Chapter 5

No One's POV ( Time Skip 20 Years )

( 980 years left till Canon )

It has been 20 years since, Licht has taken Albert as his disciple. Licht has discovered that Albert has an immense sword talent....

But it's still not enought to beat Lichts many years of experience fighting...

Albert can go toe to toe with a spirit right now a powerful one at that...

Outside we can see two young people sparring, one has a height of 6'5" with white hair, red eyes, and a fair skin his clothes consist of a red garb drape over his shoulders, and armor underneath it, and metal boots, holding in his right hand is long katana with a white star and count of 5,700. This is our Main character Licht Bach....

The other one is a handsome young man with black hair with a maroon scarf on his neck and light armor with a height of 5'4". Wielding in his right hand is a sword. This is Albert Waldstein, Our MC's 2nd disciple, and future 'Sword Champion...

"Come on Albert keep up!" Shouted Licht

"Hai! Sensei!" Said Albert as he tried to keep up with Licht.

They kept going at it for 1 hour until Albert finally collapse falling backwards facing the sky...

"You've certainly grown big time Albert~ with your looks and all you can get as many ladies as you want~" Licht smirks at Albert. Albert blushed and shouted "Sensei!!!" Licht's smirk grew bigger as Albert blushed...

"Haaaahh I'm jealous Albert-kun *tears up a little* why does ladies fall in love with you *sniff* and not meeee!!!"

Licht said and added "I'm more handsomer than youuu *sniff*"

Then Albert said with a deadpan voice "Because sensei you're a perv"

"Ho-how can you say that! That's not true!!" Said Licht with hand movements..

"That what do can you say about yourself peeping at bathhouses of young maidens" said Albert with a straight face...

"Kuhh!!" Licht fell onto his knees tears up Al little..

Albert stands up and put forward a hand towards Licht's front, Licht grabs it and stands up...

They went home in the small village they're staying...

And after cleaning up and cooking dinner. Albert suddenly speaks and said "Sensei, I want to start my own adventure"

Then silence came next, Albert suddenly became nervous about his Sensei's reply..

Licht smiled a genuine smile, before when he made his first 10,000 kills of humans as an ace. he lost his ability to smile, sometimes he unconsciously smiles, but when he tried to smile consciously it's hard and ends up being an awkward smile..

After his petrification, that's when he learned how to smile genuine with Emma...

"Alright, but make sure to send a letter once in a while" Licht said..

Albert smiled back and bow his head then said "Thank you for everything sensei!"

"What will you do now sensei?" Ask Albert.

"I'll be settling down here for a while" said Licht.

They started eating and night came, and then they fell asleep..

( Next Morning )

Licht Bach POV

Morning came, I head out of my room to see Albert preparing for his adventure..

"Leaving so early" I said to him

"Yes sensei" He said to me while smiling

While his packing, I reminisce my time with Albert, his training, our travel, his birthday's and etc....

I remembered I took a picture of him with me for remembrance when he was still 5, 15, 21, years old....

I remembered he ask for 1 copy of our picture together when he was 15 Years old, so I gave him one...

Albert started getting suspicious with how I don't look like I age...

So I told him I was immortal, I gotta say tho, the face he made was hilarious HAHA...

I didn't tell him my history of being an ace, because I want that part of my history erased..

I act like I'm a pervert to avoid being suspicious, And it works....

I was shaken out of my thoughts when Albert said to me "I'm leaving now sensei" he then bows and shouted "Thank you for everything!"

I smiled and ruffled his hair. Then I look down because I'm taller than him and said "Don't die on me you got that?"

Albert said "Yes! Sensei!"

Albert heads out of the house I follow after him and see him out...

'Good luck Albert' I thought in my mind as I saw his figure disappearing....

( 1 year later )

Licht Bach POV

I was heading back to my house when I started to remember what happened to last year...

In this last 1 year, Albert became famous throughout the world as the Sword Champion, when some people asked who teached him swordsmanship he said 'Sorry I'm not allowed to say' I told him to keep my name a secret...

He's been following my instructions about writing a letter once in a while by bird travel, he told of me his companions and a possible girlfriend, hehehe...

I told him he didn't need to send anymore letters because I know he's strong enough already, but he still sends it anyway...

And I was surprisingly lowering my guard everytime thinking I could just live a peaceful life, like right now.

As I was about to open the door...

I felt a strong dark miasma coming from my the village. I run towards the center and saw Black hands emerge from the ground..

I muttered "Althing"

Then I saw humans being controlled...

I felt scared to repeat the same mistake I did 100,000 years ago...

My emotions became rampant and I started to panic...

I was suddenly push down to the ground by Althing's many hands, I was about to cut them with my katana, I was surprise when I felt my strength leave me...

Then I saw Althing's head emerge from the ground...

"Kukukuhahahaha surprised that your strength leaves your body, it's my new technique!"

"You..." I growled

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!" I shouted at it...

Then he answered my question and my theory with Althing that he has a doing in the dungeon being made...

"Kukukukuku I just finished creating the Dungeon and created 3 Grand Monsters, Oh I also created the dungeon to have a mind of its own, so if someone has the power to threaten it, it will release powerful monsters! And why I decided to attack now is because you're vulnerable!! Kukukuku..." Althing said and laugh's

Then he grabs tommy a child whom I come to know in the village, I always give him candies when I have some...

Althing put tommy infront of me...

Tommy is now Infront of me...

So, seeing him being grab by Althing. Made me panic and worst of all tommy starts crying when Althing grabs his neck with his hands slowly...

I said to tommy "Tommy, it will be ok just look at me, Okay?" I started tearing up and looking at him...

"Li-licht-sa-san" Tommy muttered

Althing's hand slowly starts to touch Tommy's neck and when he grabs Tommy neck I shouted "Please don't kill him! Stop, Stop, STOP PLEASE!"

Then Althing starts talking "Hoh? Why does 1 child matter to you when you've killed Millions of other humans Kukuku.."

"Hey, look at me, it'll be okay, I promise, I promise I'll save you okay??" I said to tommy panickly

And tears start flowing from my eyes

"Kuhahahaha promise? Promise?! Hahahahaha you shouldn't make promises that you can't keep Licht!" Althing said

"Licht-san! Licht-san! Licht-san!" Tommy started shouting loudly and crying...

When Althing's many hand grabs Tommy's neck, then suddenly I made my mind up to save tommy even if I have to turn on bloodlust to return to the old me who became berserk after my 10,000 kills 100,000 years ago and a chance to lose my sanity for saving tommy....

Then so be it...

As the black hands tried to choke tommy and kill him...

No One's POV

( Insert Neal K Summer Memories until the next picture )

But didn't succeeded because Licht cut them down with Flash Slashing in an atomic level leaving no traces of them there...

( Just without the mask )

Tommy immediately fainted right at the spot...

Licht continued walking straight to Althing with katana in his right hand....

When suddenly he heard a familiar voice coming from the side of the forest near the village. It was Albert with his companions panting, though 1 girl stands out the most it's the blonde haired girl that Albert describe in the letter as a spirit...

"Sensei! We'll help you there right now!" Albert shouted

"Quiet" Licht said calmly and face them..

This is the first time Albert saw this side of Licht in time they spent together...

"Leave now" said Licht quietly...

"Bu-" Albert tried to reason with Licht..

Licht raised his killing intent a little, and Albert and his companions immediately fainted to the ground except for Albert who manage to look up a little at Licht...

"Sorry this is not your fight, Goodbye Albert" Said Licht..

Albert only managed to lip read the last part 'Goodbye' before fainting..

Licht quickly used Flash Step to get near Althing who was a little late to react, Licht immediately used Flash Slashing at the surrounding black hands leaving no traces...

Althing quickly used the remaining hands to attack Licht but they were slow enough. The Licht right now is stronger than the one 100,000 years Licht is nearing Althing, then suddenly he saw Althing panicked the smirked...

Althing panicked but smirk devilishly...

Althing quickly used his hidden power so he can bring Licht to the Abyss where he is in control of everything...

The power of negativity...

He used it quickly and he became immediately became on par with Licht..

Many hands shot toward Licht he already knows that Althing is trying to brim him into the Abyss, but surprisingly Licht doesn't resist instead came along with the black hands into the Abyss...

Licht is confident he can beat Althing, but it will take a lot of time, so he can't battle here because Althing may try to use the people of this world against him..

So, after Licht was put into the abyss Althing quickly follows in there to kill Licht because Althing knows Licht is the only one on par with with it...


Next chapter: Fight against Althing, and Time Skip, Orario