Silver and Mysteries – Respite


A soft grumble came out.

Recounting the last scene where he had driven his ax into the main eye, and then that flash of prismatic light. Afterward, everything faded to darkness.


The youth shouted out as he suddenly rose up. Yet his current location was no longer the hard asphalt ground nor frozen ice cap at the Yin Frost Basin, he was atop a gentle fur bed. Liu Xun looked around confusedly as he saw simple furniture decorating the room. There was a small delicate tea table along with stools, a small drawer with a copper mirror above it. There were also numerous colorful ornaments lying about or strung up that gave the room a rather homely presence.

Looking down at his body, he noticed that his body was patched up as the previously wounded areas was all bandaged up. A faint lingering scent of medicinal ointment wafted in the air as it mixed with the scented oil that burned from a lamp by the window sill. The areas where he had wounds from the previous fight were covered up with thin gauze as medicinal ointment was applied underneath. Liu Xun stretched his body about. There was no feeling of discomfort or pain. It seems that he had healed up the majority of his wounds already. As he sensed his inner state, he also noticed that most of his internal injuries had also recovered and that his qi pool had shrunk back to its previous size. Okay, perhaps slightly more than his initial state but closer towards his original state of the sixth stage of qi gathering.

He began to look around once again. This was definitely the abode of someone or something. Knowing that he had previously been at the Yin Frost Basin, this person must have rescued him after he and—wait where is Millie? The youth began to look around slightly worried. Even though the current host was kind enough to treat him, he still not seen any signs of that Inverse Core stage senior. Feeling slightly tense while being in foreign territory, Liu Xun hastily got up to his feet as he walked towards the door.


A distant humming was heard as he approached the exit. It resembled the chiming of bells as the light high-pitched voice continued to hum a peaceful and serene tune. A gleam of sunlight flashed into Liu Xun's eyes as he used his hand to cover against it. It was rather bright. It felt as if he had not faced direct light for a decent period of time. While he was being disturbed by the offending light, he had brushed past one of the hanging ornaments. The bell within it danced about as it gave a gentle chime.

" are finally awake."

A kind and calm voice came from the distance. A surprising sight it was. A light pink silk hanfu along with a veiled silk bamboo hat. A girl dressed in such elegant clothing which was reminiscent of a fairy walked up towards him. As she approached with soft and gentle steps, the bells tied to her ankles chimed with a melodious tune.

"Wha-Ehem excuse me fairy, may I inquire the location of Senior Millie?"

Liu Xun was surprised by this pleasant sight before he regained his composure. As a person who was more used to seeing the common girls and women from the villages and towns. It was rare that he had actually encountered such sophisticated and exquisitely dressed ladies, calling them a fairy would be the minimum and perhaps an underestimation of their beauty.


A light and gentle melodious chuckle rang out as the fairy covered her already veiled face with her sleeve. She then slowly parted away the silk veil covering her face as she continued her lighthearted words.

"Hey~Liu Xun, you should stop treating me like a stranger~and Senior Millie, huh. I don't like the way you have distanced away now that you know my cultivation realm. Call. me. as. per. u. sual."

The same beautiful lady from his memories appeared before him, no she was already there from before. Silvery-white luscious flowing hair, pink cherry lips, faint white cheeks, and violet eyes resembling stars. As she enunciated each and every syllable, Liu Xun felt as if he was once again charmed by her presence. It was very much different from her usual wild sexy charm, this time it felt more reserved and resplendent.

"Hey, why are you gawking like that? Is it this dress? I don't really like to wear this since it requires so much effort but seeing your dumb expression makes it kind of worth it~"

Millie's usual playful tone rang out once again as the lady quickly changed from a mysterious beauty to that boisterous and happy young lady that he had been rather familiar with over the last week.

"Oh, no. You have rather surprised me with your current change. A-anyway, what happened to Shaggaroth and the Yin Frost Basin? I know that I had most probably defeated the main eye somehow before I lost my consciousness..."

The youth replied awkwardly as he switched the conversation back to what he was puzzled about. How long ago had the battle been? Noticing his completely recovered wounds and how Millie was already moving about, it must have been at least a short period of time.

"But that dress sure does not fit what you usually wear, it feels like..."

He continued his speech before stopping short of his words. Liu Xun remembered that this was probably a topic he should not be bringing up since Millie herself preferred not to talk about it.

"Luoqi, huh. I guess it really does not suit me after all, a fox to act like a human."

She said out in a melancholic tone.

"That is not what I mean."

Liu Xun corrected himself as he hurriedly changed the topic.

"Anyways, how have you been recovering? Are you doing all right now?"

Millie looked at the flustered youth for a moment with her beady eyes before letting out a soft laugh before answering.

"Um~yeah, we beast tend to have better regenerative abilities, plus~ I am an Inverse Core cultivator! Do not compare me to a qi gathering cultivator~"

She teased out as she looked over to the youth with beaming eyes. After briefly inspecting his condition which seemed to have almost completely recovered, she gently nodded her head as she turned around.

"You seem to be recovering well~hungry? You have been asleep for 10 days already~"


A faint protest came from Liu Xun's stomach as the youth looked down in embarrassment while giving a slight nod.

"Oh, you don't have to feel shy about it. I mean~you probably did not see me feeding you soup in your sleep over the past few days after all!" (Do not do this at home :3 )

Millie continued to chuckle out as she slowly walked towards a larger building. Liu Xun followed behind her back with his head down as he started to remember the condition he woke up in. He was already half-naked with most of his injuries dressed and wiped. Does that mean that she had been taking care of all of his needs? What had she seen?

"If you are wondering about how much I have actually looked at, how cute~. Do not worry, I am a very sensible fox! I did everything with my eyes closed and using my qi vision!"

She said out proudly as if she had protected his dignity completely.

Liu Xun thought silently to himself.

[Not really host, seeing is still seeing. Does not matter if it is with the naked eye or x-ray vision.]

[The Million Suns laughed out and said not to mind it.]

[The Thousand Deceivers nods and says that real men should not be afraid of being seen.]

[The Peerless Jade Scabbard laughed at how cute your reaction is, size is irrelevant.]

[The Most Ancient One said not to mind their remarks.]

[Host, as this is an age-appropriate novel. We always cover up all age-restricted scenes. The broadcasting is stopped during sensitive moments so that the host's privacy is protected.]

[The Thousand Deceivers is asking for a mature audience stream, saying he will donate more.]

[The Thousand Deceivers complains of your pettiness.]

[The Million Suns is complaining that you have not signed in for 10 days already. Pull! Pull! PULL!]

Noticing The Million Suns' complaint, Liu Xun was suddenly reminded. He still had that sign-in penalty for not doing so every day. Since he had been asleep for 10 days, he had a 3-day penalty after that 10x pull before that big fight.

[The Million Suns states that she is having her mantou deficiency syndrome, so pull immediately!

Seriously, what is her issue with mantous?]

Liu Xun thought to himself as he realized that he had entered the neighboring building. There was a table as well as chairs placed in the center of the room as the side contained a partition which from behind drifted the tantalizing scent of food. The urgent protestation of Liu Xun's stomach got even louder as the embarrassed youth quickly took a seat while the chuckling Millie went ahead and brought out the food in porcelain plates.

Sichuan Sweet and Sour Pork.

Black Pepper Beef Stirfry.

Scrambled Eggs With Garlic Chives.

Longan pearl fungus soup.



It seems that this fox lady had a real arsenal of cooking skills. She presented a full course meal with the main course and dessert right in front of Liu Xun that made Liu Xun think that the food he had previously eaten at the famous restaurant back in the White Blossom County was just an average diner.


The silver-haired fox lady smiled as she observed Liu Xun voraciously engulf all of the food presented before him. The perfect amount of spiciness, saltiness, sweetness, and savouriness which she had mastered through those decades of self-practice had finally been put into effect. Taking off her bamboo had, two resplendent white ears could be seen on top of her head as it seemed that Millie had no longer minded appearing in the beastman form with fox ears and six tails.

"So, is there anywhere else hurting at the moment?"

"Nope, it looks like I have completely recovered thanks to Sen...Millie..."

"Yes yes, just call me Millie. If not I will pout hard!"

"Alright, Millie...can I assume that we are back in that valley?"

"Yup, we are in the Small Blue Valley Spring!"

"But...I don't remember seeing this place before?"

"Yeah, I had hidden this place away previously when your group had arrived initially. I cannot allow just anyone to intrude into the private abodes of Luoqi and me."

" that Luoqi that you speak of. The story of the fox abandoning the girl."

"Oh my, you actually remembered my embarrassing tale? Well yeah, Luoqi is the owner of this place. She is part of the Su Clan which is a distant powerhouse."

"Su Clan, huh. There must be many secluded sects, clans, and masters out there."

"There are, though I have not heard anything from her or the clan in the last two hundred years. Yes, I am the fox which was abandoned by that lady back then."

The conversation took a depressing turn as the two exchanged words. Liu Xun could not find a way to continue the conversation as Millie returned to her occasional melancholic state.

"I am sure that Lady Luoqi did not intend to leave you behind. She must be wishing for you to be well and happy."

Liu Xun continued his words as he recalled what he had previously spoken to the white fox under the moonlight by the river.

"Move on and be happy, huh."

Millie responded in a sad tone.

"I did not dare leave this valley to find her. I prayed every night while looking up at the moon for her return. The longer I waited, the more scared I became of leaving this place. I cannot imagine what would happen if I leave just to find out that neither she nor the Su Clan exists anymore."

"So hey, Liu Xun. I have a proposition. Want to live here with me? We can slowly wait for Luoqi to return. Don't worry, I can help you with your cultivation and you will easily be able to reach my level with all the resources over here."

Millie continued to speak as a fire ignited within her somehow.

"Besides, you are my next closest friend besides Luoqi. The person who chose to not abandon me even while fighting Shaggaroth."

She continued her words with a slight blush on her cheeks.

[The Million Suns claps her hands expecting drama.]

[The Thousand Deceivers covers his eyes (with a gap in between).]

[The system is unlocking the romance function...]

What system don't speak of such nonsense! There is no romance going on here, and the great ones as well. Stop teasing me!

A flustered Liu Xun spoke out in his thoughts.

[The system will stop joking about, the romance function does not exist.]

"Ahem...Millie. I appreciate your kindness and am very grateful for your offer."

The flustered Liu Xun replied in a choppy tone.

"But I will probably have to decline. I wish to explore this vast world even if there are dangers out there."

He continued his words in a more resolute and confident tone.

" that right..."

The disappointed lady averted her eyes as she replied.

"I wish to apply to the Thousand Blossoms Sect...their sect recruitment is in...oh wait 31 days! This is bad, I have to return back home soon."

Liu Xun was suddenly reminded by the passing of time that the sect registration period was coming soon and swiftly.

He had barely a month left to travel to the Thousand Blossom Sect. Ideally, he would arrive 3 days prior, so that would leave 28 days or 4 weeks left. Considering he requires about a week to travel from the ranges back home and about another week from home to the sect itself, there are barely two weeks of time left for him to linger about.

"Millie, I can probably stay here for one more week. I will have to prepare for my admission to the Thousand Blossom Sect."

He said apologetically as he clasped his hands together.

[The depressed fox lady had her ears and tails droop even further as she heard these words. It must have taken her great courage to offer him to stay at this place but she was brutally rejected. What a cruel man to crush this young fair lady's hopes.]

Hey system, stop messing with the narrative! Liu Xun cursed out silently as he looked at the downtrodden Millie.

"It is fine. I am used to be the one waiting alone for people to return. I wish for the best of your endeavors!"

Millie shook her head as she resumed her cheerful persona. Liu Xun could tell that she was still disappointed with his response. Of course, her offer sounded tempting as cultivating in peace and silence with success would be an ideal scenario. Yet, deep down he felt that cultivators need to undergo a trial by fire and experience challenges to grow in order to reach the pinnacle. His encounters throughout the Vermillion Ranges and the fight with Shaggaroth had strongly enforced his vision towards that path.

"I will still come back to visit you when I am free if you do not mind that."

He said with a slightly awkward tone as his resolve wavered a tiny bit.

"Yup, sure!"

She smiled out while she replied.

"Alright then, a week huh. Let us go and do some more exploring then!"

Millie said as she started to pack some items into a storage ring.

"Hmm? Are we just not going to rest and recover in this spring?"

Liu Xun tilted his head in confusion.

"What!? Of course not! You haven't seen all the nice parts yet! I guess you still have to recover over the next two or three days to return to your usual condition. But we should go and explore other parts of the Western Region! You know there is a mangrove that has this interesting spirit fruit for Core Formation Cultivators, there is also that spirit beast cave filled with Core Formation beasts which yield some pretty interesting beast eggs. Lots of human cultivators love to collect them as battle companions!"

She suddenly got all enthusiastic as she mentioned all the tourist treasure sites within the Western Vermillion Ranges.

"Millie...I will be too much of a burden to approach the habitats of Core Formation beasts. I will feel bad to trouble you too much. Besides, it would probably at least a decade or two before I worry about Core Formation. I would have to worry about breaking through to Essence Foundation first in the next few years."

Liu Xun scratched his cheek as he replied despondently. He did not want to pour water over Millie's excitement but Core Formation was a rather distant dream for him who was at the sixth stage of qi gathering.

"Huh, but aren't you already approaching Essence Foundation? Your qi feels as if it is already at peak 9th stage of qi gathering?"

Millie replied in surprise.

"Wait what?"