wanted to update you both."

"Thank you Mark, by the way here are the pictures Tim collected and I am sending you one of Patricia. Now catch up with your team. And let us know what you learn or when you find her."

"Yes Alpha."

Mark races out to catch up with his team.

Dean looks at Sam then he sends out the message that school is done all pack members are required to go home. No one on the streets tonight. Our Luna is missing I won't endanger or put anyone else at risk. Now go."

Parents start showing up for the kids. The twins remain on the steps till everyone is gone then they go to the bakery.

They walk through the door to find Anne and Elizabeth sitting at one of the tables. They look up when the door opens.

"Do we know anything yet? Where is our girl."

"All we know is two men showed up saying they were Patricia's family. Angela called her to her office. When she got there she knew something was wrong. She ran out of the office after the introductions were done. But they hit and knocked out Angela then drugged Patricia. According to Mark it was two men and a women. Mark and his team is out hunting now. We don't know anything else."

"Lets clean up and go home. Maybe she will be able to call us."

"That is a great idea Anne. Let's get it done."

The four of them clean up and close up the bakery then go back to the bed and breakfast to wait.