Devourer of Myths – Violet Insurrection (Purple Possession) [Part 4]

"My ax..."

Liu Xun looked at the damaged ax that was stuck onto the boulder surface. It seemed like weapon was too damaged to be used any further as even the blade which is used to slice foes with already has a deep crack in it. Still, Liu Xun himself could not bear to leave that ax behind as he solemnly decided to place the ax into his inventory.

[Host, this ax is non-native to the system, it costs 1 point to load it...]

"Whatever, just do it already."

Liu Xun said without care since this ax meant more to him than what those points could ever do. He let the ax fade away into his inventory while he looked forward to where the fight was occurring. It was now time to go back into the fight. Cracking his wrists, he swung his left hand up and said, "System, take out the new woodcutter ax."

[Affirmative, withdrawing ax.]

A new ax rested upon his left palm as he dashed forward towards Shaggaroth. A foreign feeling rests in his left hand as he shrugs off the discomfort of using a new weapon.


"Hahaha, what are you going to do now, little fox."

The main eye gloated as it could see victory in sight. The main threat was probably already destroyed and now there is this other threat, but with his extensive abilities which led to the floating eyeballs and 24 fleshy tentacles. There was no way for the silver fox to come close to harming it. Numerous purple beams lit up once again as they fired at the fox which dodged all the attacks while dancing up in the air.

"Azure Flame Cycle! White Canine Howling!"

Numerous skill names were said as the fox released multiple blue flames from her tail while launching a blade of white from the blade in her mouth. These skills however were easily blocked by Shaggaroth who used his fleshy arms to block the attacks. The tentacles were indeed damaged, yet it was not vital damage. On the other hand, Millie was already mostly drained of her remaining qi as she had barely enough left to put up a decent fight.

Backing off for a moment, she panted as she looked angrily at Shaggaroth. She had not imagined the northern overlord to be such a difficult foe to beat. In fact, she was completely outclassed in power without the help of the yellow-robed old man and the black-robed youth. It was already all too difficult to continue fighting on, and she had to still get revenge for Liu Xun as well as Senior Gan. Thought of retreating filled her mind as she was internally debating on what to do next.

"Stupid me, if only I had chosen to cultivate more seriously as compared to performing Apotheosis..."

She scolded herself whilst thinking of that choice decades ago where she chose beauty over strength whilst breaking through to Core Inversion. This had resulted in her in having a human form, but being much weaker than other Core Inversion beasts who focused on strength.

"If only...nevermind, it is too late. I will get my revenge Shaggaroth!"

The silver fox said as she started to retreat in haste.

"Oh no, you don't! After causing so much trouble, I won't let you get away! Be obedient and become my food and my pedal stone towards immortality, kahahaha!"

Shaggaroth laughed out as it continued to issue out many more attacks towards the retreating white fox. Victory was already almost at hand, since it could see the power of the silver fox waning and there was no longer any trace of that youth. He must have long died. Soon, it would have dominance over two regions of the Vermillion Ranges. Without the central overlord being awakened, it could run around rampant. So what if it awakens, it would have broken through to Nascent Soul by then and the winner would be undecided by then. It knew that the main goal now was just to get rid of the fox so that there would not be any potential avengers in the future.


The sound of a wind ripple. In front of the main eye which was complacent, a black shadow appeared along with a familiar flash of bright green.



A loud roar echoed out as the large Shaggaroth screamed out in pain. The retreating Millie was surprised by the turn of events as she had no longer sensed any more life signs or qi fluctuations from both Senior Gan and Liu Xun. They were both most likely dead, yet who could cause this much trouble for Shaggaroth now that she had retreated. Unsure of what is happening, she turned around whilst dodging all the incoming beams and flesh tentacles. Looking back, she saw the familiar visage of the black-haired youth with green-white spear impaling the small eye of Shaggaroth once again.

"Impossible, but how..."

The white fox whispered as she quickly turned back, wanting to assist him or perhaps save him if he could no longer fight any longer.


"Silent Devil Sect, movement art. Formless Wind."

The seniors nonchalant voice rang out as he skipped directly in front of the giant flesh mountain. What was Formless Wind? It was not an omniscient movement skill, nor was it a teleporting skill. It was a movement skill that encompass the art of following the grain of qi, similar to Silent Sparrow. The movement art disguises the host qi while moving to appear invisible as they approach the enemy in for a swift kill. There are many similar points to this in comparison to the Shadow Grasping Illusory Steps and both worked in good tandem to allow Liu Xun to easily slip past Shaggaroths eye be it visually or in qi vision until he directly arrived at the main eye.

"Well then, this is probably the last blow. Let's make this one big, boy!"

"Alright, senior!"

The two rushed upfront as a green spear and ax came flying down upon the defenseless eye.

The yellow barrier was still erect. But with the Silent Sparrow, both attacks easily bypassed the defense with ease, piercing into the vulnerable eye.


Shaggaroth screamed out in pain as the massive mountain of flesh started to reverberate.

The rest of the mouths were also wailing out in pain.

The screams pierced into Liu Xun's ears as the next thing he saw was a flash of bright white.


Millie who had observed Liu Xun deal another fatal blow from afar was shocked once again by his uncanniness. The ability to slip through all of Shaggaroth's defenses while dealing vital blows was one that she sorely lacked. She definitely had more strength than Liu Xun as a whole, but she lacked the techniques to allow her to breach its defense.

This was what makes human cultivators more fearsome than demonic beasts. Though they are more fragile and often weaker in qi endowment, their cunningness and ability to adapt are just fearsome.

As Shaggaroth, cried out in pain. A bright white light flashed out as a large explosion occurred. Numerous flesh pieces started flying throughout the air as the main body of Shaggaroth was torn apart by that explosion. Was Shaggaroth finally dead? That question lingered in the silver fox's mind, yet she had more important things to worry about.

"Liu Xun, I hope you are alright!"

She rushed forward as she saw the youth who was sent flying backward by the force of the explosion. Hurrying forward, she managed to catch the youth who was still flying in the air.


Liu Xun groaned out in pain as blood dripped out from his mouth. He had sustained internal injuries withstanding that sudden blow. Yet, he could feel relieved as he had finally defeated Shaggaroth. The massive mountain of flesh before them was no longer there as only white smoke remained from the aftermath of the explosion.

"Good job boy, I can tell that we have done a fatal blow on that bastard. He must have burnt his core and ignited it to prevent us from looting his body. Still as obnoxious of a bastard as ever, heh!"

The seniors voice rang out with slight discontent, yet his tone sounded rather jovial.

"Are you okay?"

Millie asked worriedly, looking at the injured youth.

"Y-yeah, I am fine."

"Besides being completely out of qi, I guess we are still in decent condition. Those internal injuries are nothing too serious."

The senior added on to Liu Xun's prompt reply. Afterward, Liu Xun got back onto his feet as he hovered up in the air. Looking below, there was a large crater filled with flesh and blood with the unsettling smoke and dust particles. The frozen yin basin which was initially pure and white had been polluted by the flesh and blood of Shaggaroth as the blood started to leak into the water below the thick ice cap which was ruptured by the explosion.

Looking as to how the fight had already concluded, the both of them decided to go and find Senior Gan's body. It was highly likely that the old man had already passed away after dealing that impossibly strong blow at the expense of his life.

As the two descended, they came upon a dried blackened corpse with torn yellow pants. It was pretty obvious to them that it was Senior Gan, or whatever was left of him. Liu Xun looked at the corpse sadly as he recalled the stubborn old man who always had a lonely back. Perhaps, his wishes have finally been fulfilled and he can now rest in peace.

"Rest well senior, we have avenged you."

Liu Xun said out in a melancholic tone. The corpse just remained still with no response. Yet, Senior Gan's face had a peaceful smile as if he had finally been relieved of all his burdens. Did he have this smile at the point of his death? Liu Xun wondered, yet all of that was no longer important to the man who lived his entire life for the sake of vengeance.

Beside his body were two rusted copper mirrors along with a spatial bag. Looking to the side of the spatial bag, a small letter was written and placed neatly by its side. Liu Xun took the chance to view the letter since he knew this was probably Senior Gan's will. The senior had long been prepared to forfeit his life for this fight. Unraveling the dried yellow parchment, he began to read the words.

'Liu boy, if you read this message it likely means that I am already dead. I can only hope that you can find this letter as this is what I wrote with the last bits of my strength after releasing the forbidden technique that drain all of my life's potential and cultivation for 50 years. I am very thankful that you have chosen to fight alongside me and the fox senior, yet I cannot help but scold you for your recklessness. This grudge is something personal between us and Shaggaroth and you had no reason to risk your life for us. Anyway, I hope that by the end of this the both of you will emerge victoriously and that you can remember our promise. You can just show this letter to the sect leader in Thousand Blossom and he will know everything.

The two copper mirrors are my dear companions and I would like for you to have them, I have already adjusted their signatures so that they can accept you as their new master and no one else. Otherwise, feel free to use the pills in my spatial bag. Just remember to leave some for the Thousand Blossom Sect. I would have loved to see the pinnacle which you will attain in the future, it is a pity that life is short and farewells are inevitable. I hope that you will treasure my mirrors and let them bask in your future glory.

Gan Xinjian.'

"Senior Gan..."

Liu Xun muttered out the old man's name. He looked at the dried-up corpse which had no semblance to any human form for a short moment. He then turned towards Millie, who was observing him with concern as he swallowed the passing of a dear friend.

"Millie, is it possible to cremate his corpse?"

"Cremate it?"

"Yes, so that I can bring his ashes back to the Thousand Blossoms Sect. Senior Gan would probably prefer to be buried over there instead of this god-forsaken place."

"Yes...I guess that is definitely a good idea."

The silver fox then turned back into the white fur-clothed lady as she placed her hands together in a praying position before lighting up a blue flame on her finger and flicking it onto the corpse. The smiling corpse then burned in bright blue as the body started to disintegrate. Looking at the flames, Liu Xun gave a silent prayer.

"...Boy, you better get used to this. The life of cultivation is long and lonely. Most often than not, people dear to you will die far earlier than you. Well, that is if you live long enough to see their ends."

The senior gave solemn advice. Liu Xun just remained silent as he watched the blue flames dance as the darkness slowly fades away.

The night is starting to end as the sun could be seen rising from the distant horizon, brightening the scene of the aftermath of the battle. It was only moments after the corpse had burnt away entirely that he collected the ashes and placed it into an urn that was found inside Senior Gan's spatial bag, presumably meant to store pills. Finally, everything that night has ended.










"Or has it?"

A frivolous female voice rang out as her shrill laughter could be heard. Liu Xun and Millie immediately turned around warily as they heard this voice. It was a completely unknown voice that they have never heard before. Yet, a sense of familiarity could be evoked by the manner it is spoken.

"Seriously mouth, sometimes you just need to shut up. Now we can no longer perform any sneak attacks."

An elderly male voice berated her as two figures walked closer to Millie and Liu Xun from the distance. Both of them had a human-like silhouette that was outlined by the faint light of dawn. Still, there was a distinct difference. Both bodies had peculiar features along with the fact that they were completely naked.

The elderly male body has numerous eyes all over his body with a single mouth on his face.

The young female body has numerous mouths all over her body with a single eye on her face.

"Come on eye, we need to give them some chance to fight. We are already completely different levels. I want to taste their despair."

The female crowed out while all the mouths on her body flashed disgusting smiles.

"Seriously, why do you have such bad taste."

The man said out as he facepalmed.

By now, both Liu Xun and Millie knew they were in for a big predicament as these two bodies were obviously the main eye and mouth. But why had they turned into a small human form? It cannot be...

"Well thanks to you little boy, I have now been forced to prematurely advance..."

"Now my power is crippled from reaching the peak and I want my revenge..."

Each of them replied in tandem.

""Now face the wrath of this Nascent Soul senior!""