My Father

The next time I wake up its 11:20 a.m. I take a shower and get dressed. Then I go downstairs. I don't see anyone around so I head for the kitchen. When I walk in I see Emily doing dished. I walk over to the table and sit down. When Emily turns around she jumps.

"Oh my Goddess Patricia you scared me. When did you come down? And you do realize you have been asleep for over twenty-four hours. The boys were worried when they couldn't wake you up and believe me they tried. But the doctor said just to let you sleep. So the boys went to school and Anne and Elizabeth went to work. I already let them all know your awake. What would you like to eat? I'll make you anything you want."

"If it's not to much trouble can I have what you made yesterday please? Does the doctor know why I slept so long?"

"He said it was because your body went through so many changes all at once. You are a hybrid for one. You have two Alpha's as your mates. Hell according to your mother you came into your wings early. I would say it all overloaded your body. So you had to regain you strength. Now here you go, eat everything if you can. By the way you have about fifteen minutes before the boys get here. Since they are the Alpha's They are aloud to check themselves out of school, And that is exactly what they did. They checked out and are on their way home."

While I ate Emily told me about the upcoming Luna Ceremony they have planned. She tells me it will be held Saturday night. She offered to take me shopping for a dress.

Once I finished eating, I was surprised I cleaned the plate. I told her I would love to go shopping. Then two minutes later the twins come rushing in.

"Baby are you okay. We tried a few times to wake you up. We have some news for you."

"I know your mom was just telling me about the Luna Ceremony. We were even talking about going shopping."

"No sweetheart that's not the news. But we are glad she told you so you wouldn't be blindsided by the news. Sweetheart your father is here. How do you want to handle it?"

"Ummm when did he get here? Where is he. What do I do?"

"Just remain calm baby he has been here since this morning. Don't worry he can't take you from the pack or your mates. You have been marked it would kill us all to be separated. We will protect you. We can bring him here if you like or we can take you to him. Either way I have a couple of people covering for Anne and Elizabeth so they will be here. Is there anyone else you want here?"

"I don't want to sound like a complete baby but I would feel better if Tim, Ashley, and Mark were here too."

"Baby that's what we thought you would say. Mark is outside and Tim and Ashley are the ones bringing Anne and Elizabeth out. Is there anyone else you want or need to be here."

"The doctor, he will know the right questions to ask. I need to know about myself but have no idea what to ask."

"Sweetheart he is on his way. I also told Mark to bring him here. They will all be here in the next fifteen minutes."

As we all wait for Mark to bring my father my true family and support team shows up. I give them all hugs then we sit and wait. Mark shows up with a man who I can only assume is my father. He is well built, plenty of muscle, no fat anywhere. He is about six and a half feet tall. He has shoulder length dish water blonde hair, he has green eyes and He carries himself like royalty.

No one says a word everyone is waiting to see what happens. Finally the doctor says," Since Patricia is a hybrid what can she expect of her body? We already know she has a wolf named Shimmer. But what can she expect from her elf side? Will there be any other special issues since she is royal? Since any children they have will be considered hybrid as well, what do we expect there? We know the fey people don't like cross breeding but that's what happened here so what does she need to know?"

I look at the doctor and nod my head. I am so happy he stepped up and asked what I couldn't. But then I ended up with more questions than answers after my father explains things.

" First of all its an honor to meet you Patricia. I am your father Prince Alexander of the Shimmering waters. I realize the other night we couldn't be properly introduced because of the issues going on. I did not know about you, I am the one who set up the trust fund. Now that I know where she is I will send the information to the pack lawyers. I want you all to know I am not here to take her away. I do want to train her when her abilities start to show up. I personally am gifted with telekinesis, as well as being telepathic. Your wings will make another appearance on your birthday. It's like a right of passage. When we reach our eighteenth year we come into our full powers. Or at least you should. Not completely sure. We won't know your powers till you turn eighteen. The elf side is as strong as your wolf side. I'm not sure what that means for your future children. Yes you are a royal hybrid so you will be strong in all aspects. I wish you were raised by the wolves or elves, being raised by humans has set your training back many years. What my people think of wolf mates is a load of crap. I loved your mother until she was the one to reject me. She wrote me a letter didn't even tell me to my face. I hope to be in your life in some form if you will allow it. As far as children we will have to watch you when you get pregnant, birth is not easy for elves, I'm not sure about wolves. Royal's are only pregnant for five months. Again not sure about wolves. I will say I'm proud of the women you have become. I see you have two good strong mates, and a good group of friends to help you. I would be honored if you will allow me to help you when the time comes. I will do my best to keep your mother away from you. Although I'm not sure she even wants anything to do with you since your now mated to wolves. But when your powers show she might come back. Just be prepared for anything okay. Now here is my card if you need me call me or if you want to talk that's fine to. But I will go now so you can rest. Thank you for seeing me."

He leans down and kisses my cheek then he leaves the house. We are all shocked by the sudden departure. After a few minutes the doctor says," Well that helped, not much."

"Well at least we have a baseline and now we can look up our own information. So in some ways he did help. But he was right about one thing. You still look tired and like you need to eat. You rest we will find out what we can."

"Thank you all for being here. I know it sounds cheesey but for someone who never had a real family before now I want to say you all make me feel safe. And yes I am tired still but not as tired as I was yesterday. And I could eat again. But thank you all for the support."

After that Anne and Elizabeth went back to the bakery, Ashley and Tim did rounds. Mark waited outside, while. Emily made me more food. After I ate the twins took me back up to bed. They both kissed me and left the room. I think I was asleep before they left the room since I never heard the door close.