Chapter 10

No One's POV

( Twilight Manor )

The night after Riveria agreed to the date with Licht. A loud shout was heard over the manor..

"Whaaattttt?!" Shouted Loki the goddess of trickery when she heard a rather important news from the Amazons and Lefiya.

Loki looks at Riveria, and said with a panick tone "Riveria-chan that's not true right?"

When Riveria didn't answer she asked again but this time with a louder voice "RIGHT?!"

Loki, after not hearing Riveria speak slump down in the sofa with a defeated face.

When Ais heard of what Riveria said, Ais decided to call for a meeting between Ais, Riveria, Finn, Gareth and Loki. They complied easily when they saw Ais's serious expression.

The amazons were confused by this decided to let it go, while bete is training harder than before after his loss against the so called weird mask man.

(At the meeting room more like Finn's Office)

"What is it Ais, why so serious?" Loki, the first one to speak after entering the room said seriously.

"The move he used is one of my father's signature move 'The Flash Step' my father said. When I saw him training using it." Said Ais

This got the attention of Finn, Gareth, Riveria and Loki.

When nobody spoke after what Ais said. Ais Continued.

"My father told me that the Flash Step isn't his to begin with either, it was taught to him even his swordsmanship himself." Ais said

"He also told me that only 2 people in the world knows the Flash step, my father and his teacher, and my father's teacher is stronger than him." Ais added

Now this was new Information, that The Albert Waldstein had a teacher. So, that means his teacher is stronger than him.

But, when he is stronger than Albert why didn't he also fought the OEBD?

"Why didn't you're father's teacher helped him fought the OEBD?" Ask Finn

"He said that circumstances happened and his teacher fought something stronger than the OEBD." Said Ais

Now, this got them thinking except for Loki who is thinking of only one entity that can be stronger than the OEBD. But immediately Shaked that thought away because that's impossible that entity died back in Tenkai.

"I'll try to pry information from him tomorrow then" Riveria who broke the silent atmosphere.

"Be very careful Riveria, he is very fast" said Finn then left his office

"HAHAHA good luck at your date tomorrow lass!" Gareth follow's after Finn outside while laughing.

Ais left shortly after that exchange and after giving a short nod to both Loki and Riveria.

"Riveria, Be careful I'll try to contact Hermes so I can try to get information about that guy Licht" said Loki leaving, but not without adding a teasing remark.

"Oh! Goodluck on your date tomorrow Riveria, and I want 4 grandbabies too!" Loki said running outside the room

Riveria was left inside the room a blushing mess.

"Grrrrr.... It's not a date! I just wanted information from him!" Shouted Riveria

Then Riveria went out of the office, and went to her room, when she gets there she jumped into the bed face first and, and pout a little and muttered "Baka Licht"

Then sleep overtook her.

(Next Day the afternoon)

Near the fountain of Orario, a beautiful elf girl was waiting for somebody, this elf girl was wearing a white dress with frills on the bottom of the dress and side of the armhole of it, she's also wearing a white hat covering her green hair in the process. This was Riveria Ljos Alf now waiting for Licht Bach when suddenly.

She felt someone looking underneath her dress, she looks down to see Licht looking up underneath her white dress with a bloody nose and a perverted expression on his face underneath the mask even though she can't see it, she can feel it.

She blushed red, and kick Licht at the face with a strength that can make ottar to shame that sent him hitting the tree.

Riveria shouted "Hentai!"

A tree from outside of Riveria's view, has three people watching with an amused expression except for one and it's Loki who has a defeated face and a flying soul coming from her mouth and the two are the Amazon, they are amused because this is the first time they get to see Riveria blush and they could use this as teasing material.

Licht stood up and goes back to Riveria while scratching his head, he now had white short hair but still wearing the Noh mask and the red garb covering his whole body except for his boots which can be seen in half. And also the the large green weird stuff toy which carried his weapon.

"You know, I'm Just appreciating your beauty~" said licht like nothing happened

"Bastard! Maybe that's why no girl likes you! Hu-huh?" Riveria suddenly stopped talking after seeing licht tear up comically.

Licht sniff and cried comically and said "Uwahhhh! Your so cruel!!!!"

This got the attention of people around them and they started murmuring. Riveria panicked thinking of the possible bad rumors the people will spread.

Riveria panicked asked Licht hurriedly and said in a hush voice. "Shhhh! Quiet listen il-ill do anything you say just stay quiet!"

Licht smirk under his mask and said loudly "I want to hold hands! Hold hands! Hold hands! Hollllldddd Handddddsss!"

Loki, who are spying on them with Tiona and tione exclaimed with a confident tone.

"Humph! Riveria-chan may have accepted a date but she will never hold hands with man, especially a weird man!" Said Loki

Riveria, who is having an internal crisis said in her mind 'WHAT!? NO WAY!, But maybe it's not that bad, I surprisingly am feeling comfortable around him'

Riveria said stoicalt with a blush "I'll think about it lat--"

She didn't get to finish as licht grabs her hand and drag her into a store, Riveria surprisingly noticed that licht is touching her right now, but surprisingly she felt comfortable with it, she pretended that she didn't notice it, she tried her hardest not to blush while going through store to store with Licht but failed miserably.

Loki was dumbfounded, that Riveria pretended that she didn't notice that licht is touching her hand.

While The amazons followed them leaving Loki in the tree who is still dumbfounded and a soul coming out of her mouth.

Licht and Riveria continued visiting shops like a bookstore, food stall and etc..

They were so immersed in it they didn't notice that other people looking at them with gaping mouths especially Lefiya who is buying food from a stall.

What Riveria didn't notice is that she was smiling all the time she spent with Licht, Licht noticed the smile Riveria was emitting, smiled genuinely under his mask, he wishes that he still has that camera so he can take a picture of them in this day, sadly it's already broken.

The day went by pretty fast, and night came, with Licht dropping Riveria in the twilight manor. Now they are face to face with each other saying goodbye when suddenly, licht slide his mask to the side a little and only his mouth is visible then he leans forward then kisses Riveria's forehead. Then put his mask back on to hide his mouth, he leaves turning his back to her and wave.

Riveria who was dumbfounded touched her forehead her hair shadowed her eyes but if one look closely, they can see a small smile on her face and her eyes are emitting a little love to it. Riveria always believed at love at first sight, the prince who met the princess that's what she thought how it would happen to her but it's a weird mask man who is perverted and a princess. Even though it's like that she can feel a little attraction to the weird mask man who is perverted.

Riveria then went inside the manor and went to her room when suddenly she remembered something very very important....

She forgot to get Information from him, and also the the question which is in the condition to go on a date with her.....

She groaned and thinks that licht got a free date with a princess no less.

Without him giving her something in return.

But when she thought about the kiss on the forehead she got, she immediately shook the thought away that she didn't get anything at all in return.

She touched her forehead again and giggled slightly, then sleep overtook her.