Chapter 6 Guilty, your honor

The vehicle didn't have any windows for her to look outside but judging on what she saw outside when leaving the station, it seemed to be around noon. After an hour's drive, she felt the car come to a halt before the door was opened and she was dragged out. It was then she caught sight of her family and Hu Feng who were waiting for her.

The moment she saw them, it was as if she had lost control of herself and she broke down. Tears fell from her eyes. She missed them so much. Li Mei came rushing to embrace her but she was stopped before she could touch her. "Keep your distance woman," she was reminded. Crying, she nodded before looking at her daughter. She had dark circles under her eyes, definitely she couldn't sleep. She also looked thinner than how she was three days ago. The rest came to stand where they were. "FeiFei, how are you my dear?" she asked. 'Of course, she's not fine. How stupid of me to ask,' she thought before saying," Have they been giving you your food?"

Li Fei nodded at this. She honestly had a lot to say but right now, all words seemed to have faded not leaving her with much to say. "That's good. We came everyday but they didn't let us see you however much we insisted. How are they treating you?" Li Mei did the talking as the rest kept on looking at her. "I'm fine Mom. At least I'm alive. How's Kim Nana and Hun Ting?" Li Fei asked them. She's been thinking about her friends. "You shouldn't worry about them now. We are heading to your trial and I think that it's where we should concentrate," said Li Bao, her father.

He was honestly surprised right now because he had thought that she was going to complain and throw tantrums as to why they hadn't gotten her out of jail but she was calm. A while later, the police dragged her out of there to the courtroom but what she found on the door way stunned her. There were several reporters and when they saw her, they came running and flooded at her firing different questions. They were live streaming everything and the whole world was seeing her pitiful state. "Li Fei, give us a brief story of what happened that night?" "What do you think will be your punishment?"

"Your fans want to know if you're still going to continue with modeling as a career after this scandal?"

"Is there anything you would like to say to the world?" "Do you think that this scandal has something to do with the rapidly falling sales of the Li enterprises?" Li Fei couldn't think of anything to say to them right now. She didn't expect to find them here in the first place. She had thought that the issue was going to remain private but now, everything was out but what surprised her the most were the news of their company falling. Was it the truth? Did it happen because of her? After a few minutes, the officers made way through the reporters and took her inside after seeing that she wasn't going to say anything.

Seeing her reaction on his screen, Jin Liwei was quite satisfied. She had thought that her parents had shielded her crime from coming out basing on her reaction. His phone buzzed and he answered," Master, ain't you coming for the trial?" After much silence, Jin Liwei said," I won't be coming." After hanging up, he went to pick up the two cremation urns and left the room. He knew that if he stood up close to that woman, he might lose it and strangle her to death yet death was a very simple punishment for her.

As soon as Li Fei stepped inside the courtroom, she saw how the late woman's family looked at her with hatred and distaste, not that she expected anything less. Some of her relatives were cursing her. At the front desk was a couple and she guessed them to be her parents. She looked around to see if she could spot Mr Jin, the woman's husband but she couldn't tell if he was present or not given the fact that she didn't know how he looked like.

When she was settled, the lawyer, her parents and Hu Feng came in too after answering a few questions to the reporters. They sat just behind her and her mother assured her that everything was going to be fine. Wang Mel entered the courtroom and sat at the back. Li Mei glanced at the girl's family and found the woman glaring at them. She was supposedly her mother.

After half an hour, the judge was welcomed to the court and Li Fei's heart was thudding in her chest. After the formalities, the processions began as both parties handed in their submissions. The deceaseds' family had enough evidence with the video inclusive. After everything was submitted, Li Fei was called once again to the pulpit and when she came, the Judge looked at her and asked," Miss Li Fei, on 30th June 2020 you knocked down Mrs. Jin Shan when drunk and you're being charged with man slaughter. How do you plead? " Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves, she answered, "Guilty, your honor."

"Is there anything you would like to say to the honourable court before your sentence?" the Judge asked. Silence followed before she said, "I know it won't change anything but.... I would like to say that I'm so sorry for what I did. I greatly regret that night and I will forever live with the burden of guilt. To the woman's family, friends and relatives, I'm so sorry. I know that there's nothing I can say to make forgive me because I don't deserve it. To my parents, I'm so sorry for being a horrible daughter. And to whoever I've wronged, I'm so sorry." She broke down, sobbing heavily.

After a certain amount of time, the judge announced, "Miss Li Fei, I hereby sentence you to seven years in a maximum security prison."