

The loud shout ran across the battlefield as all the combatants ceased their actions. It was surprising that even the lizardmen had stopped their assault based on a human's words.

The lizardman chieftain gave a slight look at the green-robed lady, before taking a momentary glance towards the direction of the voice. In its opinion, this battle was already almost secured in their favor. Perhaps in the next dozens to slightly over a hundred blows, he would emerge victorious over this human cultivator. She was a tough one to defeat, but it would not be a problem for him who has even faced off against early core formation beasts to a standstill.


What greeted his sight was that in the distance, his beloved partner was being pinned down by a black-robed youth with an ax placed against her neck! This completely shocked and enraged the chieftain! Such absurdity, they were already winning and in massive numbers! How could one puny human of only qi gathering stage actually manage to fight past countless lizardmen and actually reach one of their most vital weak points! Despite lizardmen being oviparous, these tribes of lizardmen are especially dedicated to each other and only have one partner in their lives. Basically, what Liu Xun held down was the chieftain's greatest weak point! She was also one of the tribes extremely rare spell casters. As lizardmen are usually born with innate strength, they lack the ability and affinity with spells. Yet, once in a blue moon one of these albino magic-infused lizards was born into such tribes. They provided great help with their poisonous and healing spells, making them vital parts of each tribe.


The chieftain shouted out in rage as it waved its glaive and ordered the surrounding lizardmen to attack the youth. The surrounding lizardmen then rushed toward him in rage, ignoring all the other human cultivators, including the downed Liu Waner. They had to all takedown this audacious youth who dared to harm their tribe's greatest treasure. Yet, the youth just pressed his ax further into the white lizard chieftess's neck, drops of blood could be seen trickling down her neck as the carotid artery was mildly cut into.

All the lizardmen instantly stopped advancing in an instant.

They all begrudgingly glared at the youth who held the advantage over their entire tribe of over 500 lizardmen. Even the chieftain was both filled with rage and helplessness as he looked at his beloved at the mercy of this despicable human cultivator. Soon, there was no movement on the battlefield once again.


"What happened?"

Senior Qin looked in confusion as she looked at the distracted lizardmen. Though she could easily have an advantage while attacking while its guard was down, there was no reason to aggravate it at the moment. She then turned her attention to the distance where all the lizardmen were looking at. Over there, there was a black-robed youth pinned on top of a white-colored lizardman. His ax was pressed deeply against the lizardman's neck.

"What is going on?"

She spoke to herself in confusion. She then turned her head around as she looked at the rest of the team. It seems that they were all equally confused as her with regards to the scenario. Even the usually composed Millie looked over in that direction with a slightly interested expression. Senior Xuan who stood above over 50 bodies of lizardman was gripping onto his casket as he seemed to be about to release its contents, yet he stopped his current actions. On the other side, Senior Gan had momentarily stopped his rain of spells as he watched the change in the situation with great interest. Liu Five and the other juniors were just equally confused.

Even Liu Waner who was down on the ground was confused by what had occurred. At one moment, she was expecting her painful end. Now, she looked at her surrounding as all the lizardmen had already stormed off, leaving her to be alone in the wide area. What, was she too pitiful and unworthy to even be finished off? Well, not that she could complain if that is what would help her keep her life. She then looked forth into the distance as she saw that scene where the youth placed his ax onto a white lizardman's neck. Liu Xun!


"Stop all your movement! I know that you do not want me to hurt her anymore!"

Liu Xun shouted out as he dug the blade of his ax deeper into the neck of the lizardman chieftess. Fear could be seen in the red slit-like eyes of the white reptile under his legs. The rest of the lizardmen were also hesitant to make a move as they could predict what would happen if they continued to move forward. They might be able to kill off that insolent human, but what if they also lose their precious matriarch and only spellcaster? It was not worth it!


The large black glaive-wielding lizardman chieftain roared out in anger as it waved its glaive around. It waved its arms around as it pointed at Liu Xun angrily. It seemed to be questioning the black-robed youths of his demands. They were so close to victory already, yet something like this had to happen!

"Put down your weapons!"

Liu Xun shouted out as he ordered the rest of the lizardmen. The cultivators watched the scene with surprise and relatively great interest as they had looked the black-robed youth make very unbelievable demands. Of course, these savage beastmen would not respond to such orders. It would seem naive and foolish in their eyes to even consider such an order. The lizardmen, of course, did not drop their weapons. They just stood Stockstill as they observed the youth and his ax with a tense and worried expression.

Hmm, something is wrong. I thought I already have leverage over them. Why aren't they thinking of surrendering? Don't tell me that this chieftess was not a valuable enough target?

Liu Xun began to thought with panic in his mind. He had already expended great effort and almost all of his qi to defeat the defender and reach up to the chieftess. He had no spare energy for any more of an extended fight! This situation is really bad, it would be really grim of he had to fight any longer with his minuscule amount of strength left inside his body.

The youth thought out in an uncertain tone.

[Host, qi remaining is 8/515. You have barely anything left.]

Liu Xun began to consider all his last-ditch options. If he could not obtain a victory, then a pyrrhic defeat would not be that much of a loss for him. At least, the lizardman would also stand to suffer a lot.

[Host, did you not consider the fact that these lizardmen are not able to comprehend your commands?]

Liu Xun thought out to himself as he began to ponder about how he could translate his words into something those beastmen could interpret.

[Well of course you are dumb, you could easily find a way to send the message across. By the way, the lizardmen language could be bought from the system store for a cheap price of 30 credits...]

The ruthless system began to insult him as it started to harp about one of its goods like a snake oil salesman. Liu Xun was obviously not pleased with the response by the system.

[Well then you would have to find some other way to bring your message across. Maybe try and point towards your ax and to the ground like a baboon, and things may work out?]

The system continued to give advice all the while throwing out insults endlessly.

[Of course, needless to say, the system is faultless. Only the incapable host is the problem.]

The system replied back haughtily.

Liu Xun ignored any further words from the system since it was being a complete pain in the ass. He immediately used his right hand to point towards his ax, before slowly pointing towards the ground. He took a wide glance at all the lizardmen while he did it. If any of them made a move, he would not hesitate to finish off this white lizardman under him.


The enormous black-scaled lizardman chieftain glared at the black-robed youth. The youth stood Stockstill while muttering out incomprehensible words and expected a reaction out of it. What kind of stupid thing was it doing? Yet, after a few moments, the youth began to point to his ax and then to the ground. It only took a slight moment before the chieftain realized the message the youth was trying to send across.

To make us all drop our weapons and surrender, huh? This insolent being actually dared to make such an insufferable demand to our honored tribe! Rage burned deep in its heart as its eyes glared even fiercer towards the youth. If it could move over in an instant, it would not hesitate to tear apart this unforgivable being. Still, there was no way it could risk the life of the chieftess just for this insignificant youth.


The black-scaled chieftain roared out with fury. Its loud voice traveled across the battlefield as all the human cultivators and lizardmen heard his words. A moment of suspense and confusion ran about the group as the lizardmen began to mutter out in whispers. Many of them expressed doubts towards the chieftain's decision, whilst others were completely reluctant to follow its orders. After all, it was the lives of hundreds of lizardmen over a single spellcaster.


The angry black-scaled chieftain roared out again in anger. It would not take no for an answer. Afterwards, as if leading by example, the chieftain dropped its glaive onto the ground right in front of everyone. Meanwhile, its hands were raised up in the air while its knees went onto the ground, as if in a submissive position.

Soon, some of the lizardmen began to drop their weapons. They then followed suit as they raised their hands up and got to their knees. However, this was only a small portion of lizardmen. A large majority were still reluctant to follow the chieftain's unreasonable orders as they continued to wield their weapons in resistance. They were already winning! If they were willing to sacrifice the chieftess, they could live to see the birth of another spell caster in the future. If they all die today, there would be no future to speak of! Some of the elders were even trying to persuade the chieftain to continue fighting and that they could find him a new partner, despite this going against their usual traditions.

"Zugruash Agradraaaa...."

The white-scaled lizardman chieftess under Liu Xun began to cry out. It seemed that it did not want the chieftain to give up, even at the expense of her life. Liu Xun could feel the lizardman underneath him try to press her neck deeper against his ax blade as if trying to seal the deal herself.

His thoughts ran out as he used his right fist to smash down upon the white lizardman's face. The white lizardman chieftess then cried out in pain as it went back down. Both of them had already expended all of their qi, thus now even his bare fist could cause damage to this weakened essence foundation lizardman chieftess. The white lizardman chieftess whimpered in pain as she refused to move anymore in fear of another punch. Still, this act not only enraged the chieftain but also caused the whole crowd of lizardmen to hesitate even more. Even the surrounding human cultivators looked on with a slightly apprehensive look.

"Oh boy, that was a very low blow over there."

Senior Gan casually mentioned as he looked at the sight.

"Yes, this boy had better learn to change his ways. His is stepping onto the evil path of domestic violence."

Senior Xuan pointed out with his arms crossed up. He was clearly displeased with how the situation was being carried out.

"Yikes, though he flipped the situation. That was not cool, brother."

Langsheng said out with a cramped-up look on his face.

Meanwhile, Senior Qin, Ruoxue, and Waner's faces were all black. They may be enemies with the lizardmen, yet they could obviously tell that the lizardmen under the black-robed youth's legs were clearly a female. Using her to threaten the rest of the lizardmen was one thing, but to punch a lady's face. That was clearly an unforgivable act. Liu Five basically had a nonchalant look, while Millie just flashed a helpless smile as she looked at the way the inexperienced youth handled the situation.

Wait.....why doesn't the situation look any better than before?

[Obviously. Even though you are trying to prevent that chieftess from harming herself further, you did an absolute scum move.]

The system replied back with a displeased snort, it seemed even grumpier than before.

[The Million Suns is completely infuriated by your actions, she demands you to apologize!]

[The Most Ancient One shook his head at your naivete and incapability.]

[The Peerless Jade Scabbard looks at you in disgust and refuses to speak.]

[The Thousand Deceivers claps his hand in surprise. He mentions that even he had never done such a scoundrel-like action.]

If the affection levels could be displayed at this moment, Liu Xun would probably hit a new milestone for negative affection levels based on his current actions. The youth considered his actions carefully, before realizing his mistake. He then looked apologetically at the white lizardman but was still unable to transmit his words across to the other group.

After a moment of consideration, looking at how the situation instantly deteriorated, he sighed to himself. It was not possible to resolve this situation peacefully unless he could transmit words across.

"I give up system, please exchange that lizardmen language skill for me now please."

He said out in a tired voice.

[.....Alright, host. 35 credits deducted.]

"What why is it 5 more than before!?"

[This is the extra service charge for the system to accommodate a displeasing host. Non-negotiable.]

The system delivered its ultimatum as it began to drain the credits from his inventory.

In the end, he still had to fork out his credits for the lizardmen language. He even had to pay extra, the youth had no choice but to accept this now as the situation would not improve based on the current scenario.