Girls' talk, sex education

[Orgasm can be faked?] Abby asked with surprise

[You don't know?... Almost 75% of women in the world had faked an orgasm at one point in their life and that includes me by the way... And it's because some men are not well oriented or they just don't care about their women's sexual needs.

They just want to pound you, cum inside you, and expect you to start breeding like rabbits. They failed to understand that not all sexual positions provide access to the clitoris, which often makes orgasms difficult to achieve for women.]

Dupe explained but Abby could hear the frustration in her voice, making her wonder if everything was okay with her friend's marriage.

[That's interesting to know...]

[Yes, some women would rather fake orgasm than go through the headache of telling their man they weren't feeling pleasure from all the pounding.]

[Yeah... It does sound kinda awkward telling that to your man. Won't he feel bad?] Abby asked

[It's kinda awkward, yes but it's also kinda selfish if he's not considering your needs...

I finally had the courage and told one bastard like that, that I haven't been feeling any pleasure from all his energetic pounding... His ego was bruised, so nigga told me to hustle for my cum, can you imagine that?] Dupe asked angrily.

[He did what? Hahahaha...Oh my God, that was funny though] Abby laughed.

[No! It was selfish! I tried explaining to him what he was doing wrong and how I want to be pleasured, but he took offense, he was just too proud, said I couldn't teach him what he's been doing for years... What an asshole right?]

This time, Abby did not doubt in her mind that things were certainly not rosy in her friend's home. She could hear the unhappiness from Dupe's voice and she would certainly find out what the problem was later.

[Yeah, egocentric asshole.] Abby added.

[So what was your experience like?] Dupe asked

[Wellll... I didn't climax through coitus, that was painful... But I sure did before...] Abby paused, looking for the right word to use.

[god! It was explosive kinda. The man's gifted with magic fingers you know...] Abby shamelessly admitted and giggled.

[Oh my God! That good huh?] Dupe's voice shrilled out from the phone. Abby immediately held the device away from her ears so she wouldn't get a ruptured eardrum.

[Will you please keep your voice down! Are you planning to inform the whole neighborhood?]

[Fret not, my sister that had just gotten a coochie massage for the first time in her life. I'm the only one at home.] Dupe said and laughed.

[Thank god!] Abby replied and gave a sigh of relief.

[I'm happy for you Abby... Men that paid attention to your body and treat it like something they want to worship are hard to come by these days... Please, please hold him tight o]

[Sis is everything okay at home?] Abby couldn't help but ask tentatively.

[Of course yes. Does it look to you as if everything was not okay? Abeg let's continue with our conversation jor...] She said dismissively [So I'm giving him 100% for his attention to details... Now tell me about him.] Abby had no choice but to dropped the topic. She would certainly find a way to ask her about it later.

[Well I'm sure you would give him 10% on this one and I wouldn't mind... If not for the fact that I like him so much... And I'd love it if you also approve of him]

[Ehnn? Tell me first, let me be the judge of that... I like him already so don't worry]

[So he confessed he likes me, and I could tell from his actions that he cares, even though he didn't know the proper way to express himself, I guess...

The problem I have with him is that he's sometimes very annoying.

He's the king of sarcasm. I've met none like him in my life.

He's hardly serious! He joked, teased, and mocked me over everything.

And he doesn't fight fear... He would always want to have the last word on me. He's not a gentleman at all.]

[Hahaha...] Dupe started laughing when Abby was done with her descriptions. [Oh my God, yes! That's your kind of man... I give him 100% on that too] Dupe said excitedly.

[How could you give him 100%!] Abby asked with surprise. [Didn't you hear what I said?... That guy is skilled at pissing me off with his words and actions that could cause even an angel to want to strangle him to death.]

[Abby don't forget I know you... You're just feeling this way because you couldn't wrap him around your little fingers yet. Yes, he's still rough around the edges, but I don't want you to worry about that. Since he cares for you, then you will surely get your way with him. It's just a matter of time.]

I'm just so happy for you right now. It's been years since that incident... He came along Just when I was beginning to get worried that you would remain high-strung and uptight for the rest of your life.]

[Me high-strung and uptight? Stop exaggerating please] Abby disagreed

[Whatever! When am I meeting him jor?]

[We're not even dating yet, you're talking of meeting. I blocked him from calling me before, I just unblocked him early this morning. We'll see how it goes when we talk.]

[You blocked him!? But why would you do a thing like that?]

[Sis, I told you the guy's got a poisonous mouth... And we didn't part on a good note... But everything is fine now, Josh made me understood...]

[Just call him and be done with the merry go round abeg.] Dupe immediately interrupted. She was irritated when she heard Abby said the name of the man she hated most in the world again. Abby on her part pretended like she didn't notice the curt manner with which Dupe spoke to her with.

[I don't want to call him yet. I'm not going to make it that easy for him at all. That guy has stressed me too much. Don't you think he should pursue me a little bit?]

[Are you being serious right now? Madam this is 21st-century o. Women don't do that again. Abeg call the poor man so he would know you've unblocked him]

[Poor man!?] Abby laughed at Dupe's description of Tunde. [If only you know. There's nothing poor about that menace. You don't know him and I don't get how you could be this fired up for him.]

[The fact that you allowed him near your coochie says a lot about him. I just trust your judgment.]

[Would you please stop saying that word 'coochie'? It's vulgar.]

[Would you rather I say pussy?]

[Still vulgar! I would rather you talk around it]

[I'm not talking around it cos we're not kids... Oya call him now!]

[Okay, okay... I'll call him tonight]

[Why tonight? What happened to right now?]

[I can't call him right now... I already promised to have lunch with Mike.]

[Mike again!?... Do you even realized that Mike is still in love with you?]

[No, you are wrong. Mike already knows we can't work out. We're just two good friends who are about to have lunch together.]

[Girl! I know you're smart and all...but you are clueless when it comes to topics relating to the opposite sex. You will know what I'm saying when you start paying attention to the way he looks at you... And I hope you will tell him you now have a boyfriend, so he would stop dreaming.]

[You think I now have a boyfriend? Somebody that I've not even call... Why are you always in haste?]

[You better make it work with him, otherwise, I will dis-friend you]

[Dis-friend? What kind of English is that now?] Abby asked and laughed

[Abeg no stress me, we both know you are the smart one]

[Like you don't know the right word is 'unfriend' right?]

[Stop being too straight and bookish. It's okay to go haywire and be crazy once in a while you know]

[No! One crazy person is enough for the both of us] Abby said and they both laughed.

[Okay I don't want to be late. I'll see you in school on Monday. Love you, hugs and Kisses]

[Love you too babes, bye]