Chapter 14 Solitary confinement

Enraged, Li Fei stood up and asked," What is the meaning of this? Why did you pour my food?" "Because I felt like it, b*tch! No one dares to take my seat before I'm done with my meal," she said. This attracted everyone's attention and they started gathering around them. Li Fei on seeing this decided to leave but the woman pulled her hand and asked," Where are you going after causing trouble?"

"Let me go," she said as she tried freeing her hand from the woman's grip. "What is happening here?" the head guard reached the scene and when she saw the girl involved, her interest was piqued. The woman said," Head guard, this girl has just stolen my food. I placed it here and told her that I was coming back but I found her eating from my plate and now she's denying it." Li Fei's eyes widened in shock and she said," She's lying. I didn't do anything. She found me sitting- "

"Shut up you b*tch. We can ask everyone if you want to say that I'm lying," she said and surprisingly, almost all the prisoners confirmed that Li Fei had stolen her food simply because she was the one they knew as Li Fei was new. Her eyes welled with tears as she said," I swear I didn't do it. They are lying." "Enough! Since none of you wants to acknowledge their mistake, I will punish you," she said and called the guards. "Take them to solitary confinement," she ordered and both were dragged away as the woman was taken cursing Li Fei saying that she will pay for it.

Li Fei didn't know what she had done because today was such a bad day for her. She was thrown in a very small dark room which was locked on the outside. It was so cold and stinky. She didn't know for how long she was going to stay here. Sitting down, she folded her knees and rested her head on them wondering if her mother wasn't well yet because none of her parents or Hu Feng had ever paid her a visit. She could hear the noise made by some of the inmates who were also in solitary confinement screaming and banging the doors asking to be released.

Her skin got covered in goosebumps due to the cold temperature of the room and she curled her body into a ball in a corner.


Back in Beijing, Li Bao received an exciting message on his email and he immediately called his wife. "Li Mei, I've received a message from Jin Liwei's assistant and he has called me just now. He said that Jin Liwei has finally accepted to talk about Li Fei's case. It seems like we can finally free our daughter," he said. "Really? It's such a miracle. Let's go to Shanghai right away then," she suggested. "I'm coming home so that we can talk about it," he said.

When he reached home, he talked to the condition given to them by Jin Liwei and Li Mei gasped. "It can't be possible. A Billion Yuan? That's a lot of money. Didn't you talk of other alternatives?" she asked. "He was strict and his word was final. His Boss will only meet us after we deposit a Billion Yuan onto his account. I don't know what to do."

"Li Bao, we have to get that money no matter what. It's the only chance we have to save our daughter." "I know that but I don't have even quarter of that on my account. How about you?" he asked. "I don't have much either but we have to think of all ways. We can take a loan from the bank," she suggested.

"You know we can't do that because we already got one. I will ask help from the Hus," he said. "No. That will be so embarrassing. At least sell some of your shares in the company and after, you retrieve them back," she brought another suggestion. He thought about it and said," It's not a bad idea but who will buy them this soon?" "You will have to contact the other share holders. I'm sure that they will be more than willing but you will have to tell them that it's temporary." With that, he started contacting them to see if he could find a buyer soon.


Back to prison, a day had passed since Li Fei had been taken to solitary confinement. It was evening when the head guard made way to her cell room and on opening it, she found her cell mates chitchatting. They all paused and looked at her questioningly when she said," I was told that you have illegal items in here."

They all shared a look before looking at her and she continued," You have phones, weapons and drugs. Get them out this instant because if I search and get them myself, you will be heavily punished." "Head guard, we are clean. Whoever told you lied to you," one said and she gave them a small smile before saying," Your cell mate Li Fei couldn't have lied. Guards! Come and search this entire place."

The cell mates were shocked at the sudden revelation. The new girl betrayed them this instant? She was so dead!

The guards searched in every bed, pouring everything on the floor as they thoroughly checked in every place. Soon, they got the phones, the weapons, drugs, music boxes and many others. This was because the cell mates were caught unaware and among the things taken was Liling's phone. The head guard after gave them a smile and said," I told you. Prepare yourselves for a very severe punishment." With that, she left with the guards as they took the things they had gotten from their room.

"I'm going to kill that b*tch, I swear" one said. "I told you guys that we shouldn't trust her but you insisted. Now see what has happened?" another one argued. "She thinks that she will stay in confinement forever?" the other one asked.

"I think they will change her cell. The head guard won't bring her back here because she knows that we will kill her," another one said.

"I don't care even if she's in our cell or not. I will hunt her," one said.

Liling was sitting on her bed silently thinking about these things. To her, something didn't seem to add up.