Chapter 8 Code G157H

She analyzed the place where she was going to spend seven years of her life. Before she could look to her heart's content, she was dragged inside but with every step she took, her heart would involuntarily shudder. She had a feeling that her days here were not going to be good at all. They reached a certain door and waited until it opened and a person who seemed to be a prisoner came out. When they entered inside, the officers that brought her left. She stood in front of a fat man who seemed to be looking in some documents. Half an hour later, he raised his head to look at her and asked," You're?"

"I'm Li Fei," she answered and he got his phone then called someone. A while later, the door was opened and in came a woman with a scowl on her face. The man in the room looked at Li Fei and said," I'm Tang Hu, the prison warden. She will show you the rest." With that, the woman harshly got her hand and dragged her out of the office taking her somewhere. Upon reaching the room, she found a panel of members and on sitting, they started interviewing and assessing her.

After the interview, she was told the rules and regulations of the prison, their schedule, what is expected of her as well as her rights which she clearly understood. The whole process took nearly two hours and after removing the handcuffs, the same woman that brought her dragged her out of there. She was taken to another room and there, she was given a grey uniform to change to. When she wasn't shown a place to change to, she understood that they meant her doing it in their presence and she did that. One set of uniform had a trouser, a white camisole and then a grey short sleeved shirt and after, her clothes and jewelry pieces were taken away from her leaving her with nothing that she came with.

She was then given a white box and told to check if all the essentials were there. On opening it, she found a towel, two other sets of uniform, soap, a toilet paper, sanitary napkins, lotion, knickers, deodorant and perfume and so many others. After ensuring that she had everything, she was given code G157H as her identification and she now understood why it was labelled on all her uniforms. She went to the pictures section and several of her of them were taken in different angles.

After all the formalities, the same woman dragged her until they entered the cells of the prisoners. Passing by a number of them, Li Fei clutched the white box in her hands as she felt her knees weakening because of her trembling legs. "Walk faster!!" the woman yelled at her and she quickened her steps. After passing by several cells, Li Fei saw her stand in front of one and opened it before pushing her inside then it was locked right behind her.

Li Fei's Heart shuddered for the hundredth time in the day when she looked inside. It was a medium sized cell with three bunk beds each having three beds making a total of nine people supposed to be in one room.

She found three of them sitting at the centre of the cell room chitchatting and when she came in, they turned their attention to her. She noticed that one was resting on her bed holding and reading a book and she didn't bother to check who had come in. The other four were taking a nap. She stood there looking at the three as they looked at her as well. She didn't know what to say and in a small voice she said," Hello. I'm Li Fei. I've just come here."

Two of them burst into laughter while one held a serious look on her face and she said," Of course you are new. Everyone can see that."

"Okay. Please excuse me," she went to her bed which was the lowest in the corner and squatted before placing her box. She sat on her bed and looked around the cell room then she realized that the three girls were still looking at her. It made her worry not knowing what they were thinking. Were they planning to bully her? Just then, she heard a bell ring and they all stood up stretching and she wondered what was happening. "I'm so hungry. Let's go for supper guys," one of the three said and it's when Li Fei understood that it was time for supper. She sighed at this new life but there was nothing to do other than coping up with it. She decided to stay behind because she wasn't in the mood to eat anything.

She saw the ones that had been sleeping wake up and leave the room. Some didn't see her while others who saw her were surprised. Lastly, the girl she saw reading a book got up to go. She didn't spare her a glance but when she reached the metallic bar door, she turned and asked her," What are you still doing there?" Li Fei didn't get her question and asked," Huh?" "You have only ten minutes to leave this room or else you're going to be punished. There's nothing like I don't have appetite here," with that, she left her in the room.

Li Fei immediately stood up and panicked. She didn't know that eating was compulsory here. After ensuring that her things were safe, she stormed out of the room but she didn't know where the dining hall was. She just followed the other people she found walking. She was taking slow sure steps afraid of knocking anyone in fear of bringing attention as well as trouble for herself. She realized that there were many people leaving the cell rooms not that she expected less. But most people looked at her questioningly and she assumed that it was because she was new.