
[Affirmative host, beginning to spin the wheel...]

The emotionless voice rang out in response to the young man's orders. Currently, Liu Xun could not divert any of his attention towards the floating wheel which only he could see. He had a more important task to do, it was to focus on the current standoff and respond to any changes in the situation.

*Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack. Clack.*

The wheel began to spin.

The youth prayed as the wheel kept spinning above the gathering of hundreds of beings, ignorant of the ongoing tension.


"They are everywhere."

Senior Xuan's troubled voice muttered out as he scanned his surroundings. The lizardmen had already reached within the fighting distance as an entire army of lizardmen surrounded the group of close to a dozen cultivators. The disparity in strength was very obvious, ranging from about at least 40 to 60 lizardmen to 1 cultivator. Perhaps there were more lizardmen hidden within the mist, yet the difference was already very disparaging as the cultivators felt slightly demoralized at the sight. It was a severely disadvantageous scenario for them.

Hisss. Hiss. Ghissssh.

Numerous slithering sounds could be heard as the lizardmen stopped dead in their tracks. The group of cold-blooded hunters observed the small group that stood in their way. Wary eyes that were filled with confidence and pride stared at the handful of prey. The reptilian beasts whispered to each other in silence while carefully observing, in their arms were primitive stone swords, axes, and clubs that were ready to respond to any incoming assaults.

"Sooo...what should we do?"

Senior Gan asked as he rolled his pupils towards the green-robed lady. Senior Qin remained silent for a moment, before looking forward with a determined look.

"If we can avoid battle, we avoid. Yet, it is likely they will fight since they have the advantage. Be prepared to move at the slightest change, we will aim to breakthrough. Retreating will be difficult since it is likely that they are moving towards the direction behind us in the first place."

She gave out crystal clear commands as she had strategically analyzed the situation. It was rare that such a large legion of lizardmen would move at once. They were likely migrating, escaping from something. The normal thought would be to retreat at such overwhelming odds, but it reveals weakness. Since the enemy may not even have a strong intent to fight, the best idea would be to face it head-on or avoid crossing paths with each other. The others seniors and juniors including Liu Xun nodded in acquiescence as they continued to observe the situation.

Sweat trickled down slowly from their foreheads, as the cultivators awaited the response from the group of reptiles. Yet, nothing happened as the opposing side waited while glaring forward against the group. The situation was tense as both groups had yet to make any form of contact. It was just passive wariness that could indicate anything, be it a reckless offense, a careful retreat, or even an unexpecting conversation.


The largest lizardman in the front which was holding a large glaive remained quiet as it silently observed the small group of cultivators. It had large bulging biceps and pectorals covered in jet black scales that shined brightly under the light. Dark green horns could be seen extending from its spine. The large masculine beast was covered in nothing but a pair of pants made from wolf fur, its feet were bare with large clawed feet. This male lizardman stood about 2.5 meters tall, it was the tribe leader. This bipedal beastman was covered in numerous scars which were obtained through countless battles throughout its life. Each and everyone of them was a life-risking combat that pitted it against dangerous foes, this battle would likely not be an exception. The stone glaive shone with blueish light.

Demonite weapons, it would seem to be. Demonite is a form of primitive weapon material that could be found naturally in the wild. As it does not need to be refined or forged, many beastmen or primitive races would develop them into weapons. Humans have long stopped using demonite weapons as they developed forging arts and made weapons out of metals and other treasured ingredients. Still, these demonite weapons are rather hardy and are quite valuable. They could easily beat normal metal weapons due to their mana infusion and slightly malleable properties. Looking around, most of the lizardmen warriors at the front here wielded at least a demonite weapon. Others would just use their own bare claws as they are much stronger than regular stone.

The lizardman chieftain waved its glaive calmly as it observed the group in front. Despite the numerical advantage, it did not belittle its foes. The Yin Frost Basin was a treacherous place where one could lose their lives at any given moment. The strong tend to dominate over the weak in the wild, this was a simple yet effective rule. However, even a weak qi gathering snake could inflict mortal harm upon a mighty essence foundation beast if they were caught unaware. Therefore weakness is a sin, yet conceit is naught but foolishness.

It looked at the tiny group of humans, which it could recall feasting on several occasions. Their tender meat and supple fat bring saliva to pool into its mouth as it recalls that very taste years before. Human meat was a delicacy it rarely tasted as not many of these beings traveled this deep into the mountainous territory. They were very rare and unique prey indeed. It recalled its previous fight against a small group of five of these humans. They were weak and fragile, yet cunning to the depth. The scar under its left eye came not from an essence foundation beast, but rather a mere 6th stage qi gathering human who released upon a hidden blade from her sleeve. Back then, the chieftain was naive and foolish, wanting to play with its prey and thus suffered from it. Of course, it had no longer any plans to repeat such a simple mistake.

The surrounding lizardmen paid attention to the actions of their leader as they wielded their weapons, whilst looking at the small and weak group that was in front of them. The group of lizardmen that lived around this frosted basin numbered around 400 to 500. The tribe had a total of over 200 warriors that were about mid qi gathering stage (4-6), ten elders that varied from the peak of qi gathering to early essence foundation, and a single leader that was at the 8th stage of essence foundation. The rest of the group consisted of weaker lizardmen that were either vulnerable females or children. It is easy to see that they had a large advantage over the humans, yet it would be problematic if one of those vile and underhanded savages manage to target their weak point. The reptiles exchanged gazes with each other as they whispered amongst themselves, giving across silent orders as they handed out roles for the upcoming battle.

The silence continued as the groups awaited change, preparing to respond to the worst of scenarios. The lizardman chieftain glanced across at the group of humans. Nine humans, the majority of them were elder-class and beyond as they ranged within the essence foundation realm. The others were not weak either. Knowing these crafty humans, the lizardman chieftain did not belittle this small group. Human cultivators proved to be amongst the most problematic foes to face, wielding weapons and weird arts. They may be physically weak, but their wits and craftiness would easily be able to turn the tide of the situations across. Who knew what else would this small group be hiding behind them? It could just be nothing but excess thoughts. But if one underestimated the opponent severely, the only price to pay will be death.

The lizardman chieftain looked towards the group of cultivators who stared at their group hesitantly. Fear and trepidation could be felt from these beings. Eyes filled with hesitation and anxiousness, similarly reminiscent of what their group had experienced days before. This battle should not be too costly, in fact leaving their backs open would be much more foolish, it thought to itself. The chieftain thus made its decision after a long pause. Even though the group is already weary since their hasty departure, there was no reason to pass up upon a free meal.

"Gsshhh....gshah grah?"

A smaller brown lizardman by its side growled out. It had the cultivation strength of an early essence foundation practitioner, making it one of the elders of the tribe. It seemed to have noticed that the leader has already made a decision in its mind and thus asked for instructions. The rest of the lizardmen behind were silent as they observed the conversation between the two.

"Kssssh...krah gashash."

We...will attack, were the words that muttered from the black gigantic alpha lizardman. It then slowly waved its left hand that held its glaive, pointing it towards the group of cultivators. It seemed that doubts no longer clouded its mind, the decision was clear. Attack.

"Gashash....kisssh grah."

The brown lizardman nodded in obedience towards its superior as it went into an offensive stance. The other lizardman observed the two as they awaited their orders.

" hagarash GURA!"

The large black lizardman roared out with great excitement and thirst, the thirst of blood and flesh. It then leapt forth as it led the charge into the battle.


All the lizardmen roared out in unison as they flailed their weapons. They then rushed upon the group of cultivators behind their leader, initiating the offensive.


"He-heh. This is still possible, right?"

Langsheng nervously laughed as he turned his sights towards Liu Xun. The pudgy man was still keeping guard against any attacks, but the face-off that had already elapsed over several minutes had begun to dull his concentration.

"This will be a bloody battle, our disadvantage is large."

Liu Xun whispered back with a slightly hesitant tone. He may have responded to the fatty Langsheng, but his eyes were glued upon the large reptilian foes in front of him. Sweat trickled down his arms as he watched this standstill last for several minutes already. Both sides had perhaps already made their decisions and were waiting for who to initiate. By his ears, he could still hear the clacking sound run by the wheel of the system as it continued to spin tirelessly. The clacking sounds usually last over a few minutes, but this time around it seemed to last much longer. Perhaps it was due to the tension and suspense, or maybe it was the wheel and system playing up its tricks.

[The system does not trick.]

Even at such a time, the system does not hesitate to interrupt the young man's thoughts. Yet, Liu Xun could not afford to divert his attention to respond to this carefree system. They were in the midst of the preamble towards a bloody battle, he must not be distracted. The clacking sound still continued, nonetheless, annoying him with its tacky sound effects.

"Get ready, they seem to have made a decision!"

Senior Qin's voice suddenly shouted out. This immediately jolted all the cultivators into full alert as they gripped onto their weapons tightly.



An initial primal roar came from the front, before hundreds of roars followed along. The lizardmen then charged forth towards the cultivators with weapons on hand. This confrontation was inevitable after all. The giant shadows in the fog seemed to get larger as the lizardmen advanced, their feet stomped onto the ground as they ran with haste.


It was a stampede of lizardmen. The sight of this massive offensive instantly demoralized the juniors as even Liu Xun could feel his nerves being grated upon hearing that warcry and massive charge. The seniors themselves were not much any different as they could feel their backs soaked with sweat. This may not be the strongest opponent they have faced but out of most battles, this would probably rank among the top where they were facing against overwhelming odds.

"Everyone, we will fight back!"

Senior Qin gave out clear orders as she waved her sword, ready to fight. The group made no plans to move forward since the enemy is already delivering themselves to the group. There was no need to waste any extra energy considering no solid response plan could be made at such an early stage, their stamina were vastly limited compared to their opponents after all.

"Hehe...I will gladly die in a glorious fight."

Senior Gan laughed out in excitement as madness and ferocity burned deep within him.

"Fight to the hesitation."

Senior Xuan's words exuded confidence as he took an extra step forward, ready to engage. The coffin that lay beside him still remained silent.

"Hmm, this will be a deadly battle...the rest of you better be careful. Aim to kill and survive!"

Liu Five muttered out in ponderance before looking at the juniors and giving frank advice. He had no spare capacity to look after the juniors in this fight, there was a possibility of his own death as well.

The juniors themselves may be afraid, but everyone has already made such a resolution that they could possibly lose their lives at the start of this journey. Though one may not be able to accept the scenario where they are faced with overwhelming odds of death, the group had no plans on just lying down to be eaten alive without putting up a fight. Thus, the juniors did not waste time with words. Some nodded in response, others just stood in full attention with their weapons gripped tight. It was time to engage.