Meeting Again (1)

Early morning the next day, Mo Sheng got ready to go to the office. His dark circles were already gone after having enough sleep yesterday. And he was also feeling fresh after video calling Yun Xi to look at Xiao Hui and Ray. Xiao Hui was laying beside his sister who was sleeping peacefully.

"Uncle, you look ugly," Xiao Hui whispered as he looked at his uncle's nest-like hair.

Mo Sheng had called them as soon as he was awake, so his hair was like that. "Litte boy, you really don't know anything about fashion. Many girls fall for this look of mine. You should think of styling your hair too so that those little girls would fall for you." Mo Sheng, said as he combed his hair through his fingers.

Mo Shan was also in the same room, reading a newspaper while sitting on the couch. Though he was away from the mobile phone, he still clearly heard his brother's words. Still with his eyes on the newspaper, he said, "Don't you dare fill my son's ear with those nasty words of yours."