You sure know how to kiss

Abby was surprised. She wasn't expecting to be kissed. Her heartbeat slowly increased again as her anger dissipated. She should pull back, but she couldn't, or just wouldn't.

She hasn't been kissed before. No man has ever gotten that close to her, but she loved it. She never knew kissing was this nice and she was lost in the moment.

She could feel herself slowly and leisurely kissing him back. With no urgency, sucking and nibbling at each other's lips. Her anger was forgotten at that moment.

She opened up to him like a flower, so he would be able to easily get to her sweet, sweet nectar. She unconsciously stood on tiptoes and wound her arms around his neck, taking the pleasure he gave and giving right back in return.

They've both forgotten where they were, that she was still on her street in plain view of anyone who chose to come out from their house at that moment.

After some minutes, he came back to his senses first, reluctantly but gently pulling back from the sweetness of a kiss that had already bound them together without them realizing.

Abby slowly opened her eyes to the most enchanting pair of translucent brown eyes she has ever seen. She was smitten by him... lost.

"I've been wanting to do that since the first day I set my eyes on you" He whispered in a voice that had gone deeper with emotion. Abby slowly came to consciousness flicking out her tongue to lick her swollen lips that had become fuller and sexier than before.

Then realization set in as she became more aware of her surrounding.

'Omg! I kissed him! how could I shamelessly kissed him back!?" She painfully wondered and slowly raised her hand to touch her slightly swollen lips.

'I kissed him right here on the street, what if Wura comes back or my Dad comes around. How am I ever going to explain the situation to them?' She thought, before looking around wide-eyed, ashamed of being seen by people living on the block. My reputation, gosh!'

Thank God the estate was deserted by that time. Most of them might probably still be in bed, maybe still sleeping after working for the past five days.

Abby was ashamed of herself, one moment she was calling him names, the next moment she was locking lips with him shamelessly. She couldn't even summon the courage to look him in the eyes.

"I-I have to go, I'm already late for my appointment," she stammered and started walking away, not even waiting for his reply.

"Eehhmn...what about our date?"

"We never had an appointment and I'm not going to sleep with you if that's what you are working towards." She said flatly.

"What! could you think such of me? He feigned annoyance because that was exactly his intention, to prove to his brothers that he has been talking about her to them simply because he was excited to sleep with her....not that he's falling for her or anything.

'I don't wanna be tied down with a girlfriend or whatever right now, no matter how perfectly, tailored-made she was to suit me. I love my life and freedom just the way it is.' He thought to himself.

When he saw that she kept going and didn't give him a face, he ran after her.

"Okay, can I come with...?" He asked

"It's a free world" she unconsciously replied. She couldn't even say no because, let's call a spade a spade, deep down Abby knew she's attracted to him and wanted to be with him.

This feeling is new to her and it's very scary, that the only man that she didn't find revolting is very annoying. 'He's so annoying I want to, to...ugh!' She groaned inwardly with frustration. She didn't even know what to do with him.

"I enjoyed it" he suddenly said barging into her thoughts while walking beside her.


"I meant the kiss...I enjoyed it a lot. You sure know how to kiss."

"Can you please shut up!...don't know what you are happy about because I don't see what's so great about the kiss. You're such a bad kisser."

"Hahaha..." Tunde laughed at the pure white lie he just heard from her. He knew she was lying. When she still wouldn't even look him in the face.

"Pretty-little-liar! Liar, liar, pants on fire..."

"What are you...five years old?"

Abby was surprised with her mouth wide open when she heard a grown man singing such kiddies rhyme.

"You sure know how to kiss but you're such a very bad liar! Should I refresh your memory?...cos I remember quite well how you stood on tiptoe to wound your hands around my neck and responded to my kiss and I know...."

"Enough already please!"

"No...not until you admit you lied. You took a jab at my ego by saying I don't know how to kiss. A whole me!?"

"Okay, know how to kiss, just stop talking please"

"See? That wasn't so bad was it? He said with a triumph laugh "...and the truth shall set you free" he triumphantly declared.