Silver and Mysteries – Aventure (1)

"Liu Xun, look over here!"

Millie pointed out as she began to wave her arm. The bubbly fox lady continues to stare at a bunch of glowing cyan mushrooms.

"Wow, these are Crested Skyfallen Shrooms...these are some pretty rare materials. Even back in the spring, I could not develop any due to its unique way of development."

She stared at the mushrooms happily as she began to hum happily.

"Millie...I currently don't have the time right now."

Liu Xun replied her hastily as he quickly caught his breath.

*Ssssh. Shaaaa. *

*Puchi. Slash. Slash.*

A loud hiss echoes in front of him as he avoided the two frontal attacks. Two black-yellow snakes that were about 1.5 humans tall jumped right at him. Liu Xun parried the initial bite as he pierced his Viradiance Spear right into one of their heads, whilst gracefully avoiding the other bite. Before pulling out his spear, he managed to deal another two more slashes deep into its body.


The first snake which was targeted struggled with pain as it convulsed on the ground before quickly turning limp. It seems that he had managed to reach for its weak spot, the brain. The other snake started to retreat in fear of death upon seeing how its partner had fallen in the blink of an eye.

Mystic Steps. Silent Sparrow.

He said out silently as he rushed forward while thrusting his spear with a twisted revolution of qi. The panicked snake had already begun slithering away furiously with its back turned against as fear overwhelmed it. It was an opportune moment to practice the skill.

Step. Step. Twack.

Mid-attack, his footwork was messed up once again as the qi flow got disrupted. This of course resulted in his lancing attack to miss completely as the flow of qi into the attack got disrupted as well.


"Oof. I should really get better at this."

He said to himself with a sigh as he slowly got himself off the ground.

[Bite attack incoming from the front (Moderate).]

"Oh, so you got some courage after seeing me fall huh."

Liu Xun quickly got to his knees. Letting go of his spear, he grasped upon the handle of his second sword as he released it from his scabbard.


"Swallow's return."

A quick red qi-filled slash. This was slash was embedded with his savage qi which he had found difficult utilizing since he lost his ax. The fast and silent sword draw was quick as it returned to its sheath a short moment after being released. The unsuspecting snake who thought it could ambush the youth did not know that it was already dead as the base of the head separated from the rest of its body.


The head rolled onto the ground as the blood which drifted in the air splashed down onto the ground.

"Hoooh~ not bad."

Millie's impressed voice rang out.

[Warning! Devouring ambush incoming from below (Moderate).]

Liu Xun noted the incoming ambush as he prepared to stand up.

"But, have you seen this."

Millie continued her words as she suddenly appeared before his eyes. Her silver shining hair drifted by his cheeks as the cute 18- year-old-looking lady thrusted her blade down into the ground.


The hidden predator that was hidden within the ground waiting for both parties to weaken did not expect that it was spotted. Yet, there was not much it could do when the blade ran directly through its brain in an instant.

"Liu Xun, you are getting better at fighting since we have met."

Millie said in a cheerful voice.

"But you still have to be careful of hidden threats and counterattacks. It is nice to attempt to practice your newly learned forms but do not show any weaknesses to your enemies or else they will take advantage of you. You are pretty lucky this time."

She continued in a serious tone as she lifted her blade upwards.

*Grack. Crack. Crack.*

The ground rumbled as an entire body flew up from within the ground. The silver-haired lady single-handedly unearthed the hidden enemy as the entire body was thrown up above into the air.


A loud crash was heard as the motionless body fell beside Liu Xun right beside the two dead snakes.

"Peak-qi Malevolent Mambas and a Mid-foundation Sanguineous Centipede, huh. You are getting better at handling higher-level foes. This reminds me, the party you were with previously mentioned that you were also ambushed by a Sanguineous Centipede back then. Twice within one trip, do you have an affinity with them?"

She began to tease out as she broke out into a light smirk while covering her mouth with her hand. (>:3 face basically)

"Well, it seems that these centipedes enjoy targeting the weakest prey around and I have not been able to shake that title off from before and now once again with you."

Liu Xun shrugged his shoulders.

Liu Xun silently thought to himself as he began to drain the blood from the snake and centipede into a bottle.

Millie just waited by the side as he was busy with his task. She looked around bored while swinging her legs as she tried to find other topics of interest.

"Collecting blood for savage qi, huh. I guess you can also try to develop some poison resistance if you try to digest their anti-venom gallbladders. Luoqi's books back at home did mention something about that. Do not stupidly go and eat their venom glands though, those are usually corrosive to the inexperienced laymen. They also taste pretty bad and give you a stomachache."

Millie began to point out while speaking in an experienced manner.

"What? Have you actually tasted one for yourself?"

Liu Xun teased back as he continued with his blood draining.

"Huh? Hmph! This lady is adventurous and bold, but she-she had never gotten any bad experiences from such cases before. Do not mistake it, she is just warning you!"

Millie suddenly got defensive as she pouted and turned her head away.

She definitely tried one of those venom glands, huh.

Liu Xun silent thought to himself as he shook his head while sighing.

Yup, she definitely did. She also had diarrhoea for three days back then. -Heavenly Temptress

A quick word of confirmation as well as a prompt betrayal.

"Hey! What is that sighing and sympathetic look right there! I told you this is just something I heard from someone else!"

Millie quickly rebutted as she noticed Liu Xun's hidden smug look.

"Nothing really. Thank you for advice though, I will treasure it."

He casually mentioned while pacifying the fox.

The youth thought to himself as he continued to tear apart the bodies, dismembering them as he separated the useful bits from the unnecessary things.

"I told you, you are misunderstanding things!"

She continued to deny all allegations desperately as the two continued their conversation as the day passed by slowly.



The fire gently danced in the night.

Liu Xun stared at the naked flame as he slowly recounted his recent experiences once again. Two battles since leaving the valley. One was an easy one with mid-qi stage green spiders which used to be a pain for him in the past. The other was a decent fight against the two black-yellow mambas.

"I am getting better with handling swords now."

Liu Xun spoke to himself softly. Looking beside him, he looked at the silver-haired fox lady who was resting against his shoulder. Previously, he would have been flustered by these intimate actions such as when he first met Millie. However, over time he had gotten used to her presence.


Light breathing sounds were heard as the lady beside him was in a light slumber. Her breath often tickled his neck as she pressed against his side. Liu Xun was slightly bothered by these actions as a light blush came upon him. Yet, he could tell that she was probably just a fox missing company.

[Hmm, she is getting quite good at being a vixen. -Heavenly Temptress]

It seems that The Heavenly Temptress is once again butting in uninvited.

[What do you mean uninvited, you unpleasant curr. -Heavenly Temptress]

She strongly rebutted.

[I am not that free to look at you all day. I just want to check if you remember our discussion yesterday. -Heavenly Temptress]



[Convince that little girl to leave the valley!]

"What? But she still wishes to wait for her dear friend, Luoqi!? Wouldn't you already know that by following her all these years?"


"What is it? Why are you going silent all of a sudden?"

[The one she is waiting for will never return.]

"What!? How could you be sure of that? I know that you are a great one, but to say that her friend would never come back. It can't be..."

[I- I am sort of her friend's patron so I know that she no longer has the ability to return.]

"She...has the Luoqi Millie been waiting for already fade into history?"

Liu Xun's tone turned melancholic as he started to feel pity for the fox who gazes at the moon every night.


"I would find it hard to tell her the truth. Millie will just feel more hurt by then."

[I have already watch her be in that sorry state for two centuries. I do not wish for her to suffer any longer.]


[She has already sacrificed so much just by staying behind in that valley. Her cultivation, her experiences, her dreams.]

"So what should I do then?"

Liu Xun sighed.

[Take her with you!]

"Take her with me? But she is still waiting for..."

[Wife, concubine, pet, anything! Just give her a good reason to no longer stick to that secluded valley!]

"Hey, hey! Those are some very outrageous terms you are labeling her with! We are just friends-yes good friends!"

[Friends? >:3 Is that some hesitation I hear there?]

"No! We are nothing more than just that."

[Even though you are hot and bothered by that kiss? Ufufu~]

"Wha-how much have you seen!?"

[Why do you even bother asking~]

"Stop teasing me already! I get it, I will try my best to give her a good reason to leave that valley."

[But what about the wife part? I mean even second or third wife is fine you know?]

"Stop it with that already! Even Millie herself deserves to look at other people. There...there are definitely way better people than me out there. And you are right, she has yet to see everything out there in the world to make that conclusion."

[Wow, talk about self roast. Still, I like your honesty. You are definitely not the best out there, but you have some good virtues.]

"Whatever, anyways give Millie a reason to go out, right? I still have time to do that while on this trip together."

[Alright then, since you have agreed. System, quest update.]

[Affirmative, quest board unlocked. Updating quest board. Congratulations host, you have received your first optional quest: The Estranged Fox. Open the quest tab to read the details and rewards. Complete the quest with satisfactory completion to obtain better rewards! Enjoy cultivating!]

"A quest, huh? I thought that I would get such a system at some point, but landed with this disappointing system."

[Host, the system isn't disappointing, you are.]

[Ufufu~ I won't disturb you any longer for now. Just remember my request!]




The Estranged Fox (Cannot be declined)


The Mysterious Silver Celestial Heavenly Fox Millie has been waiting for her friend for centuries. Despite knowing that her friend is likely to never return, she still chooses to live alone in the secluded abode within the valley waiting for her dear friend.


1.Bring Millie to the outside world.

2. Give her a reason to no longer stay inside the Small Blue Valley Spring.

3. Get close to her and get an Affection Rating of >100, 000. (Currently: 45, 100)

4. Give The Heavenly Temptress more 'mofu mofu' scenes.

Failure Condition:

1.Millie dies or is hostile to you.

2. You piss The Heavenly Temptress off.

Quest Reward (28%) :

(Improves with better completion rate)

1.??? (Herbs/ Pills/ Weapons)

2. ??? x tickets (lottery chance item from The Heavenly Temptress's offerings)

3. ??? (Companion beast egg/ Spirit root/ Treasure)*

4. Eloquence Charm System Update (Lv 1/2/3)*

5. Maybe Fox Waifu?*

(Anything with a * means you need significant completion to obtain it)

Failure Penalty:

Negative relation with The Heavenly Temptress.


Liu Xun sighed to himself as he massaged his forehead. This simple trip to the Vermillion Ranges has taken many twists and turns. He could not tell what will happen in time to come.

"Oh well, I guess I will have to bear what is to come. Another four weeks more until the sect entrance examinations, huh? I got to do my best!"

He quietly cheered himself on before slowly falling asleep.
