Chapter 3

Licht Bach POV

I told her my name with a dazzling smile on my face. She blushed harder than before hehehehehe cute.....

"So Emma right? What are you doing in the middle of the forest?" I ask her without removing my smile..

"Uh-uhm-uhh I- I was getting fruits to eat for the rest of the week sir" She stuttered for like 4 times now, can't clearly blame her I mean I am very handsome umu!

'Heheh let's tease her more' I thought in my mind...

The I changed my facial expression to a sad one. And she notices it right away. Then I said to her "Am I really that ugly and scary that you keep stuttering??

Oh! Right I mean who wouldn't be scared of me when I killed a huge scary animal, you must be frightened" I said in a sad tone...

"N-no!! Yo-your not scary, your very handsome!!!??!" She shouted and then realized what she said and blushed again...

"Oh!!? Is that soo~, your very beautiful too you know that Emma-chan~" I grinned at her and she blushed harder than before...

Now to more pressing matters....

"Ne? Emma-chan, are you an elf ?"

I ask her straight forwardly I don't have time to waste here....

"Umm yes sir, if I may can I ask you too a question ?" She answered my question and I was shocked she really was an elf...

Then I remembered her asking me too..

"Sure Emma-chan, ask away~" I answered her..

"Uhhh the language you are speaking right now it's Japanese right ?"

She ask me

"Yup yup, you sure are smart Emma-chan~" I answered her, and ask her a question...

"How do you know that~" I said

"Umm our language is a variant of the language you are speaking right now, only the village chief and his descendants can know about it too, because other elves are prideful so it would hurt their pride hard and maybe leave the village of they know about it..." She said

I was shocked to say the least the elves are using our language as a base for their language...

"Emma-chan" I called out to her in a serious tone, making her serious too

Now that's a good trait...

"Yes sir ?" She ask me

"Drop the sir, your making me feel old you know. Just call me Licht, okay?"

I said to her

"Then, Licht-san what is it?" She ask me

"Do you know a monster made of black hands that can reach ( points to the tallest tree I can find ) that high?"

Emma suddenly shivered when I mentioned Althing...

"Umm my father used to tell me something about a myth a black hand monster that Is many" she said in a sad tone and I noticed she used the word 'used'...

"People of this world use that myth about the black hands to scare children so they would go to sleep" she said

"But one of my ancestors found a diary that contains a drawing of the myth and fighting against it, is 7 humans that have powers so great that lands shook with every strike they hit towards the black hands monster ..." She said and I was processing the information when suddenly I remembered 1 detail that made me tremble..

7 humans that's us I mean we are the only ones who fought against Althing....

75,000 years ago?? I-i've been pretrified for 75,000 years?!!!!

My body shook because that must mean my younger brother light....

Is no longer alive...

No longer alive...

Longer alive...


I felt tears gathering in both of my eyes and I stumble a bit backbawards. I let a drop or two before regaining my composure and wipe my tears away....

When Emma saw tears in my eyes she became confused and concerned for me...

"Are you okay? Licht-san?" Emma ask with a worried tone

"Yes.... I'm fine" I gave her a smile to reassure her and she quickly hugs me to comfort me...

What I didn't know was that she was blushing hard...

Because contact with elves is special...

I pat her head and she looks up at me. And I said "I'm okay now" with a little smile..

She quickly smiled back and said "Umm if it's not much of a bother you can come with me to the village..."

The village? I ask myself maybe the one I saw before....

"Is it okay? For me to go there?" I ask her

"Mmh it's okay because I will be a future village chief..." She said

"Then don't mind if I do" I start to head to the village with Emma on my side...

While we were walking I thought 'I'll need to move on from my brothers death, I'll not be visiting any of my brother's Descendants if he has one.

It's still too dangerous, maybe Althing Is lurking around the shadows...'

When we reach there. Suddenly there are elves surrounding us with bows. But one look at Emma, one of them ask a question "Alf-sama who is this human?" He said

"He's a guest of mine Robert and I would like to thank him for saving my life in the forest" she said

The now known as Robert took a long pause and said with a smile "Welcome to Alf's Forest Mr?"

I smiled at him and answered "Licht, Licht Bach, just call me Licht, Robert-san.."

"Then I welcome you again to Alf's Forest" Robert said with a smile

When we entered The Alf's Forest I was stunned by it's beauty, houses everywhere on the side especially on trees...

We arrived at Emma's house and it's really huge...

Emma opened the door, and we entered in..

She offered me a sit to sit on while she's removing the fruits from the basket to put it at the tray at the table...

After that she sits down opposite of me and cheerily asked me questions how I learned Japanese, sword play and etc

I answered all of her answers but I lied saying that I learned Japanese. Because if I said I already know it before they learn it I will become suspicious.

I gave the excuse that I manage to find some notes about it....

Time passed we kept on talking and talking, until Emma groggily lays down on the sofa and sleeps...

I glanced around the room to check if there's any blanket. And surprisingly there's one on the shelves. I grab it and drape it over Emma's body....

I said to her quietly "Goodnight Emma-chan"

Then I immediately lay down on the couch I was sitting at before and sleeps....