A quiet warning

Opening his eyes, it seems that a new day has begun. The area seems to be dark without any light. Despite this being a dark jungle, there is usually faint light shining between the leaves. It was probably very early in the morning.

Liu Xun faintly recalls that dream of the little girl and large man.

The stubborn young girl and the calm and gentle young man who followed behind her.

The young man thought to himself as he attempted to grasp the illusory answer.

Sadly, he was not able to figure out the reason behind that faint feeling of reminiscence.

Liu Xun was not too fussed about it though, he had many other priorities that deserved his attention.



Liu Xun



Cultivation Level:

Qi Gathering Stage 4 [215/455]↑40

System Credit:



Cons: 2x Premium Gacha Talisman, 1x Fireball Talisman [SSR]

Misc: [System Subscription Channel], [System Rulebook]


Purple Heaven Gathering Pill (Duration: 66 days)



Minor GuanXin Knowledge

Archaic Sun Aura Wisp [14%] (+50% to cultivation speed, minor resistance to yang elements)

Shadow Concealment Aura (87%) - ON ( Currently Qi Gathering Stage 3)


Shadow Grasping Illusory Steps (93%)


Crimson Dragon Beheading Axe (Incomplete) [36.8%]


Movement Cultivator Adept (+15% to efficiency of Movement arts and effects)


It seems that he had barely replenished his qi reserves. After all, he had expended the majority of his reserves the day before while fighting the 9 green dire wolves. Furthermore, Liu Xun had decided to 'promote' into Qi Gathering Stage 3 after careful deliberation.

He had been showing off plenty of his skills that were way beyond his level. It would be safer to say that he had gained enlightenment from his previous battles and that led him to have a small breakthrough.

Liu Xun shook his head lightly as he stood up. It was time to moves his sore muscles.

The young man grasped his ax and cloth sack, before walking a short distance away from the camp.

On his way out, he met with someone. Grey black hair with a small beard, Liu Five walked up to the young man. He had been keeping guard since yesterday night.

Liu Xun could recall back to the day this senior gave him a lasting glance. It gave him a downright unpleasant premonition. Would this senior who was meant to protect the Liu juniors, attack him out of greed?

The middle-aged man had a stern look towards Liu Xun. He then gave a sigh as he closed his eyes.

"Junior Liu Xun, I won't say much of my opinion on the treasures that you have obtained in this trip. Just know that I will report everything that I know to the patriarch. This is my duty to the family. I will do so for the other juniors as well."

Liu Sanbo said in a weary yet firm tone. He then leaped up onto a tree branch as he looked into the distance. Guard duty was but a norm to him, serving the Liu Family is also his priority compared to his own personal feelings. Perhaps Liu Five felt guilt that he placed his duty over his own personal feelings, that he chose to say these words instead of keeping mum. The stern middle-aged man did not pay further attention to Liu Xun as he resumed his task.

Liu Xun was perplexed after listening to those words as he understood the implications of those words. There might be some sacrifices he would have to make once he returns to the Liu Family. He could not just escape from the clan so easily, his true direct blood-related family also lies within it after all. The young man could not imagine putting the cute and adorable Liu Suyu into any danger just because he wanted to keep everything for himself and risk offending everyone. Of course, he also would not make things difficult for his dear father and mother who have been with him all his life.

There isn't much he is able to do about this right now. Liu Xun shook his head gently as he chose to walk away.

"Make careful decisions on your actions."

A hoarse voice came from the distance. The middle-aged man was still looking away in another direction with focus as he scouted the perimeter.

Careful decisions...is this a warning or a hint?

Liu Xun thought to himself as he proceeded to advance away from the camp. Darkness covered his tracks as he slowly faded into the shadows.


*Huuupht. Hooooooi!*

Sounds of slashes and shouts could be heard.

The ax flailed about in various positions as the youth practiced each stance with great care.


A sharp and rapid upper slash was released as the blade traveled with rhythmic movements of Liu Xun's arms.

Sweat slowly trickled down his face as Liu Xun lightly panted. The young man gently closed his eyes as he envisioned a scene.


*Groooooooar. Graaaah.*

A nasty growl was imagined along with a 1-meter green wolf rushing forth from the front and back. The two beasts advanced forth with reckless abandon, ignoring all forms of hesitation and safety. Both of them aimed to devour the young ax-wielding man as they approached with a rapid advance.

Liu Xun looked at the both of them as he widened his legs. He began to swing his ax in a continuous arc as he revolved like a wheel. The two wolves were not wary of his ax since it was likely to only hit one of them and continued their charge.

One swing.

Two swings.

Three swings.


The ax that gained momentum finally came into contact with one of the advancing predators. The fang came into direct contact with the blade as the two struggled for superiority. Small brief sparks could be seen due to the collision.

*CRACK. Awooo~*

The fang shattered almost immediately as the blade ran through the beast's mouth, tearing a wide gash across as flesh and brain matter could be seen scattered along in the wind. The ax directly cut upwards into the base of the brain through the roof of the mouth, finishing the poor dog's life in an instant.

However, the battle was not done. There was still one more enemy behind. As the swing continued mid-revolution, Liu Xun spotted the other wolf stop its advancement just barely 1-foot away. Signs of doubt and hesitation filled its eyes as it made a swift decision. It turned its waist and made a run for it.

Yet, it was already too close.


The ax continued its revolution as the young man stretched out his right foot in the direction of the retreating wolf. His left foot which was used as a pivot suddenly leaped into the air. The arc of the ax also changed as it has slowly risen above Liu Xun's head.


The swift blade descended as it crushed down upon the retreating beast's back. The cracking of spinal bones could be heard as flesh was ripped apart. The pitiful beast struggled pitifully on the ground as it was maimed of its lower limbs.


Pitiful whimpers muttered out as the poor thing dragged its paws, pushing its vulnerable body away from the young man. Yet, pity is only reserved for the weak. The young man ruthlessly chopped his ax down, beheading the beast and granting it release.


*Pannt. Pannt.*

Liu Xun gasped for air as he finished his simulation. Imaging shadow foes for him to combat was a good choice since he could visualize and form proper battle tactics and adjust his moves to different scenarios. However, the tension was also vastly different. He could feel himself using a large extent of his strength just to battle air, which was a waste of strength considering they needed to conserve energy for the journey and unexpected encounters.

The young man rested his bum on the ground as he took out a gourd filled with water and began to voraciously drink from it like it was pure nectar. He could still feel the soreness of his muscles from the previous day, as he rubbed the sore areas with his palm to relax the tenseness.

"Hmm~is that all?"

A light question came from above.

The tone of the voice was entirely pure and innocent. Looking up, the silver-haired lady with white fur garments gently sat upon a tree branch. Liu Xun's expression crumpled upon the sight of Millie. He had no inkling that she was observing him at all.

For one to not be able to detect the presence of an approaching object, be it friend or foe, would be a vital flaw! He would not have noticed her existence had she not revealed herself yet again! It was not known what martial art she is displaying to achieve such an effect, but she was not one he could belittle or look down upon.

The young lady continued to glance at the silent young man with her bright purple eyes brimming with curiosity. Ting-ling. The bell echoed as she gently leaped off the branch and landed directly in front of Liu Xun.

"Sooooo~is this the weapon art you have been practicing? Looks rather wild huh, the qi that flows about looks like it wants to tear into the body of its prey and devour their flesh. I have noticed this since your fight yesterday."

She continued her monologue as she paced around the youth, treating him like a model on exhibition.

"Crimson Beheading Dragon Ax...this is something I would expect from devilish cultivators, to be honest. Liu Xun, even if the others cannot tell what you are doing, I hope you have thought things through."

Her eyes narrowed as the tone of her voice became deep and serious. Such instances of Millie were rather rare as she was usually carefree and speaking in a lighthearted manner. The only two instances were this and the time he drew the spirit spring milk.

"...Well! Not like it is any of my business. Anyways, tell me if you want someone to practice with, I won't mind. Practicing like this is not bad, but it is rather inefficient if you can find real sparring partners."

Her expressions and tone brightened up yet again as if everything from before was an illusion. The young lady turned as she walked into the distance while waving her hand.

The confused young man looked at the retreating figure perplexedly. There were many mysteries he could not figure from that girl. Her motive, her behavior, her smile. Everything was hidden behind a veil. Yet, not once had she bared any true malice.

Liu Xun shook his head as he gently swung his ax again, practicing silently.